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campaña support sabu

June 25 ,2009.We can NOT forget. We will NOT buy any new album. Our money is NOT for $ony .Our money is for someone who needs it , it is alive in a Preserve because of being unique, because it is endargered. For someone like Sabu, one of two tigers of Michael. Thriller already died, but Sabu is there. And our money can be for him.
If you're not going to buy the album, you can support Sabu <3
June 25 ,2009.We can NOT forget. We will NOT buy any new album. Our money is NOT for $ony .Our money is for someone who needs it , it is alive in a Preserve because of being unique, because it is endargered. For someone like Sabu, one of two tigers of Michael. Thriller already died, but Sabu is there. And our money can be for him.
If you're not going to buy the album, you can support Sabu <3

¿Otra campaña "sacacuartos"?

Sólo recordar que la dueña de la reserva a la que va destinado este dinero criticó a MJ públicamente calificándo de "error grave" tener animales salvajes como mascota, quejándose de que MJ no hubiera enviado dinero para su mantenimiento e intentando que fueran sus hijos los que pagaran su mantemiento. Señora Hedren, es posible que Michael tuviera otras prioridades como intentar recomponerse tras salir de un juicio que casi le cuesta la vida, como rehacer su vida tras haber tomado la dolorosa decisión de no volver a Neverland y tener que exiliarse fuera de su país :|.