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Brutalidad Policial En Santa Maria

En respuesta al post de alita :)muac: ):


Aqui teneis un post del MJJForum: http://www.mjjforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22884



THE MICHAEL JACKSON CHRONICLES: THE MICHAEL JACKSON CHRONICLES: Fans and Journalists Allege Police Brutality after Jackson Arraignment.
by Tanya Kersey-Henley

Michael Jackson
(Jan. 23, 2004) Many fans and journalists alike are speaking up about alleged acts of police brutality by law enforcement following Michael Jackson's arraignment on Jan. 16 at a Santa Maria courthouse. Was law enforcement protecting the public or injuring them?

The pop superstar astounded the more than 2,000+ fans and 600 members of the media as he hauled himself atop his SUV for fans to see him, waving and flashing the peace sign as music played in the background. Jackson got down from the top of the SUV and as his entourage attempted to drive away, the media scrambled to chase the caravan on foot. Fans followed behind the caravan, struggling to catch a glimpse of the pop superstar whose SUV stopped periodically to greet them. County sheriff's deputies ran alongside the vehicles. As law enforcement attempted to control the mad rush, a pushing and shoving match ensued. The chaotic situation turned ugly. Excitement lead to pandemonium and mass hysteria, then police brutality?

Police brutality is the claim some Jackson fans and journalists are making against the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department and Santa Maria Police Department. Many allege they were manhandled and intentionally roughed up by law enforcement.

"A large contingent of Santa Barbara County sheriff's deputies linked arms and moved their bulk into the crowd. Most of them acted professionally. Too many did not, however, creating more problems than they solved," said Steve Corbett of the Santa Maria Times. First to break the story on Jan. 17, Corbett says "The unnecessary and excessive force that Santa Maria police and Santa Barbara County Sheriff's deputies used in their failure to control the crowd must be reviewed and rectified."

Corbett describes a number of situations he observed where police allegedly used excessive force. "During the rush, one muscular Santa Maria officer grabbed a frail-looking young man and bulled him forcefully out of the way. Turning, the cop grabbed a young woman and spun her around by her shoulders. Then he grabbed another body and yet another, manhandling male and female alike from where they stood near the line of dark vehicles that sat idling and ready to take the entourage away. The cop attacked - not the other way around."

In another instance Corbett describes a middle-aged Latino man, attempting to help a woman who had tripped and fallen, was charged by a deputy who pounded the man with his stick, knocking him to the ground.

Corbett has also recounted his story about cops running amok to Geraldo Rivera on the FOX News Channel. "A city cop even hit me in the chest as I held my official police press pass in my hand so officials would know I was at the scene to do my job. Then he hit me again." Corbett says he's not filing a formal complaint because "I'm not a whiner. I just want it fixed."

The Jackson fan community MJJForum recently interviewed several Michael Jackson fans and journalists who allege various acts of police brutality after last Friday's arraignment. Charging violations of the public's constitutional and civil rights, the fan site has recorded the first-hand accounts and plans to forward them to the appropriate agencies, and potentially file a formal complaint. An MJJForum spokesperson says they are receiving many stories from young fans who were hit, muffled, grabbed, and manhandled by the sheriff's department and local.

Twenty one-year-old Alejandra flew in from Mexico City, Mexico for the Jan. 16 arraignment. She describes an "out of control" situation where police, for no reason, started pushing her group of friends. "We started begging policemen to please stop pushing since we were doing nothing, but those guys seemed to enjoy it and they continued pushing us even harder," she says. "We tried to fight to remain standing up, since we were afraid of falling on the ground and being knocked down by people. They even had a dog and they threatened us the dog would bite us if we wouldn't back off."

Thirty year-old Jennifer from Dallas, Texas says she was standing across the street and wasn't even close to Jackson's caravan but still became a victim of the brouhaha. She explains how she was picked up and thrown to the ground and then goes on to describe how two police officers, a male and female, groped her breasts while trying to push her back. "I felt highly violated by their actions," Jennifer says. "I screamed at both of them for touching me in that manner. It was uncalled for. Also, one police officer slammed a girl down to the ground in front of Michael."

Twenty four-year-old Vanessa from Barcelona, Spain says she was fearful for her life. She describes how the police were excessively pushing and shoving, and many fans fell to the group. "They brought a dog and the policeman was telling us "it will bite," they were daring us with a dog that if we move, it will bite us."

Jackson fan Jenny saw a police officer scream "get the f%&# off the road!" Two foreign women got struck with the batton. One was struck on her back and the other was struck on her chest in her rib cage area. The woman struck on her chest was crying and the officer just walked away. "Fans went to help her," Jenny said. She also explained how she never saw a fan provoke the officers in any way. "I just think the police lost their patience."

Chris O'Leary says the shoving from the police was with a force that was completely unnecessary and unprovoked. "I have footage of the police pushing fans and shoving them," he adds. One person fell and it caused other people to fall as well.

Another Jackson supporter, Arus, says the reason why the police got so out of control was because of the reporters. "They [the media] were the serious problem _ not the fans," he explains. "The reporters weren't even following the rules. They were crossing the line, they were jumping in front of Michael's cars and that's why the police went so crazy. It wasn't because of the fans. And then they took it out on the fans."

All of the fans reported similar incidents of the police and sheriff's deputies aggressively pushing, shoving, knocking people down, and yelling obscenities. Several fans recounted the same incident with the police dog.

Jackson plead not guilty to seven counts of performing lewd or lascivious acts on a child under 14 and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent. He remains free on $3 million bail. Jackson's attorneys will appear in court (sans Jackson) on Feb. 13 to set a date for the preliminary hearing.

Media commentator and entertainment journalist Tanya Kersey-Henley is the editor-in-chief of Black Talent News (www.blacktalentnews.com), and contributing editor and correspondent to several other publications. Email: tanya@blacktalentnews.com
after Jackson Arraignment.
by Tanya Kersey-Henley

En pocas palabras, explica los e-mails recibidos de los fans quejandose del mal comportamiento de la policia en la vista del viernes dia 16.
Muchas gracias a los del MJJForum por pensar en tan maravillosa idea.

Quien pueda y cuando pueda, traducción please ;)
Gracias por ponerlo, vane! es un artículo muuuuuy interesante y lo he publicado hace un ratito en castellano en www.blackfedora.net como tema de actualidad. Nada mas entrar vereis la reseña en medio, arriba.

Me he asegurado de ke sale en Google News así que ojalá algun otro medio se haga eco y lo publiquen tambien. Esto tiene que saberse.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

A la mierda los polis!! y a la mierda la prensa!!!:mad: :mad:

Por suerte o por desgracia sé como debe de actuar un agente antidisturbios .Los tienen enseñados a no mirar a nadie osea,tienen que ir a saco,pero siempre que se encuentren en situaciones conflictivas y siempre que "los otros" ataquen primero.
Y estos "señores" ni eran antidisturbios ni allí había una situación conflictiva. Allí no ocurrió nada de eso fueron los polis los que deliberadamente atacaron sin más. Eso no se puede consentir. Deberían de denunciarlos por su actuación. Allí no había nadie tirándoles cocteles molotov ni insultándolos .Se excedieron en sus diligencias y deberían por lo menos de pedir perdón y asumir su irresponsabilidad.

Porras es que estas cosas me ponen enferma. En vez de ir a saco con la gentuza lo hacen con personas que se manifiestan pacíficamente o como en este caso ,que estaban allí para apoyar a su ídolo. Da vergüenza.

Gracias a Dios todos estais bien eso es lo único que me consuela.
De nada bizi, pa eso tamos :muac:

Pues si coleguita, aquello parecia las manifestaciones antidisturbios pero solo lo parecia por el comportamiento de la policia, no por el de los fans que estabamos la mar de tranquilos, emocionados por la alegria que desbordaba Michael, pero muy muy tranquilos.
Gracias por tu última frase, todos estamos bien y con muchas ganas de enfrentarnos a la nueva seguridad que piensan implantar para la siguiente vista que acuda Michael (que Dios nos ampare jejeje).
que agusto me hubiera quedado si en ese momento hubiera tenido una porra desmontable como las que tenian los cabrones de los policias.... por que para colmo no solo nos atacaron los que iban de marron, si no tambien los de negro (q no se pa que es cada uno, pero los dos empujaban igual)

como me den opcion de denunciarlos OO!!!! que gusto me iba a dar... ademas es que no se me olvidan sus caras! cabrones! :toma:.... La proxima se van a enterar pero bien! Voy a llevar una camara solo para grabar como nos tratan y oooooo la voy difundir como ellos con la cinta de la detencion de Michael.... que gusto q me va a dar!!!! :toma:

Si es que yo que soy grande me tiraron a tomar por %$#*ç&#!!!
Y se liaron a tortas con una fan sujetandola por el cuello y diciendola que la iban a meter en la carcel y lo unico que hacia era ir hacia el coche de Michael..... ¬_¬
Escrito originalmente por albasweet

La proxima se van a enterar pero bien! Voy a llevar una camara solo para grabar como nos tratan y oooooo la voy difundir como ellos con la cinta de la detencion de Michael.... que gusto q me va a dar!!!! :toma:

Si es que yo que soy grande me tiraron a tomar por %$#*ç&#!!!
Y se liaron a tortas con una fan sujetandola por el cuello y diciendola que la iban a meter en la carcel y lo unico que hacia era ir hacia el coche de Michael..... ¬_¬

:eek: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

pero como pueden ser tan cabr**es? eske no se dan cuenta ke los unicos ke prepararon el pollo fueron ellos ,esto es increible

Alba de verdad ,para otra vez ke no se te olvide la camara,un beso muy grande wapisima!!!!:muac:
Twenty one-year-old Alejandra flew in from Mexico City, Mexico for the Jan. 16 arraignment. She describes an "out of control" situation where police, for no reason, started pushing her group of friends. "We started begging policemen to please stop pushing since we were doing nothing, but those guys seemed to enjoy it and they continued pushing us even harder," she says. "We tried to fight to remain standing up, since we were afraid of falling on the ground and being knocked down by people. They even had a dog and they threatened us the dog would bite us if we wouldn't back off."

Jo!! vaya sorpresa me llevé cuando leí que han tomado parte de mi testimonio
Escrito originalmente por albasweet
no solo nos atacaron los que iban de marron, si no tambien los de negro (q no se pa que es cada uno, pero los dos empujaban igual)

Los de negro son la policía local; los de marrón son los del sheriff.

Vaya, que los de negro son los "pitufos" pringaos aguanta-semáforos, y los de marrón son los que arrasaron Neverland, obligaron a MJ a hacerle fotos de sus partes hace 10 años, le retorcieron el brazo el otro día, trabajan para nuestro amiguete Jim Anderson, etc.

Siempre me gustó menos el marrón que el negro... :|
A mi la verdad es que el traje es lo de menos...me los estoy imaginando ahora mismo a todos en bolillas....y me estoy partiendo el culo....jajajajajaa!!!

Alba cariñín tu tranquila que la próxima, si Dios quiere, estaré allí .
Vosotras os poneis detrás mía que yo se defensa personal y me pienso liar a mamporranzo limpio...tu mientras le arreas al otro con el oso de peluche para MJ y Vane que tenga el "car" preparado para salir a 200 de allí......ya me estoy viendo...
Escrito originalmente por coleguita

Vosotras os poneis detrás mía que yo se defensa personal y me pienso liar a mamporranzo limpio...tu mientras le arreas al otro con el oso de peluche para MJ y Vane que tenga el "car" preparado para salir a 200 de allí......ya me estoy viendo...

Voy tomando nota de la tactica de ataque...:meparto:

Necesitaremos un coche con más potencia (os acordais que lo comentabamos, en la habitación, chicas?)