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CJ: Policía busca cintas con conversaciones entre Jackson y Schaffel (V.O.)


Police Seek Jackson/Schaffel Tapes
February 4, 2005




As embattled pop star Michael Jackson fights to control information leaks in his child molestation case, "Celebrity Justice" has made another startling new discovery: authorities are seeking what they believe are tape recordings of confidential phone conversations between Jackson and F. Marc Schaffel, a former producer of gay porn videos who was once one of Jackson's closest confidants.

At least three people have told authorities they have heard portions of tapes, and it was apparent to those people that Jackson had no idea that he was being taped.

Schaffel is listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case. According to "CJ" Executive Producer Harvey Levin, nobody was closer to Jackson during the time the alleged molestations occurred.

"Marc Schaffel has told me he has bombshells in this case, some of which could be devastating to Jackson," Levin said. "He told me that Jackson would tell him everything. They would have long conversations day and night, rambling conversations about Jackson's innermost secrets."

Exactly one year ago, cops raided Schaffel's mansion outside Los Angeles looking for notes, diaries, documents, photographs or videotapes, but the confidential telephone recordings did not turn up. And according to Levin, Schaffel may have been trying to cash in. "Marc Schaffel has said that he wants a million dollars or more for his information," Levin said, "be it raw information or tapes as well, and he says it's worth every penny."

Authorities will not have to buy the tapes, they've already subpoenaed them. But we're told cops are having a hard time locating Schaffel to serve him with the subpoena.

Even if the tapes do surface, they could present a problem for prosecutors: in California, it is illegal for one person to record a conversation without the other person's consent. According to Levin, "if these recordings were made without Jackson's consent, it's a crime. Schaffel could be prosecuted, and the tapes would not be admissible in the molestation case. However, they could strike a deal with Schaffel and say, 'Look, we won't prosecute you for the illegal recordings, but you have to get up on the stand and testify about what Jackson told you,' and they could get the information that way."


No me creo nada. ¿Qué coño le iba contar Michael a Schaffel? Por favor... ni que uno pudiera ir por ahí presumiendo de su pederastia. Hay que joderse.
Donde están las cintas, matarile rile rile...

Tranquilos: Victor Gutiérrez dijo lo mismo hace 11 años y todavía estoy esperando :cuñao

PD: Festiviwonder, betty. No se pueden presentar más evidencias. Si es una cosa totalmente explosiva imagino que sí, pero... por qué no habló Marc ANTES de todo esto? :confused: (En el supuesto de que fuera verdad, claro).
Toda la mierda que tendremos que escuchar y leer

La verdad hay que tener nervios de acero...:(