for those who haven't heard Cheater yet!
40 minutes to go!!!
I copy&past all the info here:
Please...just pass this info in other forums...(danish, german, romanian...)
Radio Italia Network will premiere Cheater, just one day before the official italian release, during "Welcome to The Jungle" Show (DJ's name is Marco Biondi)
Rome: 07:00-09:00 p.m. (C.E.T.)
New York time: 01:00-03:00 p.m.
Los Angeles time: 10:00-12:00 a.m.
London time: 06:00-08:00 p.m.
You can listen to this radio also in streaming! (you will listen for sure!)
wait for page to load
click "ascolta RIN " on the top right corner
choose between Real Player and Windows Media Player
email&mobile phone to mail/call the radio
For those who will hear the italian radio tonight/this morning
Here is the MOBILE PHONE to send your SMS live to the dj.
He will read it!!! And also write an email to request Cheater and say "MJ 100% innocent!!"
Feel free to write in english!
email DJ:
direct email "Welcome To The Jungle" Show:
mobile phone for S.M.S.: +39.320.20.22.151
I suggest to write emails and send S.M.S. (Short Message System) to the radio.
The DJ will read them live!
He had already received tons of emails and sms from italian fans! :wild:
Let's hear our voice MJ's fans! :listeningtomusic
Write in english.
When you'll hear Cheater during the show
You'll hear Cheater two times during the show!
1) at the beginning
Rome: 07:00 p.m. (C.E.T.)
New York time: 01:00 p.m.
Los Angeles time: 10:00 a.m.
London time: 06:00 p.m.
2) more or less in the middle (after Michaelmania's interview!)
Rome: 08:20 p.m. (C.E.T.)
New York time: 02:20 p.m.
Los Angeles time: 11:20 a.m.
London time: 07:20 p.m.
40 minutes to go!!!
I copy&past all the info here:
Please...just pass this info in other forums...(danish, german, romanian...)
Radio Italia Network will premiere Cheater, just one day before the official italian release, during "Welcome to The Jungle" Show (DJ's name is Marco Biondi)
Rome: 07:00-09:00 p.m. (C.E.T.)
New York time: 01:00-03:00 p.m.
Los Angeles time: 10:00-12:00 a.m.
London time: 06:00-08:00 p.m.
You can listen to this radio also in streaming! (you will listen for sure!)
wait for page to load
click "ascolta RIN " on the top right corner
choose between Real Player and Windows Media Player
email&mobile phone to mail/call the radio
For those who will hear the italian radio tonight/this morning
Here is the MOBILE PHONE to send your SMS live to the dj.
He will read it!!! And also write an email to request Cheater and say "MJ 100% innocent!!"
Feel free to write in english!
email DJ:
direct email "Welcome To The Jungle" Show:
mobile phone for S.M.S.: +39.320.20.22.151
I suggest to write emails and send S.M.S. (Short Message System) to the radio.
The DJ will read them live!
He had already received tons of emails and sms from italian fans! :wild:
Let's hear our voice MJ's fans! :listeningtomusic
Write in english.
When you'll hear Cheater during the show
You'll hear Cheater two times during the show!
1) at the beginning
Rome: 07:00 p.m. (C.E.T.)
New York time: 01:00 p.m.
Los Angeles time: 10:00 a.m.
London time: 06:00 p.m.
2) more or less in the middle (after Michaelmania's interview!)
Rome: 08:20 p.m. (C.E.T.)
New York time: 02:20 p.m.
Los Angeles time: 11:20 a.m.
London time: 07:20 p.m.