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Dick Gregory Asks Jackson Fans to Continue Daily Prayer Vigil

Dick Gregory Asks Jackson Fans to Continue Daily Prayer Vigil

Although doctors advised author, activist, nutrition expert and comedian Dick Gregory not to go on a 40 day fast, he did so in support of Michael Jackson. He has now completed the entire period without consuming any solid foods. He also asked others from around the world to join him in a prayer vigil every day at noon "so that the truth comes out about Michael Jackson´s case."

Mr. Gregory, who has known Michael Jackson for years, said, "He´s a good man, and I feel that he´s been the target of a conspiracy to destroy his career. In my opinion,"Gregory said, "there are people who have a financial interest in bringing Michael down."

Mr. Gregory will be traveling to California this week to support Michael Jackson´s fight against the criminal charges announced by the Santa Barbara Attorney´s office.
Este hombre tendria que servir de modelo para mucha gente, pero no hace falta pasar hambre, con estar con Michael apoyandolo es suficiente, que tampoco hay que enfermarse.

Espero poder verle el dia 16 y apoyar a Michael todos juntos. LA VERDAD SALDRA A LA LUZ, MICHAEL JACKSON INOCENTE!!!!