Una conexión con CourtTV, en mitad de la vista de hoy. La reportera ha tenido que salir de la sala justo cuando se estaba poniendo un video de la defensa para hacer esa conexión

En principio ese video muestra a Star muy pequeñito, y la defensa lo va a utilizar como prueba para contradecir el testimonio del niño, ya que con su altura y de donde que vió a Michael abusar de Gavin es imposible que lo viese.
La transcripcion del video (gracias a TSColdMan)
Reporter: Hello from the court tv news center. A video was shown in court today as the cross-examination of the accuser's brother continued, turning us live from outside the courthouse is court tv correspondent Savannah guthrie. Hi, Savannah. Tell us about this video.
Guthrie: This is just in the last couple of minutes before I ran out to talk to you, amanda. I'll tell you what led up to it. Tom mesereau was asking the accuser's brother about his ability to see from his vantage point on that stairwell leading up to Michael Jackson's bedroom. This is so important, because it goes right to the heart of whether this child was tall enough to see. So mesereau asked him a couple of questions. You told the grand jury you were about 5'2" then, is that right? I guess so, I don't really know. He said that you said that you weren't at the top of the stairs right? And he agreed, he was not at the top of the stairs. Then they played this video. This is a video that the accuser's brother shot at neverland. It's called the neverland channel. It's obviously something that Jackson and the neverland people do for fun for kids. And, you know, you see the accuser's little brother and he's starring and interviewing somebody. They show him next to an adult woman, a blond woman who's obviously the animal trainer. He's asking questions to her with a microphone and looking up putting like a microphone in her face and interviewing like a reporter basically. I had to run out here, but clearly the implication is, to show just how short the accuser's brother was at the time in question. He's a lot younger looking theN. It obviously was shot contemporaneously with the time he spent at neverland. And they just showed the jurors that video. I'm sure mesereau will be making the point as soon as that video is complete that he was much shorter then and could not possibly have seen Michael Jackson molesting his brother from that place on the stairway.
Reporter: Interesting, Savannah. Something else seemed very important. That is the number of times that the brother allegedly witnessed molestation, changing his story there it sounds like. Tell us more about that.
Guthrie: You know, it sounded like that. I think a lot of reporters, frankly, thought that. And I'm not sure that that's exactly what we have on our hands here. It's a little confusing. But let me just try to explain it. There are two counts of molestation that are in the indictment that the little brother witnessed, that he says he witnessed. And he described them in detail on the stand. He also described another incident during his direct testimony that is not a charged count of molestation, but is another incident he's told the police to the grand jury, and again during his direct testimony about when he was sleeping on the little couch in Jackson's bedroom, and he saw Jackson come in, he says Jackson thought he was asleep. And then Jackson got in bed with his brother, the brother was in the bed, and was sort of scooching up next to him and kind of rubbing alongside him. And the brother said he witnessed that. Well, today tom mesereau asked him about that. And he said, you told the santa barbara sheriff's department that the second molestation you witnessed was from the couch. Well, which was it? Was it from the stairway or were you on the couch? And then the accuser said, well I guess there were three incidents. A lot of people have interpreted that to mean that the accuser's brother is saying that there are now three incidents of molestation. But I hope you understand, and I think there was confusion created, and I think tom sneddon the prosecutor, is going to have to clear this up, because it is confusing, but he hasn't said there's another count. And we've never heard of it. Now there's this third incident and where did it come from. It's something that he consistently described. He described it to the grand jury. He described it during his direct testimony. But the interesting part of the defense here, where they may really have a strong point, is the order in which these things supposedly happened. Apparently indeed he did tell the santa barbara sheriff's department that the second incident he witnessed was this sort of scooching up incident, and that is different from what he described the second incident being to the grand jury, the second incident in that case he said was him walking up the stairs and seeing Jackson in the act of molesting his brother. A little bit confusing. But that's the state of the state here in court. Hope I explained it okay.
Reporter: What about the camera in Michael Jackson's bedroom? Moving on to that part of the evidence. What can you tell us about that?
Guthrie: Well, that was very interesting this morning. You know, yesterday tom mesereau started his cross-examination by pointing out that there's this kind of alarm sensor system set up in Jackson's bedroom. And anytime you walk down the hall toward Jackson's actual bedroom, it is tripped up and there's a little ringing sound. His brother said it was kind of like a ding-ding sound. Now we also hear that evidently, according to this witness, there's a camera placed over the door so that not only is Michael Jackson alerted, you know, through his ears, he also can see in a monitor who it is that's approaching his bedroom. That's the first we had heard about that. Mesereau also talked about what the accuser's brother has said about other security measures in the bedroom, including seven locks on the door, as well as that coated keypad that the boy said he knew the code to. So there's some level of it being, okay, there are seven locks on the door, you need to do the coded keypad to get in there, and there's a sensor that rings a bell, and there's a camera that videos you walking out to the front the bedroom. Obviously being for the defense, how is it that Jackson would not have seen someone coming and stopped whatever he was doing. Obviously the defense has pointed out he wasn't doing anything bad.
Reporter: Fascinating. Can I ask you about the tone of the cross-examination? The accuser's brother is just 14. It sounds like tom mesereau is making a lot of points with him. Is he taking a gentle approach as to not antagonize the jury or is he going a little hard on him?
Guthrie: He's going hard on him in substance. I don't think there's any holds barred there. Mesereau does tend to get a little arg meant tiff. Sometimes when he gets an answer that's conflicting, he will just say, why don't you just tell the jury the truth. That usually draws an objection from the prosecutor, as argumentative, and the judge has been sustaining those. But mesereau is not a real showboater. He keeps it dignified and professional. His voice isn't dripping with disdain or sarcasm, as I've seen some lawyers cross-examine in that particular style. I think he's trying not to seem like he's beating up on this child witness. At the same time, he's asking very tough questions. It's clear that at times this child is getting tired. Maybe getting a little bit flustered. Laughing a little bit. Maybe that's a nervous laugh, I don't know. But certainly an aggressive cross-examination in substance.
Reporter: And Savanah last question, are we still expecting the accuser himself to testify today? Do you think?
Guthrie: Well, it could be. You know, it's hard to say. This cross-examination is still going on. The court day is somewhat abbreviated. We end at 2:30 pacific time. I don't think the redirect of this brother is going to be very long. So if mesereau finishes up this cross-examination, I think we'll have a real short, maybe 15, 20-minute redirect. This judge does not waste time. I don't care if you have three minutes left in the court day, he will actually make them bring the next witness on, swear them and have them sit there and say, okay, court's adjourned. That's actually happened in this court case. I think that's a strong likelihood we'll see the accuser on the stand today, if only for a few minutes.
Reporter: Savannah guthrie reporting live from santa maria, california. We will continue to have live updates from outside the courthouse throughout the day.
MSNBC: [gracias a BooMaster666]
The MSNBC report said that the jury is watching video right now, 3 tapes to be exact. One is Star roaming around Neverland interviewing people like a reporter (something kids do there to have fun...). They are introducing this to show Star's height at the time. We all know why...
Two, a tape of Mike and Gavin walking around Neverland when Gavin was sick. This must be his first visit.
Three, they are showing Star parts of the rebuttal video. Mez asked him about the "script" he was following. Star said that at time he forgot the script, and just said whatever came to mind...
You can just IMAGINE what the jury is thinking about all of this mess...