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Columna de Friedman: El director de Hora Punta, testificará en favor de MJ

MJ: 'Rush Hour' Star, Director to Testify

Thursday, January 13, 2005
By Roger Friedman

I'm told that Michael Jackson's defense has subpoenaed at least three people in the film business as character witnesses.

"Rush Hour" director Brett Ratner and star Chris Tucker — both of whom had a lot of contact with Jackson's accuser and his family — are the top two names who will come to court to help Jackson. The family spent time on the set of "Rush Hour 2" in the first three months of 2001. Ratner has already said in this column that the boy in the case was something of a smarty-pants and was no pushover. He will no doubt give those observations on the stand.

Tucker had even more contact with the family, flying with them back and forth to Miami on his private plane in February 2003 to see Jackson. The return trip, with Jackson, is the one in which Jackson allegedly licked the boy's head and drank wine in soda cans and shared it with the boy. Tucker may be used to refute those claims if they're brought into evidence by the prosecution.

Tucker also figures in the case because his girlfriend and the mother of his son, who also may have been subpoenaed, actually watched the kids in the family when their mother was on dates or shopping, according to my sources. As an impartial witness, the woman could provide crucial testimony. (She does not know Michael Jackson, I am told.) She was also present when the family was interviewed by Los Angeles County Child Protective Services.

Also subpoenaed to help Jackson is his longtime friend Bryan Michael Stoller, director of the "Miss Cast Away," a film released on DVD that features Jackson. Stoller told me yesterday that despite no chain stores taking "Miss Cast Away," he's sold 30,000 copies on his Web site, misscastaway.com. Stoller may be one of several witnesses to testify about his knowledge of Jackson's pursuit of women, a subject that — albeit incredible — could turn out to be riveting.

Meanwhile, Jackson's revamped Web site, mjjsource.com, has started charging $49.99 for premium memberships



- Brett Ratner (Director de Hora Punta), Chris Tucker y su mujer testificarán en el juicio en favor de Michael.

- Los Arvizo pasaron 3 meses con Chris y Brett en la grabacion de Hora Punta 2 en los 3 primeros meses del 2001. Rattner dice que el chico era "smarty-pans" y "no pushover" [no se lo que significa, help! :p] y que no dudará en decir eso en el estrado.

- Tucker tuvo aún más contacto con la familia Arvizo pues viajó "back & forth" [varias veces?] a Miami con la familia para ver a Jackson (no se supone q los abusos no eran en Neverland?) (Por cierto, que guay estar secuestrado y poder viajar 10.000 Kms... donde se ha visto eso?) En el viaje de vuelta es en el que la acusacion se dice que MJ le chupo la cabeza a Gavin y le dió vino en latas de coca cola. Tucker podría ser usado para defender a MJ de esas acusaciones si son introducidas finalmente como evidencia.

- La novia de Chris Tucker también jugará un papel fundamental ya que se quedaba a cargo de los niños cuando la madre se iba de tiendas y puede jugar un papel fundamental en el juicio ya que no conoce a MJ. Tambien estuvo presente cuando la familia fue entrevistada por "Los Angeles County Child Protective Services".

- También defenderá a Michael Brian Stoller, director de Miss Cast Away.

Ayudarme a traducir esto porque no lo entiendo: "Stoller may be one of several witnesses to testify about his knowledge of Jackson's pursuit of women, a subject that — albeit incredible — could turn out to be riveting."
Última edición:
Testigos famosos es lo que se necesita para que impresionen al jurado.

Ya solo falta Liz Taylor y Nelson Mandela y ganamos el caso.
Bravo por Cris, la novia y el director de la película Miss....

Eso es, que se den cuenta los miembros del jurado que
la acusación no tiene fundamentos...

No se saldrán con la suya....:mad:
Esa parte dice ke Stoller puede ser uno entre varios en testifikar de la kerencia de MJ por las mujeres lo kual podría resultar "inkren-níble" (Bisbal's way):p
pussycontrol dijo:
Esa parte dice ke Stoller puede ser uno entre varios en testifikar de la kerencia de MJ por las mujeres lo kual podría resultar "inkren-níble" (Bisbal's way):p
Qué es lo que te parece "inkren-níble" ?? Pussycontrol??
No entendí tu... ¿chiste?:mmm: :mmm:
Mariana si q importa pq acusan a MJ tratandole de homosexual y si se demuestra q es hetero una parte de la acusacion se evndrá abajo

Chris Tucker rulezzzzzzzzzz

Neylo entiendo lo que me decis...

Pero no creo que ellos se van a basar en que es heterosexual...

Nosotros lo entendemos, pero ellos que son muy boludos no creo...