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Pregunta Bal a' Versailles Perfume personal de MJ

Holan chicos:
Queria comprar en la web el perfume que utilizaba Michael (para echar unas gotas en antifaz relax oyendo musica) " Bal a' Versailles" creado en 1962 por JEAN DEPRES unicamente en perfume femenino. En los 80' creo' una version masculina, pero nada que ver con la del 62. Se ha dicho que a veces a Michael le agradaban las fragancias en si, a Bubbles creo que lo llevaba con POISON de DIOR.
Que compro -utilizaba? Versailles femenino o masculino?
Ya del perfume m'as caro de la CASA CREED N PARFUM VI con piedras preciosas en bote, lo dejaremos...

Muchi'simas gracias.
- Violeta Alvarez.
Te quiero!!!! Much'imas gracias, era lo que habia oi'do, me muero poder sentirlo, parece que por donde pasaba deja una "estela" de su fragancia que todos sabian que Michael habia pasado, y el perfume es exquisito, por lo que he leiso, el estucho, con retazos y recuerdos a una epoca lejana,dandy , etapa Romantica, poderoso instinristos y fuerzas.

Os dejo, acabo se leer un foro sobre el perfume (google: nombre perfume + man) , y son forodfos de verdad; Introducid a MJ y hay de todo.

Aqi saltando, a ver si me llega pronto; sois un son, particularmente a ti, JEFAZO , no te merezco.


PD. En este modelo no tengo acentos, ~ ni .. En la U (conozco lo que cuid'ais la gram'atica)
Gracias xtar. Espero que hayan muchos porque quiero comprarlo algún día, hace mucho que vengo diciéndolo, eso de la compra por internet no es lo mio, pero me mata de curiosidad como será es ese perfume!...quiero conocer ese delicioso aroma...aunque sea caro desde este lado del planeta :p

leyendo sobre el perfume vi esto...

Como corresponde a nombre alude a la grandeza palacial, Bal a Versailles es festivo y de reina. Este perfume francés, introducido directamente por el perfumista Jean Desprez, en 1962, es uno de los verdaderamente grandes perfumes franceses oriental de todos los tiempos, destinada a grandes damas y los que aspiran a serlo algún día ... Notas cítricas superior segue en el corazón densa y exuberante de flores, donde sensuales, base íntima zumbido notas de interiores barrocos y los asuntos bizantinos del corazón. La etiqueta en la hermosa botella redonda, que representa un cuadro de Fragonard, fue un clásico instantáneo.

Comprar en amazon.co.uk
Bal Un perfume de Versalles ha sido introducido por Jean Desprez, en 1962 y hoy, después de 49 años en las tiendas no han perdido su popularidad. Jean Desprez Bal A Versalles es una línea de perfume para las mujeres. El perfume ha sido diseñado para uso nocturno. Jean Desprez Bal A Versalles es a menudo descrito como un perfume oriental. La nota de salida del perfume es una combinación de bergamota, limón, mandarina y el neroli.

La nota media de Bal A Versalles constan de jazmín, rosa, lirio de los valles, ylang ylang, lirio, almizcle y la civeta. Cedro, sándalo, benjuí, bálsamo de Tolú y meliloto son los ingredientes base de la nota dominante del perfume. La gama de productos de Versalles Bal A consta de 6 fragancias y lociones. Los precios de los productos Bal A Versalles varían de 25 euros ($ 31, £ 20) a 236 euros ($ 299, £ 194).Jean Desprez Bal A Versalles Eau de Cologne Spray se pueden comprar en el envase de 30 ml a un precio medio en línea de 0 euros, lo que equivale a 0 dólares de EE.UU.

y sino se puede comprar, a buscar mandarina, limón y todos los demás ingredientes :jajaja::jajaja:
Última edición:

The new Jean Desprez® fragrance retains the “sexy allure” of the past with a hint of independence®.


Bal a Versailles has notes of rosemary, orange blossoms, Cassia, Jasmine, Rose, Neroli, Bergamot, Bulgarian Rose, Lemon, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Lilac, Orris Root, Vetiver, Yiang-Yiang, Lily, Tolu Balsam, musk, Benjoin, Civet, Vanilla, Cedar, Resins​


This article from Social Affairs Magazine reprinted with their permission​

What is a trend? One might answer that a trend is the prevailing tendency of something to appear with great frequency.

When entertainer Michael Jackson died at 50, after being taken to an L.A. Hospital suffering cardiac arrest, many questions arose and many secrets emerged. But among all the uproar, a few interesting facts about Jackson’s way of life came to light.

One of these fascinating facts is that the world-renowned pop star delighted in wearing the Jean Desprez Bal a Versailles perfume as his signature scent.

Bal å Versailles, meaning “ball at Versailles” the grand French palace of mirrors, is supposed to recall decadent, candlelit ballroom dances past at Versailles palace, with powdered ladies exuding aristocratic perspiration – a combination of flowers and musk. Known as one of the world’s most long-cherished and classically sensuous scent, it was invented by the design house of Jean Desprez in 1962. Bal å Versailles is classified as a Floral Oriental. According to sources it was made with more than 350 rare essences. Out of these, three rose species were used in Bal a Versailles; the Bulgarian, Anatolian and May rose, all three of which are used heavily in the finest aromatherapy products of today. However, though the rose note is not pronounced and mixes with orange blossom, lemon and mandarin, and other top notes effortlessly and serves as an understated background allowing the dark jasmine heart note to pervade. Bal å Versailles changes into something quite wonderful thereafter. Sweetly woody and musky, it erupts into a heavy, musky climax. It has been described by many perfume reviewers as sexy, but not gaudy. Known as having a timeless allure modern fragrances never seem to carry, Bal a Versailles will forever be chic. However, its recent unexpected appearance indicate Bal a Versailles also has enticed a new generation of devotees.

Enter the Jean Desprez giveaway, receive priority notification on Jean Desprez®/Bal a Versailles® products and save 50% on the new Jean Desprez fragrance prior to retail release.


This is from Karen Faye (Michael's long time makeup artist) - this is not an endorsement of Jean Desprez or Bal a Versailles by Michael Jackson, the estate of Michael Jackson or representatives of the estate of Michael Jackson. This is strictly a quote from Karen Faye. This is also not an endorsement of Bal a Versailles or Jean Desprez by Karen Faye. This is however her "quoted" statement:

"I have had many requests. Like music, our sense of smell activates our memories. Michael and I discovered many years ago (30) we shared a favorite scent. Those who were able to share the same space with Michael, BAL A VERSAILLES, by Jean Desprez, will remind you of him."

Neither Obsession or Joop were a favorite. They may have been a quick buy from his security guards because BAV was not always easy to find."
"I ordered it online. I bought many bottles for him...”

"Michael treated the bottles of this scent like gold. He was always so thrilled to have it. He loved the big fancy bottle, and he liked to carry the tiny little bottles in his pocket. Michael Bush wasn't always so pleased when they leaked in his pocket."

"He was wearing Black Orchid, but that was because it was easy to get. He switched immediately, when I found him BAV. He would ask me everyday if it had arrived after I told him I had ordered it."

"He was wearing BAV in the last weeks of his life."

"Michael and I shared the love of this scent before we even met. It was something we discovered about each other. It wasn't one of those perfumes you find at the department store, so I was always hunting for it for him. Michael Bush would search also. When we found a bottle it was like striking gold. Now with the internet, it makes it easier to track down, but back then it was a miracle to find!
The scent was created in 1962."

"in the video..it looks like ETERNITY."
"There are many "notes" to BAV. the ones that I love and linger on me are the earthy ones, amber and vanilla."

"I bought a lot for Michael...I hope I left some for all of you."

"it is best to get the smallest bottle of perfume. Perfume smells different on everyone...and the eau de toilette spray bottles seem to leak and don't smell as good as the perfume."

"We never cared if a scent was made for a man or women. Michael didn't think it was fair we got all the good smells. LOL"

"if you should order it....get the smallest bottle of PERFUME not the eau de toilette. The perfume smells better."

0 Bids$6.99Time left:1h 50mBal A Versailles Jean Desprez Paris 3.4 EDT Spray NIB
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Time left:22d 2h 27mBAL A VERSAILLES by Jean Desprez .9 oz Perfume for Wo...
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Time left:11d 1h 53mBAL A VERSAILLES - Jean Desprez 0.17 oz EDT Perfume
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Time left:20d 17h 10mBAL A VERSAILLES by Jean Desprez .25 oz Perfume for W...
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Time left:23h 26mBal a Versailles .25 oz Pure Parfum for women NIB
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Buy It Now$40.84
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Time left:13d 5h 39mJean Desprez Bal a Versailles 120ml Eau de Cologne

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Buy It Now or Best Offer$54.99Time left:1d 8h 10mVtg Jean Desprez Bal a Versailles Parfum .9 oz partial

0 Bids$19.99Time left:2d 6h 51mBal A Versailles .25 oz PARFUM Jean Desprez Perfume NIB

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0 Bids$28.18
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Time left:2d 8h 52mNew BAL A VERSAILLES Perfume for Women GIFT SET

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Time left:29d 5h 31mBal A Versailles 1 oz Pure Perfume Jean Desprez New Box

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No compres Perfumes/Colonias en eBay que son copias.
Y en Amazon, si no es a la propia Amazon, tampoco te fies.

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Gracias. Soy cliente fija de AMAZON , y para recibir los productos originales, elige pinchar con el raton en la foto del producto seleccionado ( igual que con los libros recien publicados ) y no entres en otros centros asociados con AMAZON que los incluye debajo de foto como productos NEW o USED a mejores precios en otras tiendas de USA.
Voy a probar las 4 gotas. De PURE PARFUM que utilizo en un antifaz relax de terciopelo NECTAR que cubre tambien nariz cubre de
WOW! Ahora sí hicieron una investigación a fondo del perfume!!
Mil gracias, lo pondré agendado para Navidad! :)

Besos a todos y por favor, relaten también sus experiencias de compra y con el perfume, todos lo agradeceremos. ;)

Hace años vengo diciendo que lo voy a comprar y no lo hago :p
lastima que no tengo idea como comprar por amazon :S
de todas formas si o si lo voy a hacer... amo los perfumes, y ni hablar de la curiosidad que tuve siempre por conocer "el" aroma de este.