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Descartado que Debbie ponga una demanda a MJ por la custodia de los niños

Jacko Custody Case? Not Happening

Don’t believe a word of the stories coming out of the United Kingdom about Debbie Rowe suing Michael Jackson for custody of their kids.

I am told that this simply is not true. Rowe is said to have laughed heartily when she heard the British tabloid The Sun made up their latest fiction. Rowe will not be making a "row." She signed away her rights to Prince and Paris for millions years ago and is quite happy with her life as it is.

I have to say I was amused, too, considering The Sun simply stole the scoop from this column about Rowe being Jewish and consequently upset about the Nation of Islam guarding the kids.

But they’re not the first to simply pick information from this site and re-purpose it for their own purposes. The New York Times’s Sharon Waxman did the same thing earlier this week when she took our column from nearly a year ago — February 18, 2003 — and breathlessly reported it as if it were new! I still haven’t gotten over that. And the subject of her article, NBC, must have gotten a laugh about it, too.

The fact is that I have the memos NBC executives sent to Michael Jackson a year ago offering him millions for an interview. In exchange they suggested they would kill their "Dateline" show about his plastic surgery. The offer was declined by Jackson, and "Dateline" aired the special. Jackson, as it turned out, already had a deal with Fox Entertainment. This was at the same time that CBS’s Ed Bradley went out to Neverland for a promised interview but didn’t get it. Jackson’s goods went to the highest bidder — Fox — instead.

And don’t believe all the crazy stories you might have read this past week about who the Santa Barbara District Attorney is questioning in the Jackson case, or who did what to whom. I will tell you in the coming week some real details about the hidden cast of characters in the Jackson case. Everything I’ve seen so far during my non-Jacko week has been off the mark — and I mean, waaaay off it!

Roger Friedman

Escrito originalmente por Mó_Ònw4lk3r
Don’t believe a word of the stories coming out of the United Kingdom about Debbie Rowe suing Michael Jackson for custody of their kids.

I am told that this simply is not true. Rowe is said to have laughed heartily when she heard the British tabloid The Sun made up their latest fiction. Rowe will not be making a "row." She signed away her rights to Prince and Paris for millions years ago and is quite happy with her life as it is.

:meparto: :meparto:

Si era de esperar que todo era una invención del tabloid The Sun. Dice q Debbie se rio del tabloid cuando oyo la noticia. Que ella esta muy contenta con su vida actual y que no está buscando quitarle a Michael la custodia (en su momento firmaron un acuerdo ella y MJ).

Una pesadilla menos para los fans.

Aunque ninguno de los fans se lo tragó después de ver las declaraciones de Debbie en el Take 2 hablando muy bien del trato que da MJ a los niños, es de agradecer que cosas como estás se desmientan.
Pues menos mal :p
De todos modos NUNCA creí en esa noticia :mueveojos

¿Porqué les gustaran poner tanta cizaña inventandose las cosas?....a claro...por las ventas y tal :vomiton:
Jaja, pues si la noticia mala la da The Sun y la buena Friedman yo la verdad es que no se a cual de los dos creer :p
A mí este afán de protagonismo de Friedman con las noticias de Michael no me da nada de buen rollo porque este tío es más traicionero que Judas y nunca ha sido trigo limpio.

But they’re not the first to simply pick information from this site and re-purpose it for their own purposes. The New York Times’s Sharon Waxman did the same thing earlier this week when she took our column from nearly a year ago — February 18, 2003 — and breathlessly reported it as if it were new! I still haven’t gotten over that.
:lol: Además de traicionero, hipócrita. Tiene guasa que sea precisamente Friedman, un maestro en el arte de espiar, copiar y pegar lo que se comenta en los foros y páginas web de los artistas, el que se indigne porque otros hagan lo mismo con sus refritos.

Que poco me gusta este hombre. :|
MJNI: Custody Case "Not Happening"

Sunday, January 25, 2004
Debbie Rowe not suing for custody

"Don't believe a word of the stories coming out of the United Kingdom about Debbie Rowe suing Michael Jackson for custody of their kids."

Those are the words of Roger Friedman, FOX News, after reports of a custody battle by several UK outlets.

"Rowe is said to have laughed heartily when she heard the British tabloid The Sun made up their latest fiction", Friedman states.

This comes after earlier in the week reports came out of the UK saying that Debbie Rowe was concerned for her children being "made to wear masks when out in public." This was reported despite her appearance in a documentary less than a year ago stating that the "masks" were in fact her idea.
Re: MJNI: Custody Case "Not Happening"

Por si alguien quiere la traduccion aqui va, aunque es un rumor tonto ,pero bueno esta bien que se desmienta...

Debbie Rowe no demandara por custodia

"No crean una palabra de las historias que se han venido desde el Reino Unido acerca de que Debbie Rowe demandara a Michael Jackson por la custodioa de sus niños."

Esas son palabras de Roger Friedman, FOX News, luego de reportes de una batalla por la custodia de parte de varias fuentas del UK.

"Se dice que Rowe se reia cuando oyo que el tabloide britanico The Sun:| invento su ultimo hecho de ficcion" , dice Friedman.

Esto llega luego de que varios reportes al comienzo de la semana salieran del UK diciendo de que Debbie Rowe estaba preocupada por el bienestar de sus niños" que los hicieran usar mascaras cuando estaban en publicoc." Esto fue dicho a pesar de su aparicion en un documental hace menos de un año diciendo que las " mascaras" fueron de hecho su idea.
Última edición:
era ridiculo creerse algo asi, todos sabemos que debbie es incondicional con michael y que de hecho es una de las personas que mas lo han apoyado siempre ;)
Debbie siempre ha estado a favor de Michael y como siempre los tabloides metiendo baza.
Gracias por la noticia y la traduccion.
¡¡¡¡Saludos Y Animo!!!!
bueno por fin una buena, cuando escuche que decian eso no entendia nada, sobre todo porque debbie siempre esta a su lado para defenderlo, no me lo creia. gracias por la noticia.