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[25 de mayo] 67º Día de Juicio: Noticias y Fotos


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MJ Accuser's Mom Had $20K Deal for Story

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

By Roger Friedman

$20G MJ Story | MJ Video Missing | Accuser's Mother's Faked Bruises

MJ Accuser's Mom Had $20G Deal for Story

A contract for $20,000 between two British tabloid reporters and the mother and stepfather of Michael Jackson's accuser has surfaced.

The reporters, Alec Byrne and David Gardner, thought they were being called as defense witnesses in the Jackson child molestation case and were all set to bring in this vital document.

When the accuser's mother, Janet Arvizo, testified, she told the jury she "wasn't the kind of person" to sell her story, but apparently she was indeed.

In fact, Byrne and Gardner got pictures of the Arvizo family that were published abroad because they first went to Arvizo's mother's house in El Monte, Calif., back on Feb. 4, 2003. That was the day after the Martin Bashir documentary "Living with Michael Jackson" aired in Britain.

Maria Ventura, who speaks only Spanish, put the reporters on the phone with Arvizo when they arrived. When she heard they wanted to buy her story, she exclaimed, "You are my angels" and instructed her mother to give the men pictures she had of her children.

Arvizo then gave the reporters a few quotes, which were used in the story that was published that weekend in the U.K. and in Australia.

So, why has this story not surfaced in the Jackson trial? It would impeach the testimony of both Arvizo and her husband, Jay Jackson. That they didn't follow through with the sale is a missing link in the story that comedian Chris Tucker will tell today in court.

Evidently, Arvizo called Tucker when she had the reporters up to $20,000.

In his testimony, Jay Jackson said it was $15,000 and that he turned it down. However, in court today, Tucker is likely to say that at this point, Arvizo wanted to find Michael Jackson. If her story was worth that much to the Brits, she must have figured it would certainly be worth as much to Jackson for her to keep quiet.

The reporters say that when they came to meet Arvizo at the appointed time, she had vanished. Tucker should testify to his end of the story. The defense, which has not been strong on outlining the timeline in the case, may or may not be able to put this together for the weary jury.

Why Byrne and Gardner were not called remains a mystery of this trial. They could have easily impeached the testimony of both Jay Jackson and Arvizo. The article that was published would have been a damning bit of evidence.

Important Videotape Missing

Where is the "secret" videotape that was shot of the packing and moving of the Arvizo family in the Michael Jackson case?

It was not played by the prosecution when it unveiled surveillance videos of the family made by Mark Geragos' private investigator, Brad Miller, several weeks ago.

Where is this tape? Why hasn't it been shown? Does the defense even know about it?

Suddenly this much-talked-about move is about to come back into the Jackson trial as an issue.

On Thursday, I've learned, District Attorney Tom Sneddon, desperate to rehabilitate the much debased conspiracy charge against Jackson, will bring in the mover who put the Arvizos' things into storage.

All of Dino's Moving and Storage records have been subpoenaed as well. This could all backfire for the prosecution because a June 2003 letter from Miller to Arvizo attorney William Dickerman releasing the storage vaults back to the Arvizos is said to be among the papers. Geragos is carbon copied on it.

If the letter appears and makes it into evidence, Sneddon may have a lot of explaining to do. He raided Miller's office months later because he said he thought Miller worked for Michael Jackson. The letter, sources say, would prove Sneddon knew otherwise.

Then there's the family's famous stay at the Country Inn and Suites in Calabasas, Calif. Why haven't the receipts from that little adventure come into play for the defense?

This column was the first to reveal Janet Arvizo's numerous phone calls to family and friends during her "kidnapping." And here's something else we haven't seen presented: Arvizo demanded that Miller buy her a set of red Kipling luggage for the trip to Calabasas. She was very specific about the brand and color.

"She didn't want people to see her things in plastic bags," a source said.

The defense has the receipts, I am told.

Sneddon has asked to analyze more of Geragos' phone records in a last-ditch effort to pump up the conspiracy. But did no one ever ask to see the Neverland phone records between Feb. 20 and March 12, 2003? They would show innumerable calls to numbers well known to the prosecution: Janet Arvizo's friends and family.

As for Dickerman: If all the issues involving him return during the rebuttal, it would be interesting to see him come back and answer some of the questions I posed in yesterday's column.

To wit: He testified that his first meeting with Janet Arvizo was on Feb. 25, 2003. But Arvizo herself said she met him in his office on the 21st in his Century City office, and then again on the 25th at the Laugh Factory.

At neither time did she mention she had been kidnapped or was being held hostage. Dickerman, an officer of the court, never picked up the phone and called the police or the FBI. You would think a Hollywood lawyer who has to meet his client in a comedy club on the sly might have asked one or two questions more than Dickerman said he did on the stand. My guess is he did.

Booking Picture Tells Many Stories

Yesterday's double punch of the paralegal and attorney who represented Janet Arvizo in her J.C. Penney lawsuit, in which she won $152,000, was powerful stuff.

Mary Holzer testified that Arvizo confided in her that the pictures in which she appeared battered and bruised from head to toe and which she and her husband submitted for the civil case were faked.

Arvizo told her she got the bruises not from the J.C. Penney security guards, but from her husband. Holzer said Arvizo noted that her brother-in-law was in the Mexican mafia and could have her and her kids killed if she spilled the beans.

The lawyer who worked on the case testified that he was shocked when the case finally got to court and Arvizo said she had been sexually molested by the J.C. Penney guards. In 25 conversations about the incident, Arvizo had never mentioned it to him. He also concluded that he had been fooled by her.

Holzer's story made the most sense. And you may recall that when the prosecution first showed the pictures of a battered Arvizo a few weeks ago, we wrote that they were not from the J.C. Penney incident. Sources knowledgeable about that event told us that right away.

Luckily, The Drudge Report published Arvizo's mug shot from the Penney's arrest and it showed no signs of bruises. That's because they were added later.

Michael ha llegado ya :)

Jennifer London on MSNBC :

- La fiscalía anunció que llevarán a 5 o 6 testigos para el rebuttal.

- El jurado podría comenzar a deliberar la semana que viene.






Foto de hoy de Chris Tucker XD .


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Última edición:
Court Tv: Savannah dice que Chris está dando muchas explicaciones y que es un testimonio muy fuerte. Fue contactado por los Arvizo porque buscaban a Michael tras la emisión del Living... Les dejó subir en su avión y cuando llegó a Miami, se quedó a solas con Michael y le dijo que vigilara a la familia, que les notaba raros. Mientras hablaba con él, cree que Janet Arvizo estaba intentando interrumpirles y llamaba a la puerta porque no quería que Chris se quedara sólo con Mike. Dice que los chicos eran muy "astutos" y "manipuladores" y jugaban con el hecho de que Gavin tuviera cancer y sabían que a Chris le darían pena. "Chris, no me siento bien, comprame esto, comprame aquello". También está hablando del comportamiento de los chicos en el plató de Rush Hour...

Mez ha terminado con Chris, ahora está la fiscalía en el cross.
Este post es la traducción del artículo que ha puesto MJForever en el post número 2; el link de la noticia lo podéis ver ahí.
La madre del acusador de MJ tenía un contrato de 20.000 dólares por la historia.

Miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2005

Por Roger Friedman

La historia de los 20.000$ | Video perdido de MJ | Los cardenales fingidos de la madre del acusador.

La madre del acusador de MJ tenía un contrato de 20.000 dólares por la historia.

Un contrato de 20.000 dólares entre dos reporteros de un tabloide británico y la madre y el padrastro del acusador de Michael Jackson ha salido a la luz.

Los reporteros, Alec Byrne y David Gardner, pensaron que serían llamados como testigos de la defensa en el caso de Jackson por abusos a un menor y estaban preparados para llevar este documento vital.

Cuando la madre del acusador, Janet Arvizo, testificó, dijo al jurado que ella "no era el tipo de persona" que vende su historia, pero aparentemente sí lo era.

De hecho, Byrne y Gardner tomaron fotografías de la familia Arvizo que fueron publicadas en el extranjero porque fueron primero a la casa de la madre de Arvizo en El Monte, California, el pasado 4 de Febrero de 2003. Ese fue el día después de que el documental "Living with MJ", de Martin Bashir, se emitiera en Gran Bretaña.

Mario Ventura, quien sólo habla en español, puso a los reporteros con Arvizo al teléfono cuando llegaron. Cuando oyó que querían comprar su historia, exclamó, "Sois mis ángeles" y le dijo a su madre que diera a los hombres fotos que tenía de sus hijos.

Arvizo dio entonces a los reporteros unas pocas declaraciones, que fueron usadas en una historia publicada ese fin de semana en el Reino Unido y en Australia.

Entonces, ¿por qué no salió a la luz esta historia en el juicio de Jackson? Rebatiría el testimonio tanto de Arvizo como de su marido, Jay Jackson. El que ellos no continuaron con la venta es un cabo suelto en la historia que Chris Tucker contará hoy en el tribunal.

Evidentemente, Arvizo llamó a Tucker cuando tenía a los reporteros dispuestos a dar 20.000 dólares.

En su testimonio, Jay Jackson dijo que eran 15.000 dólares y que los rechazó. De todas formas, hoy en el tribunal, se espera que Tucker diga que en este punto, Arvizo quería encontrar a Michael Jackson. Si su historia era tan valiosa para los británicos, se debió figurar que, ciertamente, sería tan valiosa como para que Jackson la tuviera callada.

Los reporteros dicen que cuando fueron a encontrarse con Arvizo a la hora pactada, ella había desaparecido. Tucker debería testificar en su fin de la historia. La defensa, que no ha sido fuerte en remarcar la línea temporal en el caso, podría o no ser capaz de poner todo esto en conjunto para el cansado jurado.

El por qué Byrne y Gardner no fueron llamados permanece como un misterio de este juicio. Podrían haber rebatido fácilmente el testimonio tanto de Jay Jackson como de Arvizo. El artículo que fue publicado podría haber sido un trozo de evidencia indiscutible.

Vídeo importante perdido.

¿Dónde está el vídeo "secreto" que fue filmado en la recogida y mudanza de la familia Arvizo en el caso de Michael Jackson?

No fue emitido por la acusación cuando, hace varias semanas, revelaron que había vídeos de seguimiento a la familia hechos por el investigador privado de Mark Geragos, Brad Miller.

¿Dónde está esta cinta? ¿Por qué no se ha enseñado? ¿Sabe incluso la defensa acerca de ello?

De repente, esta tan hablado movimiento está a punto de volver al juicio de Jackson como un asunto.

El jueves, me he enterado, el Fiscal del Distrito Tom Sneddon, desesperado para rehabilitar su muy degradado cargo de conspiración contra Jackson, llevará al de la mudanza que puso las cosas de los Arvizo almacenadas.

Todos los registros de Mudanzas y Almacenajes Dino han sido citados también. Todo esto podría explotar en las manos de la acusación porque porque una carta de junio de 2003 de Miller para el abogado de los Arvizo, William Dickerman, devolviendo los bultos del almacén a los Arvizo, está entre los papeles. Geragos tiene una copia ( no sé si eso lo he traducido bien).

Si la carta aparece y se convierte en evidencia, Sneddon tendría que dar muchas explicaciones. Asaltó la oficina de Miller meses después porque dijo que pensaba que Miller trabajaba para Jackson. La carta, dicen las fuentes, probarían que Sneddon ya lo sabía de otra forma.

Entonces ahí está la famosa estancia de la familia en el hotel Country Inn and Suites en Calabasas, California. ¿Por qué no han entrado las facturas de esa pequeña aventuera en juego para la defensa?

Esta columna fue la primera en revelar las numerosas llamadas telefónicas de Janet Arvizo a su familia y amigos durante su "secuestro". Y aquí hay algo más que no hemos visto presentado: Arvizo pidió que Miller le comprara un juego de maletas rojas Kipling para el viaje a Calabasas. Fue muy específica acerca de la marca y el color.

"No quería que la gente viera sus cosas en bolsas de plásticos," dijo una fuente.

Se me ha dicho que la defensa tiene las facturas.

Sneddon ha pedido que se analicen más registros telefónicos de Geragos en un último y desesperado esfuerzo para subir la conspiración. ¿Pero nadie nunca pidió ver los registros telefónicos de Neverland entre el 20 de Febrero y el 12 de Marzo de 2003? Mostrarían llamadas innumerables a números muy conocidos para la acusación: los amigos y la familia de Janet Arvizo.

Lo mismo con Dickerman: si todos los asuntos que le involucran vuelven durante el segundo turno de la fiscalía, sería interesante verle volver y contestar algunas de las preguntas que puse en la columna de ayer.

Para el ingenio: Testificó que su primer encuentro con Janet Arvizo fue el 25 de febrero de 2003. Pero la propia Arvizo dijo que le conoció en su oficina de Century City el 21 de febrero, y de nuevo el día 25 en Laugh Factory.

En ningún momento mencionó que hubiera sido secuestrada o que estuviera siendo retenida. Dickerman, un oficial del tribunal, nunca cogió el teléfono o llamó al FBI. Pensarías que un abogado de Hollywood que ha conocido a su cliente en un club de la comedia siendo astuto, debería haber preguntado una o dos cosas más de las que Dickerman dijo en el estrado que preguntó. Mi conjetura es que así lo hizo.

La foto cuenta muchas historias.

El doble revés de ayer de la paralegal y el abogado que representaron a Janet Arvizo en su demanda contra J.C. Penney, en la cuál ganó 152.000 dólares, fue materia poderosa.

Mary Holzer testificó que Arvizo le confesó que las fotos en las que aparecía magullada y golpeada de la cabeza a los pies y la cual ella y su marido habían aportado para el caso civil estaban falseadas.

Arvizo le contó que se llevó los moratones no de los guardias de seguridad de J.C. Penney, sino de su marido. Holzer dijo que Arvizo hizo notar que su cuñado estaba en la mafia mexicana y que podría matarle a ella y a sus hijos si hablaba más de la cuenta.

El abogado que trabajó en el caso testificó que se sintió sorprendido cuando el caso llegó finalmente a los tribunales y Arvizo dijo que había sido abusada sexualmente por los guardias de J.C. Penney. En 25 conversaciones sobre el incidente, Arvizo nunca se lo había mencionado. También concluyó que había sido engañado por ella.

La historia de Holzer tenía mucho sentido. Y deberías recordar que cuando la acusación enseñó por primera vez las fotos de una Arvizo aporreada hace unas pocas semanas, escribimos que no eran del incidente de J.C. Penney. Fuentes bien informadas en esto nos lo dijeron en seguida.

Afortunadamente, The Drudge Report publicó la foto de Arvizo del arresto en Penney's y no había signos de moratones. Eso es porque se añadieron más tarde.
Traducido por Spangled para www.MJHIdeout.com
Última edición:
Segun Sky News el testigo final de la defensa no es tan bueno como esperaban.
La fiscalia/Sneddon acusa a Chris Tucker de tener "memoria selectiva", ademas culpa de ello por su gran amistad hacia Michael...

Solo han puesto unas declaraciones transcritas (a su manera) de Chris diciendo que él solo estaba interesado en ayudar al niño pero que no se fiaba de la madre.

Estos esta claro que siempre van a la suya.
Más de CTV: Los cichos se portaron muy mal en el plató de Rush Hour. Casi no les dejan grabar nada. Chris dice que se sentía mal por ellos, por el cancer y dejaba pasar las cosas sin regañarles. Aparentemente Ratner y los que estaban a su alrededor le decían que se estaban aprovechando de él, en particular su hermano (de Tucker) le dijo que la familia quería alojarse en su hotel, incluso en su própia habitación.

Dice que les dejó la fuegoneta porque Gavin se quejaba de que no tenía forma de moverse. Así que él le dijo que les dejaba su vieja furgoneta y le dio las llaves a Janet.
Cada vez sospechaba más, sobre todo de la efusividad de la madre que decía continuamente que él era como su hermano. Toda la familia lo decía, que eran como familia. Así que no les dio el coche. Dijo que Gavin le llamó repetidamente intentnado que les diera la furgoneta, dandole la brasa sobre la furgoneta. Dijo que que casi se pone de los nervios.

Dice que tras el viaje a Miami y tras avisar a Michael de que le estaban atormentando y seguían pidiendole la furgoneta, comenzó a distanciarse. Dice que buscando un número de teléfono encontró el de Gavin y le llamó. Dice que cuando Gavin le dijo "Hola Chris", escuchó una voz de fondo femenina susurrandole que colgara el teléfono de inmediato. Intentó imitar la voz ante el jurado. Dijo que creía que era Janet.
Un par de articulos en Ingles:

Actor Tucker testifies he set up Miami flight for Jackson's accuser
By Quintin Cushner/Staff Writer

Movie star Chris Tucker testified today that he arranged the flight to Miami for the family of Michael Jackson's accuser to see the entertainer in February 2003.

Tucker said he did so at the family's request because they were eager to see Jackson.

Santa Barbara County prosecutors have listed the flight to Miami as one of many acts in an alleged conspiracy by Jackson and his associates to abduct and falsely imprison the family.

"Everybody was excited to go down there and see Michael," Tucker said.

However, when Tucker arrived in Miami, he said he warned Jackson that the family seemed suspicious to him.

"I pulled Michael into a room and said, 'You need to watch out. Be careful," Tucker testified.

Tucker said he gave this warning after the boy's mother repeatedly referred to Jackson as like a father and to Tucker as like a brother to her children.

Around this time, Tucker said, he considered giving the family a truck, but decided not to when the mother became overly emotional toward him.

"I got a little suspicious. I thought I was doing too much (by giving the vehicle), so I said no," Tucker testified.

Tucker, who befriend the family when Jackson's accuser was suffering from cancer, said he eventually because suspicious of them. He recounted the family's behavior during their visit to a Las Vegas movie set where he was filming as one reason for his concern.

Although tucker had invited the family for a few days, they ended up staying for weeks at his expense, the witness said.

The accuser was disruptive on the set, Tucker said.

"Everybody had to say, 'Chris, we have a job here to do.'" Tucker said.

The director of the movie and several of Tucker's assistants complained about the family, Tucker testified.

Tucker said he remains a friend of Jackson but hasn't had a conversation with the family for about a year. He testified that he called the accuser out of the blue about a year ago and said hello to him. However, he said, the phone call was cut off after the accuser's mother screamed for her son to get off the phone.

Tucker is the last witness in the defense case, and prosecutors are expected to begin their rebuttal case later today.

[Santa Maria Times]

Y este articulo es de la agencia AP

Tucker Says Jackson Accuser Was 'Cunning'
By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer
38 minutes ago

Actor and comedian Chris Tucker testified Wednesday in Michael Jackson's child molestation trial that during the time he befriended Jackson's young accuser he found the boy to be unusually sophisticated and cunning for a 12-year-old.

"He was really smart and he was cunning at times, and his brother ... was definitely cunning," said Tucker, who was called by Jackson's attorneys as their last witness.

Tucker was put on the stand to help make the defense case that the boy and his family have a history of targeting celebrities and trying to get money from them. The defense was expected to rest when Tucker was done, without calling Jackson.

After the defense rests, prosecutors will begin a rebuttal and Jackson's attorneys will then be given an opportunity to respond. Closing arguments probably will not begin before next week.

Tucker also testified that he once took Jackson aside and warned him to "watch out" for the boy's mother because he had grown suspicious of her.

Tucker said the boy repeatedly asked for gifts but that he forgave the boy's behavior because he knew he had battled cancer and had family problems.

"He would always say, 'Chris, let me have this ... I'm not feeling too good,'" Tucker said.

Other comedians who have testified, including George Lopez and Jay Leno, cracked a few jokes on the stand. But Tucker's demeanor was calm and serious in stark contrast to his outrageous demeanor in the "Rush Hour" films and such movies as "Friday" and "The Fifth Element."

Jackson, 46, is charged with molesting the boy in 2003 when the youth was 13, giving him wine and conspiring to hold his family captive to get them to rebut a documentary in which the boy appeared with Jackson as the entertainer said he let children into his bed for innocent sleepovers.

Tucker, who co-starred with Jackie Chan in the "Rush Hour" movies, met Jackson's accuser at a benefit while the boy was battling cancer in 2000.

Tucker provided details about a gift of at least $1,500 that he gave to the family after the fundraiser for the boy at a Hollywood comedy club. He said the boy came to his house after the fundraiser and told him it hadn't raised any money.

"He was just real sad looking, saying they didn't raise any money and they needed some money," Tucker said.

Jackson defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. asked Tucker if he became suspicious since he had seen many people at the benefit.

"Yes, but I was always thinking I was helping him so I just did it," Tucker said.

Tucker also said that at one point he considered giving a truck to the family but then became concerned that he was doing too much for them.

He said that he initially gave the mother the keys to the vehicle but she lost them, and when the boy repeatedly asked him for copies of the keys he reconsidered.

"They were constantly calling for the truck and I felt the mother was making them call because it was getting on my nerves," Tucker said.

Tucker said the issue of a vehicle arose again after the boy appeared with Jackson in the documentary "Living With Michael Jackson." He said the boy told him he was being harassed by the media and that the family needed a vehicle.

"He said it was hard for him to get around because the media was hounding them and they had no transportation," Tucker said.

Tucker accompanied the boy and his family on a trip to Miami to see Jackson on the day the documentary aired.

Prosecutors contend Jackson used the trip to keep the family from seeing the documentary.

But Tucker testified that the boy said he wanted to go to Miami to be with Jackson and to get away from media bothering him and his family. Tucker said he agreed to charter a flight.

Tucker said that when he arrived at Jackson's suite in Miami he pulled Jackson aside to report his concerns about the mother.

"I told him to watch out for her because I felt suspicious about her," Tucker said. "I was trying to talk to Michael. She kept interrupting. ... I pulled Michael in a room. I told him, 'You need to watch out.'"

Tucker said Jackson listened but they didn't talk long because the singer was busy.

Tucker also said the boy initially introduced him to Jackson by letting him talk to the singer while Tucker was on the set of a movie in Las Vegas. He said after the conversation he and Jackson agreed to meet in New York, and have remained friends since.

On Tuesday, Leno said he grew suspicious when he began receiving overly effusive voice mail messages from the boy in 2000. He said he thought it strange that a 12-year-old would tell a comedian in his 50s that he was his hero.

"I'm not Batman," Leno said, to laughter throughout the courtroom.

Leno said the boy left so many messages that he finally approached comedian Louise Palanker, a friend who was among several comedians helping the boy's family.

"I said, 'What's the story here? This doesn't sound like a 12-year-old. This seems a little scripted,'" Leno testified.

AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.



Ya han acabado con Chris Tucker y la defensa ha teminado de presentar el caso.
Última edición:
Raymone on CNN:

Why didn't MJ take the stand? His attys did not feel it was necessary, we've had powerful witnesses. Pressed her, do you think he should have testified? Raymone: I think he would have been a good witness and spoken the truth.
But, Michael listened to his defense team and at the end of the day it was decided it was not necessary.

Mentions the videos played in court, and how that gave him a voice in the trial - hours in his own voice. Defense probably felt that was enough.

Why are you so confident? Raymone: We've had strong witnesses, defense have done well, defense took less time than expected partly because of a lack of cross examination. 6-7 witnesses a day at least.

Does MJ have a grip on reality? Raymone: Strong grip on reality, knows exactly what's going on. Is as you and I - has different moods. Has been very tough physically and emotionally, has taken a toll on the family. Is with his children every day after court, hard not to effect their day to day life. He has conducted himself very mannerly, he has not said anything off the cuff, he's been in there every signle

day on time other than when he was ill, he has acted in a manner that is appropriate. (Hard for me to keep up

We'll all be nervous since the waiting game is about to begin, which is not easy.

Would you advice MJ in the future to not be around so many children who are not his own? Raymone: He has said he won't place himself in this position again, but he is innocent...(too fast sorry)

Raymone: Let me clarify, NEVERLAND IS NOT SOLD, he is not moving to Europe, etc.


Gracias a Wolf del MJJForum. Entre otras cosas, Raymone Bain ha dicho que Neverland no se ha vendido y que Michael no se va a mudar a Europa.
Michael Jackson Defense Rests Its Case

By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent
14 minutes ago

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The defense rested Wednesday in Michael Jackson's molestation trial without testimony from the pop star, wrapping up a succinct, celebrity-studded presentation that portrayed the accuser as a cunning schemer and his mother as a shakedown artist.

Jackson was the victim of false charges that surfaced once the mother realized she was being weaned from a lavish lifestyle the singer had financed, defense lawyers claimed. It was a picture painted by witnesses who testified that the mother was a grifter who made a career of hitting up celebrities for money and defrauding others.

"Your honor, the defense rests," lead defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. told Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville at late morning

Jackson didn't take the stand, as defense lawyers had hinted at the trial's start, and only a few of the celebrities who might have been called to testify ended up in court. Those headliners including comedians Jay Leno and Chris Tucker, but absent were others listed as potential witnesses, including Elizabeth Taylor, Stevie Wonder and Kobe Bryant.

Other witnesses included actor Macaulay Culkin and two other young men who testified that, contrary to prosecution claims, Jackson never behaved inappropriately when they stayed at his Neverland ranch home as children.

Prosecutors had cast Jackson as a serial pedophile with a history of fondling boys, including the then-13-year-old cancer survivor in February or March 2003 at Neverland. Jackson also is charged with giving the boy alcohol and conspiring to hold his family captive to get them to rebut a documentary in which the boy appeared with Jackson as the entertainer says he let children into his bed for innocent sleepovers.

The defense took three weeks to attack a case prosecutors spent nearly 10 weeks building. Initially, the defense case was projected to last up to eight weeks.
Mesereau rested ay following testimony from Tucker that the accuser was unusually sophisticated and "cunning" as he sought money from the comedian. Prosecutors immediately began their rebuttal and jurors could get the case as early as mid next week.

The defense case worked through witnesses, 50 in all, who portrayed the boy's mother as a cheat who exploited her son's cancer for money and who lived on Jackson's tab during the time she claimed she was held captive.

On Wednesday, Tucker said his suspicions about the family set in when the family came to the set of a movie he was filming in Las Vegas and refused to leave. He said he paid for their hotel and expenses but after several weeks they were still there.

"He was really smart and he was cunning at times," said Tucker of the accuser. "I was getting nervous," he said. "I thought, 'I need to watch myself,' because I'm high-profile and sometimes when people see what you've got they try to take advantage of you. I had to pull back."


Traduzco lo que ha dicho Raymone Bain en CNN. La transcripción que han hecho es un poco macarrónica pero voy a ponerla de forma que se entienda mejor:

-Periodista: Por qué no ha declarado Michael?
-Raymone: Sus abogados han pensado que no era necesario. Han tenido testigos muy buenos.

-Piensas que debería haber declarado?
-Pienso que habría sido un buen testigo y habría dicho la verdad, pero Michael escuchó a su equipo defensor y al final del día (ayer) se decidió que no sería necesario.

[Raymone habla de los muchos videos ke ha puesto la defensa en la corte en los que se ha visto a Michael hablando, que tal vez con eso haya sido suficiente]

-Por qué tienes tanta confianza?
-Hemos tenido clientes muy fuertes, la defensa lo ha hecho bien. La defensa ha ido más rápido de lo esperado en parte por la falta de contra-interrogatorios. Hemos tenido como 6 o 7 testigos cada día.

-Es MJ consciente de la realidad?
-De hecho es muy consciente. Sabe perfectamente lo que está pasando, es como tú o como yo. Ha sido muy duro física y emocionalmente y la familia lo ha pasado mal. Todos los días despues de la sesión se reune con sus niños. Ha sido duro, pero no tanto como para afectar a su vida cotidiana. Lo ha llevado muy bien, ha estado muy diplomático, nunca ha dicho nada fuera de tono. Ha estado ahí todos los días a su hora, excepto cuando estuvo enfermo, y ha actuado de forma apropiada. Estamos todos nerviosos porque está a punto de empezar el momento de la espera, y no es nada facil.

-Aconsejarías a MJ que en el futuro no se relacionara con tantos niños que no sean los suyos?
-Él ya ha dicho que no se volverá a poner en posición de pasarle esto otra vez, pero es inocente... (ha dicho algo más pero iba rapido y no se le ha entendido bien.)


Aparte de eso, Raymone ha dicho: "Dejame dejarlo claro: NEVERLAND NO SE HA VENDIDO. Ni tampoco se vaa mudar a Europa ni nada de eso".
tim rooney Y jesus Salas proximos testigos para la fiscalia!

Viernes dia de mociones, ya q la defensa no presentara contra-ataque..

Segun CourTV, La acusacion busca presentar un video con la declaracion de Gavin a la policia. Dicen que si el juez lo admite, la defensa quizas llame a declarar de nuevo a Gavin. Quizas tambien a Geragos.
Jennifer London de MSNBC :

- Un ex empleado de Neverland (creo que Shane Meredith)ha dicho que vió a MJ beber mucho, a veces 4 ocasiones por semana.

- También ha dicho que el acusador durmió en la habitación de MJ el 90% de las veces, aunque no sabe exactamente dónde en la habitación.

- Es posible que el jurado comienza a deliberar la semana que viene.