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does anyone have the song "history" with the different intro???
I have the two versions of the song. In 1995, the first time that HIStory was released, the song has an intro and in the next copies, has another one. They don't care about us, has been changed too.
A ti te lo puedodecir en spanish...
En They don't careabout us meten unos ruiditos encima de la voz de Michael cuando dice lo de Jew me y todos esos rollos. Se le acuso a Michael de ser antisemita...
SIdereus, in TDCAU the change was the words "kike me" and "jew me", they were overdubbed with hit sounds.
The choral intro for HIStory was exchanged for another part of Beethoven's 9th symphony. The original version is the one that can be heard before HIStory live in concert.
i have the 2 versions of the album history made in mexico,and one made in austria....the last one has the different versions of TDCAU and's just the intro,nothing too cool....
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