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2 nuevas canciones de SANANDA

Pues eso, que en la pagina de Sananda Maitreya (Terence Trent D'Arby ) www.sanandamaitreya.com , han subido dos nuevas canciones. Los títulos son SACRED y HAIL MARY. Aquí os pongo el texto:


The name of my new publishing company is 'TREEHOUSE PUBLISHING'

These two songs are for you! On the 30th of June, for the first time (contrary to past perceptions) I shall step in to my manhood by taking Francesca Francone to be my
Mrs Maitreya. Both of these songs I dedicate to her and all the women who have ever taken a chance that their love could salvage a man from his own disaster. They are also
Dedicated to both of our mothers Frances and Daniela and to our Divine Mother whose children we all are.


Words and music: Sananda

At random glancing within your eyes
They hypnotize me deeply
The faded sunset explains to me
The sympathy of Angels

The still silence that spirits wear
I see you there inside it
The sparkles dancing above your head
Is skin you've shed now Sacred

Outside of time our Love is so Sacred

The cool september that I once knew
I see in you completely
We belong together like space and time
Like beats and rhyme
It's Sacred


Engineered by Mike Bradford
Keyboards, Bass, Atmospherics and Vocals: Sananda


Words and music: Sananda

Hail Mary full of Grace
I will surrender to you
Love has me in my place
Patiently waiting for you

Even if I'm wrong
I have learned that faith
Can bring me power
And I have grown strong
Standing in the stillness
Of the hour
'cause my heart
is your heart

Soul Mama full of light
I am indebted to you
Your wisdom gives me sight
Patiently waiting for you

Every little thing
That I've ever learned
Has kept me going
And that is why I cling
To the song I sing
And the peace of knowing
That my heart
Is your heart

Hail Mary full of Grace
I am enraptured by you
Stay with me as I run my race
Patiently standing by me

Hail Mary full of Grace
I will surrender to you
Love has me in my place
Patiently waiting for you


Engineered by Mike Bradford
Mixed by Dave Way
Programmed by Mike who also played Bass and Keyboards
Guitar: Louis Metoyer
Sananda: Harmonium, Keyboards, Percussion and Vocals

Un saludo
Gracias :ayos:

Aunque conozco muy poco sobre este cantante (solo dos canciones :p ) espero informarme mas sobre sus discos y canciones :)

Gracias a CB por pasarme esas dos canciones,que si :p me gustaron por cierto .

B.sos CB :muac:
Sananda es un crack, voy ahora mismo a ver que tal están las nuevas canciones.
Gracias por avisar sunset :)
Gracias por avisar, voy a bajarmelas ahora mismo a ver ke tal estan :)

Bezitos :muac: :muac:

---- Edit ----

Muy chulas las 2 ;) Pero sin duda me kedo kon Hail Mary, preciosaa :enamorado La otra se me hace un poko pesada pero weno, solo la he eskuchado una vez :p ya veremos a la 2ª eskucha, jeje

Bezitos :muac: :muac:
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