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[9 de mayo] 55º Día de Juicio: Noticias y Fotos


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La defensa de Michael Jackson sigue una estrategia arriesgada
AGENCIAS - 09/05/2005

La defensa de Michael Jackson retoma hoy las riendas en el juicio en el que se acusa a la estrella de pop de pederastia. Los abogados del rey del pop, que presentarán a Michael Jackson como víctima y no como agresor, iniciaron su estrategia con una apuesta arriesgada al llamar ante el tribunal californiano de Santa María a dos jóvenes que reconocieron haber dormido con el cantante estadounidense cuando eran niños.

Los primeros testigos de la defensa,Wade Robson y Brett Barnes, dos australianos de 22 y 23 años respectivamente, dijeron al jurado -encargado de decidir si Jackson es o no culpable de abusar sexualmente de un menor en febrero y marzo del 2003- que ellos compartieron la cama con el rey del pop a comienzos de la década de los noventa. Ambos aseguraron no haber sufrido jamás abuso sexual por parte de Michael Jackson.

La acusación dirigida por Tom Sneddon, el hombre que desde hace más de diez años sueña con llevar a Jackson tras las rejas por pederastia, ya estigmatizó la semana pasada a los padres que permiten a sus jóvenes hijos dormir con un adulto.

First full week of Jackson defense begins


[size=-1]TIM MOLLOY[/size]

[size=-1]Associated Press[/size]

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - Michael Jackson's attorneys entered the first full week of their defense hoping to refute claims from prosecutors that the singer has a history of molesting young boys.

After the prosecution rested its case Wednesday, Jackson's attorneys presented two men who slept in the singer's bed as boys and said nothing sexual had happened. On Friday, defense attorneys presented the boys' mothers, who said they trusted the singer enough to let their sons sleep in his bed and were convinced that no molestation ever occurred.

The defense was expected to continue Monday presenting witnesses whose testimony was intended to refute claims from prosecution witnesses that they saw Jackson act inappropriately with boys.

Actor Macauley Culkin, a regular guest of Jackson's Neverland ranch in the early 1990s, was expected to be among the witnesses for this portion of the defense's case, though it was unclear when he would testify.

Defense attorneys said in a motion last week that they feared the allegations of past misconduct could strongly prejudice the jury against their client, and they hope to knock the allegations down before beginning the rest of their case.

The defense motion, filed as soon as the prosecution rested, was a request to acquit Jackson on the grounds that prosecutors had not provided enough evidence to prove their case. The judge rejected the motion.

Jackson, 46, is accused of fondling a 13-year-old former cancer patient, plying him with alcohol, and conspiring to detain him and his family so they would rebut a documentary in which he is seen holding hands with his accuser and saying he allows children to sleep in his bed, though he says the sleepovers were non-sexual.


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Última edición:
Tim Molloy:

Un ex-empleado de Neverland acudió para discutir sobre el testimonio de McManus, que dijo haber visto como MJ tocaba a Macaulay Culkin y otros niños de forma inapropiada.

Francine Contreras, trabajó en Neverland de 1991 a 1993, dijo que mientras trabajó con Adrian McManus nunca la escuchó decir nada malo de MJ. También dijo que McManus robó varias pistolas de agua de Neverland.

La fiscalía ha intentado minar la credibilidad de Contreras preguntándole si había sido denunciada por robar en su siguiente trabajo en la tienda Mervyn. Contreras dijo que no fue por robar sino por entrar sin autorización.


Segun Fox, van deprisa, han pasado 3 testigos en lo que va de vista.
Jim Moret:

Un jefe de seguridad está ahora en el estrado, hablando sobre las entradas y salidas en Neverland, dice que los cochecitos de golf pueden accionar las puertas de Neverland para que se abran automáticamente, y que puedes salir andando del rancho si quieres, con esto dice que no pueden retenerte en el rancho.
Ante la fiscalía un guarda del rancho dijo que Janet Arvizo estaba suplicando un trabajo porque necesitaba dinero y llegó a decir que dormiría en su coche fuera de las puertas del rancho hasta que le dieran trabajo como 'housekeeper' en Neverland. Dicen esto para que no parezca una estafadora.
La defensa está usando su estrategia usual diciendo que los "sleepovers" (dormir con niños) eran normales para MJ. Es un riesgo para la defensa pero una vez que hagan creer que los "sleepovers" eran normales en Neverland, pordrán decir que Michael no abusó de nadie.

Mike Cardoza:

La fiscalía está diciendo continuamente que los testigos de hoy habían tenido otros problemas en el pasado, que habían sido acusados en el pasado.
La defensa debería tener cuidado con la caravana de famosos, estos deberían tener algo de interés que aportar o el jurado podría sentirse manipulado y tener una reacción adversa.

Raymone Bain está hoy en la corte.
(Pongo la noticia en Ingles y un resumen en español más abajo)

Safety coordinator says visitors not blocked from leaving Neverland ranch


The safety coordinator at Michael Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch testified this morning that there are no barriers preventing visitors from leaving the property.

Violet Silva, an employee at Jackson's ranch near Los Olivos since 1991, testified that a vehicle gate on the property can be opened by something as light as a golf cart and that one can easily exit the property on foot.

The woman also testified in Superior Court in Santa Maria that the confidentiality agreement all visitors to Neverland must sign were necessary to ensure that people wouldn't sell their stories to the media.

"The purpose is to keep you from profiting from your experience there," Silva said.

The line of questioning by defense attorney Robert Sanger was intended to show that confidentiality agreements weren't designed to mask criminal activity at the ranch..

Also this morning, Francine Contreras, an employee from 1991 to 1993, said she saw items that belong to Jackson at the home of housekeeper Adrian McManus.

McManus said she had them at her home for ironing, which Contreras said didn't explain why she had a hat.

"You can't iron a hat," the woman said.

The woman later admitted she had been charged with trespassing at a local Mervyn's store.

Jackson, 46, has pleaded not guilty to four counts of molesting a 13-year-old boy and four counts of administering alcohol to help him with the alleged lewd acts. He also has pleaded not guilty to the conspiracy charge and a count of attempted child molestation.

The Santa Maria Times, following its established policy, is not identifying those who allege they were abused by Jackson, even though they are being named in court.

Staff writer Quintin Cushner can be reached at 805-739-2217 or qcushner@pulitzer.net.


- Violet Silva (coordinadora de la seguridad de Neverland) ha testificado esta mañana que no hay barreras que prevengan la salida de los visitantes de Neverland, es decir, que pueden salir cuando quieran.

- Violet trabaja en Neverland desde 1991.

- Todos los visitantes a NL firman un acuerdo confidencial para asegurar de que no vendan sus historias a los tabloides. Segun ella el proposito de esto era para evitar que te beneficies "monetariamente" de la experiencia (de estar en NL). La linea en que Sanger hacia el interrogatorio era para mostrar que los acuerdos confidenciales no fueron diseñados para ocultar actividades criminales en el rancho.

- También ha declarado Francine Contreras, pero eso ya lo ha resumido Xtar antes... :p
Última edición:
El artículo de Tim Molloy (Agencia AP) de lo sucedido en la corte hasta ahora:


Former Jackson Employee Disputes Charge

By TIM MOLLOY SANTA MARIA, Calif. - A former employee of Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch was called to the stand in his child molestation trial Monday to cast doubt on the testimony of an ex-maid who claimed the pop star inappropriately touched actor Macaulay Culkin and other boys.

Francine Contreras testified that while working at the ranch from 1991 to 1993 she never heard the maid, Adrian McManus, say anything bad about the singer.

Contreras also cast McManus as a pilferer, saying the maid had at her home a display of hats, pajamas, watches, T-shirts and other items taken from Neverland.

McManus would leave the ranch with a laundry basket, saying it was clothes she needed to iron for Jackson, Contreras said.

The witness also described McManus taking home some toy squirt guns from Neverland that were supposed to be wrapped as gifts for children.

Contreras and other current and former Neverland employees were called as the defense began its first full week of presenting witnesses to the jury.

Also testifying was Neverland security chief Violet Silva, who described measures to guard the 2,700-acre ranch and a confidentiality agreement all who enter must sign.

The document, under which people agree to not take pictures or to record anything, is intended "to keep you from profiting from your experience there," Silva said.

Defense attorney Robert Sanger asked if the agreement is intended to conceal any untoward or illegal activity.

"No," Silva said.

The defense began its case last week after the prosecution rested. Defense witnesses last week included two young men who said they slept with Jackson and were not molested, and their mothers who expressed trust in Jackson.

McManus had testified for the prosecution that she saw once Jackson kiss Culkin on the cheek while his hand was on Culkin's bottom. She described similar scenes with other boys.

Culkin, a regular guest at Neverland in the early 1990s, is expected to be among defense witnesses, though there has been no indication when he might be called.

McManus' credibility was attacked by the defense, which showed that she and her husband were found to have defrauded three children of more than $30,500 and in another lawsuit was assessed $30,000 for stealing a sketch of Elvis Presley by Jackson and selling it to a tabloid.

Similarly, the prosecution sought to challenge Contreras' character by asking if she had been prosecuted for stealing at her subsequent job at a Mervyn's department store.

Contreras said she was prosecuted for trespassing, not stealing.


In brief testimony, a former head of housekeeping at Neverland said that the mother of Jackson's accuser asked her for a job during the mother's first visit to the ranch.

Gayle Goforth said the mother told her she was worried about her son's health and that she was having money problems.

"She asked me if I would give her a job at the ranch," Goforth said.

Goforth said she noted the ranch was far from the family's home in Los Angeles but that the mother said she was willing to move.

"I told her that the rents were very expensive in the area. She said, 'I'll come and I'll sleep in the car if I need to,'" Goforth testified, saying she tried to end the conversation.

"I thought that her being a guest and everything it wasn't appropriate," Goforth testified.

Goforth said she was suspended over a mix-up involving a sale of property from Neverland and that she the quit because she was offended.

"I was suspended over the sale of some furniture that I thought was allowed to be done," she said.

She said she didn't know if Jackson was the one who had disciplined her but she assumed he was.

AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.

A service of the Associated Press(AP)


Ex empleada desmiente acusaciones contra Michael Jackson


SANTA MARIA, California - Una ex empleada de la mansión Neverland de Michael Jackson subió el lunes al estrado para disputar el testimonio de una criada que acusó al cantante de manosear al actor Macaulay Culkin y a otros muchachos.
Francine Contreras, que trabajó en la mansión entre 1991 y 1993, dijo que mientras trabajó con la criada Adrian McManus nunca escuchó decir nada malo acerca del cantante.

Con el testimonio comenzó la primera semana completa en que el caso es presentado por la defensa. Previamente, dos adolescentes testificaron la semana pasada que cuando eran niños durmieron en la misma cama con Jackson y éste no abusó de ellos. Sus madres dijeron que tenían confianza suficiente al cantante como para permitir a sus hijos dormir en su alcoba.

Jackson llegó poco antes de reanudarse el testimonio, escoltado por un ayudante que portaba un paraguas, y acompañado por sus padres y por su hermano Jermaine.

McManus, llamada por la fiscalía, dijo que vio una vez a Jackson besar a Culkin en una mejilla, mientras su mano descansaba en la parte posterior de Culkin. Ella describió escenas similares con otros niños.

Culkin, quien era un invitado regular a Neverland a comienzos de la década del noventa, podría figurar entre los testigos de la defensa. El astro de la serie "Home Alone" tiene ahora 24 años.

La credibilidad de McManus fue cuestionada por los abogados de la defensa, que mostraron que ella y su esposo defraudaron a tres niños en más de 30.500 dólares. En otra demanda judicial, se le ordenó pagar 30.000 dólares por robar un bosquejo de Elvis Presley hecho por Jackson y venderlo a un tabloide.

La fiscalía, por su parte, intentó poner en entredicho el caracter de Contreras al preguntarle si no había sido procesada por haber robado objetos en su siguiente empleo en una tienda por departamentos. Contreras respondió que había sido procesada por ingresar sin autorización en una propiedad ajena, no por robar.

Jackson, de 46 años, es acusado de abusar sexualmente de un niño de 13 años. Si bien admite que varios niños solían dormir en su cama, dijo que no era con propósitos sexuales.
Diane Dimond: Joe Marcus será el próximo en testificar. Joe Marcus fue quien escribió el mensaje "Los Arvizo no pueden salir de la propiedad" en la pizarra o el que dio la orden.
Última edición:
Jane Sakyer (no se de que cadena) dice que:

- El mal comportamiento de Gavin en la marina fue notado 7 meses antes de los supuestos abusos.

- No solo Gavin y Star conducian a lo loco en los carritos de golf, también lo hacían con furgonetas y el ¿navegador? [navigator] de Michael. Tenían un comportamiento peligroso cuando estaban en Neverland.

- Las llaves se dejan dentro de los coches en Neverland por razones de seguridad [esto no lo he entendido, pero es que no hay otra manera de traducirlo :cuñao, os dejo la original] -> keys are kept inside the cars at neverland for secuirity reasons!
Artículo de CNN [No pone casi nada nuevo que no sepamos ya de hoy]

Housekeeping chief: Accuser's mother sought job at Neverland

Monday, May 9, 2005 Posted: 2:47 PM EDT (1847 GMT)

SANTA MARIA, California (CNN) -- The mother of Michael Jackson's teenage accuser asked for a job at Neverland Ranch during her family's first visit there, the ranch's former housekeeping supervisor testified Monday.

Additionally, the accuser's mother offered to sleep in her car to be available for work at Neverland, because the family was "having money problems," Gayle Goforth testified.

Testifying for the defense, Goforth told jurors in the pop star's child molestation trial that the accuser's mother made the request during the family's first visit in 2001, as the boy was battling cancer.

Goforth said she tried to dissuade the mother by pointing out the more than 100-mile drive to the ranch from her home in Los Angeles. She said the mother offered to move to the Santa Ynez Valley, where Neverland is located.

Told that rents in the valley were high, the accuser's mother said she was "prepared to sleep in her car" to take the job at Neverland, Goforth said.

However, during cross-examination, prosecutor Ron Zonen tried to undercut Goforth's account by pointing out to jurors that the mother at that time had a job and did not have a car.

Monday marked the beginning of the first full week of the defense case in the Jackson trial, with his attorneys bringing to the stand witnesses designed to undercut the testimony of earlier prosecution witnesses, including the accuser's mother and Adrian McManus, a former Neverland maid who said she saw Jackson fondling several young boys, including child movie star Macaulay Culkin.

Another former maid who worked with McManus, Francine Contreras, testified Monday that during a visit to McManus' home, she saw items on display that had been taken from Neverland, including hats, pajamas, watches and T-shirts.

She also said she saw McManus take items from the ranch in a laundry basket, hidden under clothes McManus was taking home to iron as part of her duties. Contreras also said McManus "always talked good" about Jackson.

Zonen tried to turn the tables on Contreras' theft allegations against McManus, asking if she had been fired from her job at a department store for stealing.

"No, sir. Trespassing," Contreras said.

Jackson arrived at the Santa Maria courthouse Monday morning with his parents and brother Jermaine. He work a dark suit and vest with small polka dots and a striped armband.

A grand jury indicted the 46-year-old pop star last year on charges of molesting a boy, then 13, giving him alcohol and conspiring to hold him and his family captive in 2003.

Jackson has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

CNN's Dree De Clamecy contributed to this report.

Última edición:
Un poco más de lo dicho por Violet Silver (coordinadora de seguridad de Neverland) que aunque se ha puesto, aqui viene más "en detalle" ;).

-> Mrs. Silver dijo que cualquiera que se sientise secuestrado en Neverland podía huir facilmente. Los carritos de golf usados por los invitados para ir por el "estado" (me imagino que se refiere al rancho) estaban equipados con control remoto electrónico que les permitía abrir automaticamente las puertas, dijo.

[Daily Telegraph Australia / Agencia AFP]
Última edición: