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[2 de Junio] 72º Día de Juicio: Noticias y Fotos.

Ya que Xtar y Mpen no estan, y viendo que son las 17:05, lo pongo yo. Perdón para los moderadores por si a lo mejor lo iban a poner ellos.

Ya que en este tipo de post se genera mucha información, hemos abierto dos post para este tema. Uno en Noticias y el otro en Opinión y Debate.

En este que leéis ahora SÓLO se podrá escribir para aportar noticias de la vista o fotos. Cualquier otro tipo de reply que entorpezca el tema será eliminado.

Este otro, [2 de junio] 72º Día de Juicio: Comentarios está creado para lo que su nombre indica, podéis poner noticias sobre la vista y comentarlas, comentar las fotos, o hablar del tema.

Contamos con vuestra colaboración.

Segun DD hay mas de 300 fans a las puertas de la corte. 250 han participado en el sorteo para entrar en la sala. Se les ha oido gritando ¡Tom Sneddon is a cold man!



Fans corriendo detras del coche de Michael a la salida de Neverland.


Última edición:
Michael ha llegado ya. Acompañado por Katherine, Joe, Jermaine, Tito, Randy y Carmela Jackson.















Última edición:
Closing Arguments to Begin in Jackson Case
[font=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica][size=-2]Posted: Thursday, Jun 02, 2005 - 11:05:14 am CDT[/size][/font]

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - A subdued Michael Jackson sat silently in court on the eve of closing arguments in his child-molestation trial, well aware that within a matter of days his future will be placed in the hands of a jury.

Closing arguments in his case were to begin Thursday with jurors expected to get the case sometime Friday.

"It's a very difficult situation to sit in there and know your life is in the balance," Jackson spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain said Wednesday after the entertainer moved quickly and quietly past reporters on his way out of the courthouse. "He has strong faith in God and in the judicial system," Bain said of Jackson. "He knows his fate is in the hands of 12 jurors."

Jackson sat stone still in court for nearly two hours Wednesday as those jurors were repeatedly reminded of the child molestation charges against him as they were given instructions for their deliberations.

The 46-year-old singer is charged with molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor in February or March 2003. He is accused of plying him with wine and conspiring to hold his family captive to get them to rebut damaging aspects of the documentary "Living With Michael Jackson," in which Jackson appeared holding hands with the boy as he talked of allowing children into his bed for what he said were innocent sleepovers.

Bain said Jackson's emotions have varied during his 14-week trial.

"He has had anger. He's been happy about some of the information that has come out in court," she said.

Earlier Wednesday, Jackson looked straight ahead as Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville, sitting in the witness box to be closer to the jury, read a long list of instructions hammered out during more than a day of discussions with prosecuting and defense attorneys.

Following up on an earlier decision regarding the alcohol allegations, the judge told the jurors they may consider a "lesser charge" of "furnishing alcohol to a minor," a misdemeanor. The instruction means the jury would not have to relate the alcohol to the purpose of molestation.

Melville also told the jury how to use prosecution testimony that alleged Jackson has a history of improper behavior with boys.

The judge said that if jurors determine Jackson has such a history, "you may but are not required to infer that the defendant had a predisposition" to commit the crimes alleged in the current case. But he told the jurors "that is not sufficient in itself to prove he committed the crimes charged."

The judge paused at one point to determine if the jurors were paying attention.

"You know I read to my wife at night so she'll go to sleep. Am I having that effect here?" he said.

AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.

A service of the Associated Press(AP)
Así empieza el Rebuttal de la acusación

"This case is about the exploitation and sexual abuse of a 13-year-old cancer survivor by an international celebrity,"

He said the defense case was "entirely limited" to attacks on the credibility of the boy's mother."


Sobre lo que ha puesto Alteilla, lo unico nuevo que dicen es que Michael se ha sentado silenciosamente para escuchar los argumentos finales, y una nota mas del 'humor' de Melville, que ayer mientras leia las instrucciones al jurado (desde el stand de los testigos) se detuvo para ver si los miembros del jurado prestaban atencion.

Dijo que el lee para su esposa por las noches mientras se duerme, y se preguntó, ¿estoy teniendo el mismo efecto aqui? :|
Última edición:

Ron Zonen quiere que el jurado recuerde dos cosas:
- MJ se introdujo en la vida de la familia del acusador
- La familia nunca pidió dinero a Michael

Traduzco lo que Ronald puso antes:

"Este caso trata sobre la explotación y abuso sexual de un sobreviviente de cáncer de 13 años por una superestrella internacional"
Zonen dijo que el caso de la defensa ha estado "enteramente limitado" a ataques a la credibilidad de la madre del chico.

Si Chaplin viviera ¡qué peazo comedia iba a hacer basada en este caso!
Última edición:
Prosecution Delivers Closing Argument Against Michael Jackson

POSTED: 8:37 am PDT June 2, 2005
UPDATED: 9:01 am PDT June 2, 2005

SANTA MARIA, Calif. -- A prosecutor began his closing argument in Michael Jackson's trial Thursday by saying the singer had molested his accuser and other boys and that the defense case was "entirely limited" to attacks on the credibility of the boy's mother.

"This case is about the exploitation and sexual abuse of a 13-year-old cancer survivor by an international celebrity," Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen said.

Zonen told jurors at the outset that his argument would take a few hours. Defense attorneys were then expected to begin their closing. The jury has been told it will get the case on Friday.

Jackson's arrival at court a short time earlier was met by a contingent of fans that has been growing as the case nears its end. Jackson, in a dark coat and plaid vest, acknowledged them with a wave.

On Wednesday Jackson had sat silently and unmoving in court as the jury received instructions for their deliberations.

"It's a very difficult situation to sit in there and know your life is in the balance," Jackson spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain said afterward.

"He has strong faith in God and in the judicial system," Bain said of Jackson. "He knows his fate is in the hands of 12 jurors."

The 46-year-old entertainer is charged with molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor in February or March 2003, plying him with wine and conspiring to hold his family captive to get them to rebut damaging aspects of the documentary "Living With Michael Jackson," in which Jackson appeared holding hands with the boy as he talked of allowing children into his bed for what he said were innocent sleepovers.

Bain said Jackson's emotions have varied during his 14-week trial.

"He has had anger. He's been happy about some of the information that has come out in court," she said.

Earlier Wednesday, Jackson sat frozen in place and looked straight ahead as Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville, sitting in the witness box to be closer to the jury, read a long list of instructions hammered out during more than a day of discussions with prosecuting and defense attorneys.

Melville told the eight women and four men of the jury they must determine what the facts are from testimony, follow the law as presented by the judge and make their decision without "pity for or prejudice toward" the defendant.

The judge listed the 10-count indictment against Jackson, which includes two counts of committing a lewd act on a minor as witnessed by the alleged victim and two counts of lewd acts on a minor as witnessed by the alleged victim's brother.

During testimony the accuser described two molestation incidents and his brother said he twice saw the accuser being molested while asleep.

The indictment also alleges one count of an attempted lewd act, one count of conspiracy involving child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion, and four counts of administering an intoxicating agent -- alcohol -- for the purpose of committing a felony, child molestation.

Following up on an earlier decision regarding the alcohol allegations, the judge told the jurors they may consider a "lesser charge" of "furnishing alcohol to a minor," a misdemeanor. The instruction means the jury would not have to relate the alcohol to the purpose of molestation.


Un pensativo Michael Jackson se sentó en la corte para ver los argumentos finales que cierran el caso de abusos, puesto que en unos pocos días su futuro estará en las manos del jurado. Los argumentos finales del caso empezaron el jueves y se prevee que el jurado acabe este viernes. "Es difícil sentarse allí y saber que tu futuro está en una balanza"- dijo el portavoz de Jackson, Raymone el pasado Viernes a los periodistas fuera de la corte. "Él cree profundamente en Dios y en el sistema judicial" "Él sabe que su futuro está en las manos de los 12 jurados"...

Sigo traduciendo...
Zonen: El caso de la defensa está "enteramente limitado" a los ataques contra la credibilidad de la madre del muchacho. "Este caso es sobre la explotación y el abuso sexual de un sobreviviente del cáncer de 13 años por una celebridad internacional".

"Deseo poner a Michael Jackson en el centro del caso, no a la familia Arvizo..." "El Sr. Mesereau no anotó algunos puntos que él prometió en su declaracion de apertura..." sobre Janet Arvizo: "Ella nunca pidió un centavo a Michael Jackson, ella nunca pidió nada..."
Última edición:
Espero tomen esto como noticia:
Estaba viendo un programa de Telemundo y un corresponsal en directo de Sta. María, dijo que habían más de 300 fans a las afueras de la corte, pero ya sobre los alegatos finales ha dicho que una de las estrategias de la fiscalía ha sido PONER EN DUDA LA CREDIBILIDAD DEL ABOGADO DEFENSOR DE JACKSON... (supongo que se refieren a Mez)...

Fuente: Telemundo