Segun USA Today, podrian ser 5 las personas a las que Sneddon acusaria de formar parte de la conspiracion de la que se acusa a Michael.
El juez Melville edito los nombres de los supuestos co-conspiradores de los documentos de procesamiento presentados por Sneddon el pasado viernes.
Como ya sabeis, es casi seguro que 2 de esos nombres sean los de los ex-ayudantes de Michael, Tyson y Amen. Sneddon les ofrecio inmunidad si declaraban contra MJ ante el Gran Jurado, pero estos se negaron. Seguramente siga presionando para que alguno de ellos declare en contra de MJ en el juicio... veremos lo que pasa, es posible que si no declaran contra MJ, Sneddon presente cargos por conspiracion contra ellos.
El abogadode de ambos, Tacopina dice que lo que busca Sneddon es probar que sus clientes intentaron acallar al acusador y su familia sobre los supuestos crimenes cometidos por MJ, y que no lo denunciaran ante las autoridades. Segun este articulo de USA Today, es Michael quien paga al abogado de Tyson y Amen.
Volviendo a lo de los 5 supuestos co-conspiradores, y saliendome de lo que dice el articulo de USA Today...
¿ Quien pueden ser ?
Aparte de los casi seguros Tyson y Amen... Yo habia pensado en Marc Shaffel o el manager Aleman de MJ, Dieter Wiesner
En el MJJForum dan ademas estos nombres como posibles: Brad Miller, (¿? no se quien es) Christian Robinson (el camara que grabo a la familia exculpando a MJ) y ... Mark Geragos (solo son posibles, que se barajan)
Esto de Mark Geragos aunque sorprendente, puede tener sentido en la retorcida mente de Sneddon, recordad que Geragos ya estaba por alli cuando empezaron los problemas con la familia. Por cierto, ahora que sale el nombre de Geragos, me pregunto... ¿ quien dijo antes que Geragos ya estaba alli por aquel entonces ? y... ¿ por que se dijo ? y ... ¿ porque hemos tenido que esperar a que despidan a Geragos para que se dijera (no se si sera cierto, pero se ha dicho) que Geragos estaba trabajando en una demanda de MJ a $ony ? :miedo:
( No puedo traducir el articulo, me tengo que ir asi que perdonad por el pequeño resumen, aqui pego el articulo entero )
New turn in Jackson abuse case
By Martin Kasindorf, USA TODAY
SANTA MARIA, Calif. — Prosecutors in Michael Jackson's child-molestation case are expected to squeeze former aides of the singer to testify against him by threatening them with a charge of conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion.
The conspiracy charge is the newest wrinkle in a case in which Jackson is accused of sexual misconduct with a 13-year-old boy last year. It is contained in a 10-count felony indictment that was unsealed in court on Friday, where Jackson was read the charges.
With a nod of his head, a subdued Jackson pleaded not guilty to all counts in the indictment, which supersedes a nine-count criminal complaint filed against him Dec. 18. Jackson is free on $3 million bail.
The new conspiracy charge appears to put several former aides to Jackson in legal jeopardy. Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon can use it to seek deals for testimony that Jackson tried to cover up any misconduct. Joseph Tacopina, a lawyer for two former Jackson staffers, says Sneddon wants to prove that the pop singer acted with aides to bully the accuser and his family out of telling authorities about Jackson's crimes.
Some lawyers who are not involved in the case say Sneddon is using the conspiracy allegation to shore up sexual misconduct charges that appear to rely largely on shifting accounts by the boy and his younger brother.
It's unclear, however, which of Jackson's former aides are at risk. The trial judge, Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville, took the unusual step of concealing their names. After handing a complete copy of the indictment to Jackson's four lawyers, Melville whited-out nearly half of the 13-page document before making it public. Melville said he acted to conceal the children's identities and to ensure a fair trial.
'The mystery continues'
There's room on two key deleted lines of the indictment to fit the names of about five co-conspirators. Jackson is paying the bills for Tacopina to represent former staffers Frank Tyson and Vincent Amen.
Tacopina, a New York attorney, says he's waiting to learn from prosecutors whether his clients are named in the indictment and face arrest unless they cooperate.
Tacopina says that the boy's mother has accused Tyson, who was Jackson's personal assistant, of threatening to kill the alleged victim's brother if he disclosed to police that Jackson had given the boy alcohol. The mother also has accused Amen, an employee of Jackson's production company, of holding the family against its will at Jackson's Neverland ranch, Tacopina says. The mother's story is false, Tacopina says.
In six pages of the indictment, the grand jury alleges 28 "overt acts" were done to further a conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. A conspiracy is an agreement to commit a crime, accompanied by at least one act to carry out the plot, regardless of whether the crime occurs.
"I'm not worried about this case against my clients," Tacopina says, "but because it's shielded the way it was, I'm in the dark. I guess we'll know soon enough, but the mystery continues."
Jackson's lawyers today are to receive a transcript of testimony to grand jurors. The 25 witnesses included the boy, now 14, and his brother, 13. Transcripts usually become public 10 days after a plea. But Melville ordered the transcript sealed.
Alleging a conspiracy "ratcheted up this case considerably," says Laurie Levenson, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. The charge allows Sneddon "to put the squeeze on the co-conspirators" for statements that could include information on molestation or a coverup, she says.
Investigations of Jackson began after a February 2003 ABC telecast showed him and the accuser, a leukemia patient whose disease now is in remission, holding hands and saying they had shared Jackson's bedroom at Neverland. Later that month, the boy, his younger brother, his sister and his mother told investigators that Jackson had done nothing inappropriate. That story changed in June, when the boys told a psychologist that Jackson had molested the older brother.
The charge that Jackson conspired to hide the truth "helps the prosecution with one of its big problems — a waffling victim witness," Levenson says. "Now, there's an explanation."
It's possible that jurors could acquit Jackson of the molestation charges while convicting him of conspiracy, a relatively easy charge to prove.
Many fans remain steadfast
"What do they say — the coverup is worse than the crime?" says Marcia Clark, a prosecutor in the O.J. Simpson case who is doing legal commentary on the Jackson case for TV's Entertainment Tonight.
If Jackson is convicted on all counts and ordered to serve sentences consecutively, he would face more than 20 years in prison. But if the judge orders sentences to run concurrently, Jackson could serve eight years, the maximum penalty for the most serious charge, child molestation.
Though conspiracy may sound like the toughest charge, a conspiracy conviction alone would carry a four-year maximum sentence, reduced to 18 months if it's part of a consecutive sentence for crimes that include child molestation, says Robert Landheer, a criminal defense attorney in Santa Barbara.
So far, Jackson's fans have stuck by him.
"If it hurts him, it hurts us," says Farah Pajuheshfar, 46, president of a fan club in Las Vegas for the singer. She says prosecutors are trying to "stretch the case" with expanded charges. "It's not at all fitting to him, his personality and the way he reaches people with his generosity."
Contributing: Karen Thomas in McLean, Va.
USA Today
PD: Aunque esto de la conspiracion de que acusan a MJ viene de las sesiones ante el Gran Juado, ¿ os dais cuenta de lo bien que le ha venido ha Sneddon ? Se ha pasado de hablar de la conspiracion de Sneddon contra MJ, a la conspiracion de MJ en solo 24 H.
Que asco de medios...
El juez Melville edito los nombres de los supuestos co-conspiradores de los documentos de procesamiento presentados por Sneddon el pasado viernes.
Como ya sabeis, es casi seguro que 2 de esos nombres sean los de los ex-ayudantes de Michael, Tyson y Amen. Sneddon les ofrecio inmunidad si declaraban contra MJ ante el Gran Jurado, pero estos se negaron. Seguramente siga presionando para que alguno de ellos declare en contra de MJ en el juicio... veremos lo que pasa, es posible que si no declaran contra MJ, Sneddon presente cargos por conspiracion contra ellos.
El abogadode de ambos, Tacopina dice que lo que busca Sneddon es probar que sus clientes intentaron acallar al acusador y su familia sobre los supuestos crimenes cometidos por MJ, y que no lo denunciaran ante las autoridades. Segun este articulo de USA Today, es Michael quien paga al abogado de Tyson y Amen.
Volviendo a lo de los 5 supuestos co-conspiradores, y saliendome de lo que dice el articulo de USA Today...
¿ Quien pueden ser ?
Aparte de los casi seguros Tyson y Amen... Yo habia pensado en Marc Shaffel o el manager Aleman de MJ, Dieter Wiesner
En el MJJForum dan ademas estos nombres como posibles: Brad Miller, (¿? no se quien es) Christian Robinson (el camara que grabo a la familia exculpando a MJ) y ... Mark Geragos (solo son posibles, que se barajan)
Esto de Mark Geragos aunque sorprendente, puede tener sentido en la retorcida mente de Sneddon, recordad que Geragos ya estaba por alli cuando empezaron los problemas con la familia. Por cierto, ahora que sale el nombre de Geragos, me pregunto... ¿ quien dijo antes que Geragos ya estaba alli por aquel entonces ? y... ¿ por que se dijo ? y ... ¿ porque hemos tenido que esperar a que despidan a Geragos para que se dijera (no se si sera cierto, pero se ha dicho) que Geragos estaba trabajando en una demanda de MJ a $ony ? :miedo:
( No puedo traducir el articulo, me tengo que ir asi que perdonad por el pequeño resumen, aqui pego el articulo entero )
New turn in Jackson abuse case
By Martin Kasindorf, USA TODAY
SANTA MARIA, Calif. — Prosecutors in Michael Jackson's child-molestation case are expected to squeeze former aides of the singer to testify against him by threatening them with a charge of conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion.
The conspiracy charge is the newest wrinkle in a case in which Jackson is accused of sexual misconduct with a 13-year-old boy last year. It is contained in a 10-count felony indictment that was unsealed in court on Friday, where Jackson was read the charges.
With a nod of his head, a subdued Jackson pleaded not guilty to all counts in the indictment, which supersedes a nine-count criminal complaint filed against him Dec. 18. Jackson is free on $3 million bail.
The new conspiracy charge appears to put several former aides to Jackson in legal jeopardy. Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon can use it to seek deals for testimony that Jackson tried to cover up any misconduct. Joseph Tacopina, a lawyer for two former Jackson staffers, says Sneddon wants to prove that the pop singer acted with aides to bully the accuser and his family out of telling authorities about Jackson's crimes.
Some lawyers who are not involved in the case say Sneddon is using the conspiracy allegation to shore up sexual misconduct charges that appear to rely largely on shifting accounts by the boy and his younger brother.
It's unclear, however, which of Jackson's former aides are at risk. The trial judge, Santa Barbara County Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville, took the unusual step of concealing their names. After handing a complete copy of the indictment to Jackson's four lawyers, Melville whited-out nearly half of the 13-page document before making it public. Melville said he acted to conceal the children's identities and to ensure a fair trial.
'The mystery continues'
There's room on two key deleted lines of the indictment to fit the names of about five co-conspirators. Jackson is paying the bills for Tacopina to represent former staffers Frank Tyson and Vincent Amen.
Tacopina, a New York attorney, says he's waiting to learn from prosecutors whether his clients are named in the indictment and face arrest unless they cooperate.
Tacopina says that the boy's mother has accused Tyson, who was Jackson's personal assistant, of threatening to kill the alleged victim's brother if he disclosed to police that Jackson had given the boy alcohol. The mother also has accused Amen, an employee of Jackson's production company, of holding the family against its will at Jackson's Neverland ranch, Tacopina says. The mother's story is false, Tacopina says.
In six pages of the indictment, the grand jury alleges 28 "overt acts" were done to further a conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. A conspiracy is an agreement to commit a crime, accompanied by at least one act to carry out the plot, regardless of whether the crime occurs.
"I'm not worried about this case against my clients," Tacopina says, "but because it's shielded the way it was, I'm in the dark. I guess we'll know soon enough, but the mystery continues."
Jackson's lawyers today are to receive a transcript of testimony to grand jurors. The 25 witnesses included the boy, now 14, and his brother, 13. Transcripts usually become public 10 days after a plea. But Melville ordered the transcript sealed.
Alleging a conspiracy "ratcheted up this case considerably," says Laurie Levenson, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. The charge allows Sneddon "to put the squeeze on the co-conspirators" for statements that could include information on molestation or a coverup, she says.
Investigations of Jackson began after a February 2003 ABC telecast showed him and the accuser, a leukemia patient whose disease now is in remission, holding hands and saying they had shared Jackson's bedroom at Neverland. Later that month, the boy, his younger brother, his sister and his mother told investigators that Jackson had done nothing inappropriate. That story changed in June, when the boys told a psychologist that Jackson had molested the older brother.
The charge that Jackson conspired to hide the truth "helps the prosecution with one of its big problems — a waffling victim witness," Levenson says. "Now, there's an explanation."
It's possible that jurors could acquit Jackson of the molestation charges while convicting him of conspiracy, a relatively easy charge to prove.
Many fans remain steadfast
"What do they say — the coverup is worse than the crime?" says Marcia Clark, a prosecutor in the O.J. Simpson case who is doing legal commentary on the Jackson case for TV's Entertainment Tonight.
If Jackson is convicted on all counts and ordered to serve sentences consecutively, he would face more than 20 years in prison. But if the judge orders sentences to run concurrently, Jackson could serve eight years, the maximum penalty for the most serious charge, child molestation.
Though conspiracy may sound like the toughest charge, a conspiracy conviction alone would carry a four-year maximum sentence, reduced to 18 months if it's part of a consecutive sentence for crimes that include child molestation, says Robert Landheer, a criminal defense attorney in Santa Barbara.
So far, Jackson's fans have stuck by him.
"If it hurts him, it hurts us," says Farah Pajuheshfar, 46, president of a fan club in Las Vegas for the singer. She says prosecutors are trying to "stretch the case" with expanded charges. "It's not at all fitting to him, his personality and the way he reaches people with his generosity."
Contributing: Karen Thomas in McLean, Va.
USA Today
PD: Aunque esto de la conspiracion de que acusan a MJ viene de las sesiones ante el Gran Juado, ¿ os dais cuenta de lo bien que le ha venido ha Sneddon ? Se ha pasado de hablar de la conspiracion de Sneddon contra MJ, a la conspiracion de MJ en solo 24 H.
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