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Comunicado De Stuart Backerman

Stuart Backerman, Michael's official spokesperson, voiced the opinion that has been building in the public mind over the past days. That is, that the case against Michael Jackson appears to be weakening. The original frenzy of the first few days following the nefarious raid on the Neverland Valley Ranch has died away as the time continues to pass without formal charges being filed. This leads many to believe that this case is not as developed as first advertised.

"Its highly unusual for charges like this to take so long to be set forth," Jackson's publicist Stuart Backerman said on Thursday.

"That leads me to believe that there are some problems with putting forth the charges."

Mr. Backerman also noted that the reported extremely troubled life of the family of the child involved were also cooling off the media.

"We have said from the beginning that these allegations are a big lie. But the perspective of the media has changed. They were looking to throw fuel on the fire but now cooler heads are prevailing and the facts are beginning to come out and clearly a lot of people are having another look at the case," he said.

From the outset, this case has been beleaguered with gossip and speculation. As Backerman states "The real facts will come out in a court of law."

Santa Barbara prosecutor Tom Sneddon, who publicly apologized for his jocular behavior at a press conference regarding the case two weeks ago, could not be reached for comment on the speculation that his case is falling apart.

Source: AFP / MJFC


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Stuart es un tipazo.. que me encantaría estrechar su mano y decirle :Gracias por todo Mr. Backerman :D ..!!!

Mi :cor: comienza a saltar de alegría :D

Gracias por la traducción Bizi :)
Bueno...está bien. Eso de que la prensa ahora mira con otros ojos el caso, me da un poco de risa, pero está bien.
Pero como ya alguien comentó en el foro hace poco, cuando se declare inocente...a lo mejor la noticia ni aparece en los medios...ya se verá. De todos modos, ahi estaremos nosotros para hacernos ver y sobre todo, hacernos oir!!!

Backerman, es el rey, el tiene razón, y todo esto es una gran Mentira.