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ITN triumphs over BBC at journalism awards

Matt Wells
Wednesday February 25, 2004
The Guardian

Rageh Omaar may have been the BBC's scud stud, but ITN's coverage of the Iraq war earned the greater admiration of his fellow professionals yesterday.
The broadcaster, which produces news programmes for ITV and Channel 4, finally put to bed a damaging period of budget cuts and low staff morale last night when it took top honours for its Iraq war coverage at the Royal Television Society's journalism awards.

John Irvine, who reported from Baghdad for ITV News during the war, was named television journalist of the year for his "bravery, quality of writing to picture and his long-term commitment to this story". Irvine's coverage of the coalition forces' arrival in Baghdad also took the international news award, beating entries from the BBC's Ten O'Clock News and Newsnight programmes.

Channel 4's coverage of the Iraq war beat that of the BBC and Sky to the news event award: judges said it "explored themes untouched by other broadcasters, and from the studio marshalled a vigorous dialogue about the rights and wrongs of the war and its conduct". Its reporters, notably the diplomatic correspondent, Lindsey Hilsum, "contributed poise and insight from the frontline".

The ITV network scored highly in other categories: ITV Evening News took the award for news programme of the year, beating the BBC's Ten O'Clock News. Judges praised the standards of reporting and analysis as "first class" and commended its political editor, Nick Robinson.

Living with Michael Jackson, a special edition of the Tonight programme in which Martin Bashir interviewed the pop singer about his life and relationship with children, took programme of the year. It was "riveting television with serious revelations that have stood the test of fierce reaction". Bashir said he was "humbled and delighted" by the award.

John Stapleton of ITV's early morning service GMTV beat Jon Snow and Mark Austin to the title of presenter of the year for his "approachable tone and his ability to ask the right questions".

Omaar, who earned the "scud stud" soubriquet when he reported from Baghdad during the Iraq conflict, lost in the specialist journalism category to a BBC colleague, Hilary Andersson, who won praise reporting from Africa largely for BBC4 News.

Mark Daly won young journalist of the year for The Secret Policeman: the BBC's exposé of racism among police recruits. Panorama and Real Story scored in the current affairs categories: in all, the BBC took seven awards, the same as the combined total for ITV and Channel 4.

Sky was named news channel of the year and took the innovation award for its graphical and journalistic reconstructions of the Hutton inquiry and the Soham murder trial.

The RTS dedicated the judges' award to all the journalists who died covering the Iraq war.

The winners

News programme of the year
ITV Evening News: "The programme's treatment of stories was smart, clever, original and effective"

News event
Iraq war - Channel 4 News: "Dared to be different in its coverage of the war"

Living with Michael Jackson (Granada for ITV1): "Exhibited great journalistic enterprise"

John Stapleton (GMTV): "He has range, and a terrific touch - the professional's professional"

Television journalist
John Irvine (ITV News): "Judges noted his bravery and long-term commitment to this story"

Hilary Andersson (BBC): "Had an outstanding year - her journalism displayed insight and compassion"

News - home
Ulster Racism (BBC1): "Tackled a story rarely seen on British television news"

News - international
Welcome to Baghdad (ITV News): "You felt you were beside John Irvine on the road to Baghdad"

Current affairs - home
Cot Death - Real Story with Fiona Bruce (BBC1): "Carefully produced with a wealth of insights"

Current affairs - international
In the Line of Fire - Panorama (BBC1): "A fine film showing the ghastly reality of modern warfare"


Sin comentarios, que decir ya sobre este "programa" que no se haya dicho ya...
Escrito originalmente por tajera
Living with Michael Jackson, a special edition of the Tonight programme in which Martin Bashir interviewed the pop singer about his life and relationship with children, took programme of the year. It was "riveting television with serious revelations that have stood the test of fierce reaction". Bashir said he was "humbled and delighted" by the award.

Ah, osea, que el premio no se lo dan ya por la buena realización y tal, sino porque (textualmente) ha "riveteado la televisión con SERIAS REVELACIONES QUE SE HAN MANTENIDO FIRMES ANTE UNA FIERA REACCIÓN".

O dicho de otra manera, que les han dado el premio al mejor programa del año sin que las quejas de cientos de miles de personas, demandas judiciales y demostradísima caradura de sus responsables signifiquen NADA.

Me parece tan descarado y tan asqueroso como cuando Sneddon dijo que la investigación de los Servicios Sociales era "irrelevante", o como cuando Fraga dijo que el alcalde del PP que manoseó a una chavala eran "minudencias".

Última edición:
es una burla sencillamente :mad:

lo ultimo que faltaba.....si cada dia uno entiende menos lo que pasa en este mundo....:(
Sin duda este programa nos dará asco por su manipulación etc, pero teniendo encuenta la repercusión que tuvo y todo lo ocurrido ahora (gracias a ese programa muchos sabemos quien y como es Gavin), no me extraña que le hayan dado un premio y todo...Sin duda el programa más sonado del año y de muchos años...:|
Sí Angel, pero que haya sido un programa "sonado" no da papeletas para conseguir premios. Es como si por esa regla de tres, Janet y Justin se llevaran el premio a la mejor actuación del año, o The Sun al mejor periódico del año...

(Mejor me callo, vaya que haya premios al mejor espía del año :p)
asqueroso e indignante.si dan un premio a un reportage donde se ha visto evidente su fslta de credivilidad..... a donde iremos a parar!!!
Última edición:
Joder!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Y como se puede quejar uno de esto?
Me parece un atropello a la opinión pública y encima dando a entender lo que ha comentado Bizi "por las revelaciones..." pero que leches revelaciones??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:mad: :mad: :mad:

Que no te pille Bashir...que no te pille.....
Gracias Vane:muac:
Dios mio que miedo, en que mundo vivimos...siendo fan del Gran Michael Jackson me estoy dando cuenta de lo asquerosa que puede ser determinadas personas interesadas...Miedo milllllllll
Todavía puede ser peor... Barbara Walters se va de la ABC y esta cadena le va a ofrecer un contrato de un millón de dólares a Bashir... Solo faltaba esta escoria en USA :mad:
Noooooooooooooooo:eek: :llorando: :llorando: :llorando:

Pero porqué toda la gente rastrera del mundo siempre se salen con la suya???:llorando:
Ya no sabemos ni adonde vamos a llegar, menuda porqueria el Bashir y los que dan estos premios :mad:
Por cierto, en los premios vota el publico o lo eligen supuestos entendidos? :mad:
La verdad es que es asqueroso el ver como se dan premios alabando el sensacionalismo y la prensa basura.

Es triste el saber que este reportaje tuvo tanta repercusión en el Reino Unido que hasta lo tienen en le biblioteca de mi universidad en Londres. Qué asquito.