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Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau *Añadidas fotos*

Michael is at The First AME Church in South Central, Los Angeles with TMez, Oxman and Randy RIGHT NOW! He will be fully attending the 10 o'clock services and then he will be walking to the First AME Church convention hall that's down the street to have a press conference!!!

Michael está ahora mismo en la iglesia FIRST A.M.E, en Los angeles, con T. Mesereau, Oxman y Randy. Estará en la misa de las 10 y luego dará una conferencia de prensa :confused: .

Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

Muchas gracias Gloved one, pero POR FAVOR, siempre ke tomeis algo de otro foro, indicar QUIEN lo ha dicho, no solo el nombre del foro. Un foro en sí no es una fuente informativa. Gracias, a ver ke dice!!! :)
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

Esto es lo que cuenta un usuario del MJJFORUM sobre lo que ha visto en el Channel 7 de California:

Ok, I just saw it channel 7 in Cali. It got leaked to the public by Steve Harvey's station. And they showed Steve Harvey going into the church. They said Randy Jackson is also attending. Then they showed a guy from the church saying that there will be no autograph signing or slipping of demo tapes to Michael because once you get into the walls of the church everybody is equal. Then they showed Mike's entourage. He was rolling two Escalade deep!!!

Then they showed Mez with his wife kissing and hugging a lady. Mez then shook hands with a little black boy. The boy seemed amazed!

Then they said that Mike's people say he is just coming to get some spiritual strength before his court appearance tomorrow. However, they did not show Michael at all. He must be going through the back entrance.

The also said that Michael will be joining the church center down the block to meet with the kids and hold a press conference. They do not know what the press conference is about or whether it has anything to do with the children. They said all of the children at this center have been to Neverland!!

Enlace: http://www.mjjforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=35192&st=0

La información de que Michael está en esta iglesia la ha filtrado la estación radiofónica de STEVE HARVEY.
La gente de Michael dice que ha ido a la iglesia para tener fortaleza espiritual de cara a su comparecencia ante el juez.
Michael dará una conferencia de prensa junto con niños, pero no se sabe el tema de la misma.

Por mi parte, me tomo esta información sobre la rueda de prensa con escepticismo. Tal vez sea un "añadido" inventado por los que han dado la info.
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

Michael visita una iglesia en L.A. - Posible rueda de prensa

Segun varios usuarios del MJJForum (Invincible Girl, AllTheLovelyFlowers, Wildcats) que han oido o visto la noticia en algun medio local de Los Angeles, Michael Jackson junto a su hermano Randy, y sus abogados Thomas Mesereau y Brian Oxman han visitado una iglesia Los Angeles. Al parecer, la iglesia habitual de Thomas Mesereau. Michael se habria reunido con el pastor de la iglesia, y hay varios niños que han visitado en alguna ocasion Neverland. Parece ser que Michael dara una rueda de prensa :eek: Puede ser sobre algo relaccionado con un programa de ayuda a niños. Tambien han dicho que la gente de Michael ha dicho que está alli para recibir fuerza espiritual para la audiencia de mañana.

Mesereau y Oxman en la iglesia de Los Angeles (foto antigua)

Última edición:
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

Jackson Gets L.A. Support Before Court Face-Off
Jackson Attends First AME Church

POSTED: 10:20 am PDT August 15, 2004
LOS ANGELES -- Pop star Michael Jackson and his attorney Thomas Mesareau attended church services Sunday at First AME Church in South Los Angeles where community leaders and fans showed support for the singer who will be in court Monday.

Michael Jackson's family will be standing by him for a courtroom confrontation with the man who wants to put him in prison on child molestation charges -- a district attorney whose pursuit of Jackson dates back more than a decade.

Although the legal agenda for Monday's pretrial hearing is significant, emotional overtones may take center stage. The subject of this session is District Attorney Tom Sneddon, the man who also tried to bring charges against Jackson in 1993 -- a confrontation so bitter that Jackson wrote an angry song that only slightly disguised Sneddon's name.

On Monday, Jackson's lawyer, Tom Mesereau Jr., gets to question Sneddon about his actions in the weeks before the current charges against Jackson were filed. The defense is seeking to show that Sneddon invaded the sanctity of the attorney-client privilege between Jackson and his former attorney.

Jackson has not been required to attend pretrial hearings, but he decided he wanted to be present for this confrontation. In the audience will be his parents, Joseph and Katherine, and siblings including Janet, LaToya, Jermaine and Jackie.

"It's a faceoff between Jackson and Sneddon," said Laurie Levenson, a Loyola University law professor and former federal prosecutor. "And emotionally, it's a big moment in the case. This is high drama."

The hearing is also important legally, she said, because prosecutors stand to lose their key evidence if it is found that they obtained it illegally.

"This is the basis of the conspiracy count," she said. In addition, she said, a finding that the prosecution intentionally interfered with the attorney-client relationship could prompt a motion to dismiss the charge entirely.

Jackson, 45, is charged with committing a lewd act upon a child, administering an intoxicating agent and conspiring to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. He has pleaded not guilty and is free on $3 million bail.

Sneddon was subpoenaed by Jackson's attorneys to testify about surveillance he personally conducted at the office of a private investigator who was working for Jackson's former attorney, Mark Geragos.

The investigator, Bradley Miller, was not in his Beverly Hills office when Sneddon went there and photographed the building and its roster of occupants.

Santa Barbara County sheriff's officials already have testified that they used a sledgehammer to break into Miller's office and seize videotapes and files relating to the Jackson case. They maintain that they did not know Miller was employed by Geragos.

The defense says any materials seized from Miller's office should be suppressed and never see the light of day as evidence.

The seized materials are believed to be crucial to the prosecution case -- among them, a videotape of Jackson's 12-year-old accuser and his family praising the singer's character.

Prosecutors claim the tape was made under duress, with Jackson holding the family prisoner at his Neverland ranch. Without the tape, a central theory of the case against Jackson would be severely undermined.

Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

Bueno que bien ¿No? menos mal, esperemos que en la rueda hable Michael y deje las cosas muy claras, eso espero.

saludos ;)! gracias por la infoooooooooo
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

estaba esperando a ke lo pusierais:D , me lo dixo antes una amiga fan inglesa por el msn pero suponia ke lo pondriais con mas detalle ya k yo tampoco sabia los detalles, esto es genial!!, esperemos aver lo ke dice y si salen fotillos!!

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Reacciones: Ram
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

Ya era de que Michael se dejase ya de mamonadas y contraatacase de una vez...
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

EL_ENIGMA, puedes poner un listado de todas las mamonadas que ha hecho MJ en los ultimos meses? U_U

Para quien tenga curiosidad, MJ y su gente han llegado a la iglesia en dos coches de estos:
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

Me gustó eso de acudir al servivio religioso .
God Bless you Michael and all of us ¬.¬)
Con la bendición de Dios ya tiene todo de su lado .

Gracias por la info :)
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

Hey, MsTenda y The Face informando!!!

La misa terminó hace un ratito, a las 11:40 hora local, Michael y su gente están ya en el centro de convenciones. Steve Hervey iba con Michael y Randy en el mismo coche. Michael DARÁ UNA VUELTA POR EL BARRIO DENTRO DE UNA HORA.

The Faze ha dicho ke irá poniendo fotos cuando vuelva a su casa. Dice ke Michael le ha firmado el vinilo de HIStory.
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

:llorando: y yo que hago con mi misera vida aquí?!!!!:novale:

Gracias por la información.
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

Tengo la primera foto de MJ en la IGLESIA!!!


No os quejareis, que os traigo todas las PRIMICIAS...:D
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

The_Faze, un fan americano está allí y ha dicho que la 'misa' terminó a las 11:40 am (hora local) y que Michael y su gente están ahora en el Centro de Convenciones para la conferencia de prensa. Steve Harvey va con Randy en el Bentley de MJ. Michael dará una vuelta por la comunidad en cosa de una hora.

Por cierto, The Faze ha hecho fotos y las pondrá cuando regrese a casa... y cuando deje de babear ante su ejemplar de HIStory en vinilo que le ha firmado MJ hace un rato :eek:

Respecto al lugar, os recuerdo que Mesereau es un viejo conocido en la Iglesia, ya que dedica días a dar apoyo legal gratuíto a gente necesitada como contábamos en este post: Así es Mesereau, el nuevo abogado de MJ
Re: Michael en una iglesia de Los Angeles con Mesereau

Tengo ganas de verleeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! :tofeliz: :tofeliz: :tofeliz:

Haver lo que dice :dime: