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[12 de mayo] 58º Día de Juicio: Noticias y Fotos


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MJH Team
Ya que en este tipo de post se genera mucha información, hemos abierto dos post para este tema. Uno en Noticias y el otro en Opinión y Debate.

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Segun Mike Taibbi, hoy se verán otros 30 minutos de las tomas no incluídas en el Living. El siguiente testigo será el abogado David LeGrande que dirá que Michael no tuvo nada que ver con el grupo de "control de daños" organizado tras la emisión del documental.

Jennifer London dice que en la parte final del video, Michael dice que sería capaz de morir por sus tres hijos.

Dicen que la forma en que habla Michael en el video le creará bastante simpatía en el jurado. Segun una analista, el video puede hacer que el jurado decida si lo que ve es un niño de corazón o un abusador. Que es fuerte ver como habla de los niños, de su amor por ellos y que nunca le traicionarían como han hecho los adultos.
Carlos Velasco es hijo de un jardinero de Neverlnd.

La proyección del video donde sale Michael hablando es lo más parecido a que el propio MJ testifique.

David LeGrand, que se espera que diga que no hubo conspiración

Creo que esto lo vieron ayer: Bashir le dice a Michael; "Tus discos dieron forma a mi vida, mis momentos románticos".

Un amigo dice que el acusador de Jackson nunca habló de abusos

By Quintin Cushner/Staff Writer

Un amigo y compañero de clase de un chico que acusó a Michael Jackson de abusos a principios de los 90 testificó hoy que el acusador nunca le mencionó el supuesto abuso.

Carlos Velasco estudiaba en el Santa Maria High School con un chico que anteriormente testificó que los juegos de cosquillas con Jackson llevaron a toqueteos sexuales por parte del cantante.

Velasco dijo que era un amigo del acusador, quien también iba al Santa Maria High y es hijo de una ex sirvienta del rancho de Neverland.

Velasco, también hijo de un ex empleado de Neverland, dijo que su amigo nunca le mencionó el supuesto abuso. También dijo que asistió a varios actos en el rancho con el acusador y no notó que Jackson tratara al acusador de una forma diferente al resto.

"(Jackson) hablaba con nosotros" dijo Velasco. "No era específicamente sólo con el acusador"

Las acusaciones hechas por el chico no fueron nunca litigadas ya que Jackson le pagó varios millones para llegar a un acuerdo.

Esta mañana también testificó un abogado de Las Vegas que representó a Jackson en 2003. David LeGrand testificó sobre los hechos que rodeaban al debut del controvertido documental del artista.

David LeGrand dijo que Jackson le 'contrató' en enero de 2003 después de que algunos clips de "Living With MJ" aperecieran en televisión. LeGrand dijo que juntó a un grupo de abogados y de relaciones públicas para demandar a Grenada Television, la productora británica del programa.


LeGrand testificó que no se redactó un contrato propiamente dicho al comienzo de la producción, y que Jackson no recibió dinero por su participación en el documental.

LeGrand dijo que a Jackson le preocupaba que sus hijos aparecieran en el documental, sobre el cual pensaba que suponía un riesgo para ellos.

Última edición:

Jackson Says: 'Adults Have Let Me Down' 1 minute ago

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The jury in the Michael Jackson trial watched a video Thursday in which the journalist who made a damaging documentary about the pop star actually praised him as a parent.

"Your relationship to your children is spectacular," Martin Bashir said to Jackson during the making of the documentary. "It almost makes me weep."

The videotape was recorded by Jackson's personal videographer as Bashir and his crew were interviewing the star for "Living With Michael Jackson," which aired in 2003 and caused a stir because Jackson stated that he let children sleep in his bed, though he said it was non-sexual.

The boy who is now accusing Jackson, 46, of molestation appeared with Jackson in the program.

Despite his praise of Jackson in their conversation, Bashir expressed strong concern about Jackson's parenting in the actual documentary.

Jurors began watching the tape Wednesday after actor Macaulay Culkin testified that as a boy he bonded with Jackson because of their shared experience as child stars and slept in his bed, but was never molested, as the prosecution has claimed.

The tape allowed Jackson to defend himself in court without taking the stand or being subject to cross-examination by prosecutors, who had sought to exclude the video.

When the viewing continued Thursday the jury heard Jackson talk about how he had two children with former wife Deborah Rowe — calling them a "gift" — and a third child by a surrogate mother.

Of the surrogate, he said he only wanted to know that "she's healthy and her vision is good and her intellect. I wanted to make sure her intellect was good."

When Bashir praised his relationship with his children, Jackson said, "I'm crazy about them. I look in their eyes and I say I love you every day."

He also said it was difficult for a celebrity to maintain a marriage.

"One day I'll be married again. I'm married to my fans, to God, to my children. I'm married to life," he said.

Earlier, Jackson was shown on videotape saying, "I haven't been betrayed or deceived by children. Adults have let me down."

"I'm not a nut," Jackson said. "I'm very smart. You can't come this far and be a nut."

After the video concluded, the defense began calling new witnesses.

Carlos Velasco, the son of a gardener at Jackson's Neverland ranch, was asked about a maid's son who testified earlier in the trial that he was groped by Jackson when he was a little boy.

Velasco said that he encountered the boy every year at "family day" at Neverland and then they went to high school together and became friends.

"Did you hear or see anything that suggested to you that (he) was molested by Michael Jackson?" asked defense attorney Robert Sanger.

"Never," said Velasco.

Prosecutor Gordon Auchincloss asked Velasco if he ever slept with Jackson. The witness said no.
*Court TV - Savannah Guthrie*

- David LeGrande ...."up to no good and that he became very suspicious of the co-conspirators". He also said he knew they were stealing and that if there were any conspiracy, they (co-conspirators) made it up and Michael had nothing to do with it.

- Geragos..... Scheduling conflict and may not testify until Monday. He will talk about the Arivos family and co-conspirators. All the info he gathered on them all.


No puedo traducir ahora mismo porque me tengo que ir, sorry.
Intento Traducir lo que puso Mó_Ònw4lk3r:

Court TV - Savannah Guthrie*

- David LeGrande - "up to no good.... que el estaba sospechando de los co-conspiradores" También dijo que que ellos estaban robando y que si hubo alguna conspiración, ellos (los co-conspiradires) lo hicieron todo y Michael no tuvo nada que ver con eso.

- Geragos..... Problemas de horario y puede que no testifique hasta el Lunes. El hablará sobre la familia Arvizo y los co-conspiradores. Toda la información que reunió de ellos.
Attorney: Filmmaker 'misrepresented' intentions to Jackson
Thursday, May 12, 2005 Posted: 1844 GMT (0244 HKT)

SANTA MARIA, California (CNN) -- Michael Jackson signed "terrible contracts" with British journalist Martin Bashir prior to the filming of an unflattering television documentary, Jackson's former attorney said Thursday.

Additionally, Bashir never followed through on a promise to let the pop star "screen and edit" the final product, testified David LeGrand.

Taking the stand for the defense in Jackson's child molestation trial, LeGrand said he "found it hard to believe" Jackson had signed two, one-paragraph documents giving Bashir and Grenada Television the rights to the footage shot at Neverland Ranch, including an interview with Jackson.

LeGrand said such contracts are usually specific and detailed. The agreements Jackson made with Bashir were neither, he said. Jackson also did not receive any money from the production, which LeGrand said earned "millions" of dollars.

The footage, shot in the summer and fall of 2002, formed the basis for the documentary "Living With Michael Jackson," which aired in Britain on February 3, 2003. Three days later, ABC aired a slightly different version of it in the United States.

LeGrand said that in January 2003, before the program aired, he was asked by Jackson to assemble a team of lawyers in Britain and the United States because he was concerned that no one in his camp had been allowed to review the final work.

LeGrand said Grenada TV insisted that it had the rights to the material, but the production company agreed to several concessions:

No outtakes from the footage would be used to create a second program.

The documentary would not be sold as a videotape or DVD.

Faces of Jackson's children would be obscured.

The documentary, which sparked a worldwide media sensation when it aired, showed Jackson holding hands with the then-13-year-old boy who now says the entertainer molested him. In the documentary Jackson also defended his practice of allowing children to sleep overnight in his bed.

A grand jury indicted Jackson last year on charges of molesting the boy, giving him alcohol and conspiring to hold him and his family captive in 2003. Jackson pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Jury see videotaped conversations
LeGrand told jurors that he believed Bashir "had misrepresented to Mr. Jackson what they were going to accomplish in this production."

On Wednesday and Thursday, the defense -- trying to support its contention that Bashir deceived Jackson -- played for jurors nearly three hours of video of Bashir's conversations with Jackson. The footage was shot by the pop star's personal videographer, Hamid Moslehi, who had his cameras trained on the British journalist when he was at Neverland.

The footage showed Bashir heaping praise and flattery on Jackson, calling him a "musical genius" and a "stupendous" performer with an "extraordinary voice" who had an "incredible" interaction with children.

When Jackson at one point complained that media coverage of him is often "twisted," Bashir assured him, "We aren't going to do that here." He also told Jackson that the entertainer was "looking so sexy" during the taping.

"Women are going to be taking their pants off and throwing them at the screen," Bashir said.

LeGrand said Jackson filed a lawsuit against Bashir and Grenada over the program; that suit is still pending, but LeGrand is no longer involved. He said he was "terminated" by Jackson on March 28, 2003, less than two months after the program aired.

LeGrand did not tell jurors why he was fired.

Also Thursday, Carlos Velasco -- the son of a Jackson employee who attended high school with a boy who testified earlier in the trial that Jackson molested him -- said the boy never spoke about being molested at the time.

Velasco also said he saw Jackson and the boy together on several occasions and never saw or heard anything inappropriate.

However, under prosecution questioning, Velasco admitted that he did not know whether molestation had actually occurred.

CNN's Dree De Clamecy contributed to this report.

May 12, 2005, 3:16PM

Director de documental perjudicial para Jackson alabó al artista
© 2005 The Associated Press

SANTA MARIA, California, EE.UU. (AP) _ La defensa de Michael Jackson en el juicio que se sigue al cantante por abuso de menores presentó el jueves un vídeo en cual el autor de un documental negativo para el artista elogia sus dotes de padre.

"Su relación con sus hijos es espectacular", dijo a Jackson el director británico Martin Bashir durante la filmación del documental. "Casi me hace llorar".
El vídeo fue grabado por el camarógrafo personal de Jackson mientras Bashir y sus técnicos entrevistaban a la estrella pop para el documental "Living With Michael Jackson", que se transmitió en el 2003 y ocasionó un revuelo porque Jackson admitió en una de sus escenas que dejaba a los niños dormir en su lecho, aunque advirtió que no se trataba de un acto sexual.

Un niño que entonces tenía 13 años, y que ahora acusa a Jackson de haber abusado de él, aparece en el programa junto con el cantante de 46 años. Pese a sus elogios durante su conversación, Bashir expresó graves preocupaciones acerca de la conducta paterna del artista en la narración del documental.

Los jurados comenzaron a ver el vídeo el miércoles, después de que el actor Macaulay Culkin declaró que cuando niño se hizo amigo de Jackson debido a que ambos tuvieron experiencias similares como estrellas infantiles y agregó que durmió en su lecho de la hacienda Neverland, pero nunca fue objeto de abusos sexuales tal como ha afirmado la fiscalía.

Al concluir el vídeo, el hijo de un jardinero de Jackson, Carlos Velasco, dijo que veía con frecuencia al hijo de una sirvienta que declaró previamente en el juicio que el artista se propasó con él cuando era niño.

Velasco dijo que se había reunido con el niño cada año en el "día familiar" de Neverland y que luego fueron juntos a la escuela superior y se hicieron amigos.

"¿Vio o escuchó usted algo que le sugiriese que (el hijo de la sirvienta) había sido víctima de abusos sexuales por parte de Michael Jackson?", preguntó el abogado defensor Robert Sanger.

"Nunca", dijo Velasco.

El fiscal Gordon Auchincloss preguntó a Velasco si durmió alguna vez con Jackson. La respuesta del testigo fue negativa.


ese mismo titular lo encontrareis aki;



Última edición:
MJ-dangerous dijo:
Geragos..... Problemas de horario y puede que no testifique hasta el Lunes.
Segun Court Tv, Mark Geragos no tiene tiempo para aparecer hasta el lunes,k pero Melville ha emitido una citación para que aparezca a las 8:30 de mañana viernes.