Hola ..!
He estado viendo de nuevo el canal E!
Han hablado sobre el duque de Manchester [ Lord Alex ] ,al parecer es un testigo por parte de la fiscalía y va a declarar sobre dos visitas que hizo a Neverland junto a su hijo en los 90,lo que no me queda claro es que pinta él por ahora en el juicio si aún no se sabe si se admitirá lo de el caso del 93 hasta este lunes que Melville lo decida
;ahora pongo exactamente que fue lo que pasaron en este resumen de noticias que pasa por este canal ..
Conductora : Lord Alex es un potencial testigo de la acusación,que habla a pesar de la orden de silencio.
Lord Alex : Le he informado a la físcalia que estoy hablando contigo [ con el reportero que le ha hecho la entrevista ]
Conductora : En esta entrevista exclusiva de NBC el Duque de Manchester dijo estar harto de las amenazas ...
Lord Alex : Que me vaya del país y no vuelva hasta que pase la audiencia.
Conductora : y destrucción.
Lord Alex : Me han destrozado el frente de mi casa ,me han pinchado los neumáticos.
Conductora : El y su hijo fueron amigos de Jackson y visitaron Neverland dos veces en los 90,su historia podría apoyar testimonios previos sobre que Jackson llama al vino " Jugo de Jesús " y más. Lord Alex no dará detalles de su experiencia pero habla porque teme futuros daños.
Pero una fuente de la defensa dijo que al equipo legal no le preocupa ese testimonio.
He estado viendo de nuevo el canal E!

Han hablado sobre el duque de Manchester [ Lord Alex ] ,al parecer es un testigo por parte de la fiscalía y va a declarar sobre dos visitas que hizo a Neverland junto a su hijo en los 90,lo que no me queda claro es que pinta él por ahora en el juicio si aún no se sabe si se admitirá lo de el caso del 93 hasta este lunes que Melville lo decida

Conductora : Lord Alex es un potencial testigo de la acusación,que habla a pesar de la orden de silencio.
--Despúes pasan a este señor hablando frente a las cámaras en una entrevista que ha dado al canal NBC---
Lord Alex : Le he informado a la físcalia que estoy hablando contigo [ con el reportero que le ha hecho la entrevista ]
Conductora : En esta entrevista exclusiva de NBC el Duque de Manchester dijo estar harto de las amenazas ...
Lord Alex : Que me vaya del país y no vuelva hasta que pase la audiencia.
Conductora : y destrucción.
Lord Alex : Me han destrozado el frente de mi casa ,me han pinchado los neumáticos.
Conductora : El y su hijo fueron amigos de Jackson y visitaron Neverland dos veces en los 90,su historia podría apoyar testimonios previos sobre que Jackson llama al vino " Jugo de Jesús " y más. Lord Alex no dará detalles de su experiencia pero habla porque teme futuros daños.
Pero una fuente de la defensa dijo que al equipo legal no le preocupa ese testimonio.
--Mientras las conductora hablaba pasaron unas imágenes de Michael en el dragón junto a un niño,pasaron también imágenes de Michael sentado en un sofá hablando hacia la persona que traía la cámara y estaba de nuevo ese niño sentado junto a él,pasaron imágenes de Michael sentado en la mesa y a un extremo estaba una niña [ no creo que haya sido Paris ] ; al menos yo no había visto esas imágenes nunca,mientras las pasaban solo mostraban el rostro de Michael pero a los niños les taparon la cara de manera que no se reconocian,tampoco se si esas imágenes fueron proporcionadas por el Duque
He buscado más info sobre esto ... [ Espero que alguien ayude con la traducción :muac: ]

Duke called to give evidence in Jackson trial tells of threats
By Catherine Elsworth in Los Angeles
(Filed: 26/03/2005)
A British aristocrat called to testify in Michael Jackson's child abuse case about visits he and his son made to the singer's Neverland Ranch claims he is receiving death threats, ordering him to stay away from the trial.
The 13th Duke of Manchester, a distant relative of Diana, Princess of Wales, has been called by the prosecution to testify about the visits, made in the late 1990s.
Lord (Alexander) Montagu, 42, says Jackson became friendly with his son, Alex, now 11, after they met at a memorial service for Diana, Princess of Wales. The entertainer started calling the boy frequently and they became firm friends. But while waiting to hear if he will be called to give evidence, the duke claimed he had been threatened and had his tyres slashed.
On Monday, Rodney Melville, the trial judge, will rule whether the prosecution can submit evidence about prior allegations of molestation made against Jackson. This could include testimony from Jordan Chandler, who received a multi-million pound settlement from the entertainer in 1994 following accusations of abuse.
If the judge does permit such testimony, the duke could help bolster the prosecution case by corroborating details such as Jackson's friendships with young boys and his use of the term "Jesus juice" for wine.
In an interview with NBC News, the duke said: "[My son] was sworn to secrecy to Michael. I don't really to any total degree know what happened. I asked my son, he wouldn't tell me."
The duke said he knew of nothing improper happening between Jackson and his son, but because of the gagging order covering everyone connected to the trial refused to comment further.
But he said that in telephone death threats the caller told him "to leave the country and don't come back until after the hearing," NBC reported.
"I've had the front of my house vandalised. I've had my car tyres slashed."
NBC said the duke spoke out amid fears for his family. "If I have to testify, [I ask] that it be done as soon as possible, because I just want to get this over and done with and get on with my life. . . If Mr Jackson's guilty of something he should be prosecuted. If he's not guilty of something then he should be let go with an apology."
The duke inherited his title in August 2002 following the death of his father.
He spent most of his childhood in Australia - his mother was Australian - where he was later convicted of fraud and assault. He was also involved in another scandal in which he tried to sell his title.
He now lives in California with his American wife and their two children.

Jackson witness says he’s been threatened
By Mike Taibbi
NBC News
Updated: 12:02 p.m. ET March 25, 2005
Montagu claims caller has told him to stay away from trial
LOS ANGELES - A member of the British aristocracy who has been subpoenaed to testify for the prosecution in the Michael Jackson child molestation case told NBC News' Mike Taibbi that he has received threats telling him to stay away from the trial.
Lord Alex Montagu, who is listed in Burkes Peerage as Viscount Mandeville Baron Montagu Alexander Charles David Drogo Montagu and as the Duke of Manchester on his passport, spoke exclusively with NBC News, in violation of Judge Rodney Melville's gag order, because he says he has received telephone threats.
According to Montagu, the caller told him “to leave the country and don't come back until after the hearing.
“I've had the front of my house vandalized, I've had my car tires slashed,” Montagu said. He doesn't know who's responsible for the threats and vandalism.
Montagu has been subpoenaed to testify because of his and his son Alexander's experiences with Michael Jackson at the singer's Neverland Ranch in the late ’90s.
Melville is expected to rule on Monday whether testimony about prior accusations of molestation against the singer can be used in evidence in this trial. If Melville does allow such testimony, Montagu could be a very important witness for District Attorney Thomas Sneddon. According to NBC News, his testimony would complement other available stories about Jackson referring to wine as “Jesus juice” and about the singer and his friendships with young boys.
Montagu says Jackson met his son at a memorial service for Princess Diana, and then started calling the boy, frequently. He said the singer and his son became fast friends.
“[My son] was sworn to secrecy to Michael,” Montagu said. “I don't really to any total degree know what happened. I asked my son, he didn't tell me. And my son's very fond of Michael but he's got his secrets.”
Montagu knows of nothing improper that Jackson did with his son during two visits to Neverland, but because of the gag order he wouldn't give details about those visits.
Montagu said he decided to speak with NBC News because of his family's fear, and the ordeal of just waiting.
“If I have to testify, [I ask] that it be done as soon as possible, because I just want to get this over and done with and get on with my life,” Montagu said.
And what does the Duke of Manchester think now of the King of Pop?
“If Mr. Jackson's guilty of something he should be prosecuted,” Montagu said. “If he's not guilty of something then he should be let go with an apology.”

He buscado más info sobre esto ... [ Espero que alguien ayude con la traducción :muac: ]

Duke called to give evidence in Jackson trial tells of threats
By Catherine Elsworth in Los Angeles
(Filed: 26/03/2005)
A British aristocrat called to testify in Michael Jackson's child abuse case about visits he and his son made to the singer's Neverland Ranch claims he is receiving death threats, ordering him to stay away from the trial.
The 13th Duke of Manchester, a distant relative of Diana, Princess of Wales, has been called by the prosecution to testify about the visits, made in the late 1990s.
Lord (Alexander) Montagu, 42, says Jackson became friendly with his son, Alex, now 11, after they met at a memorial service for Diana, Princess of Wales. The entertainer started calling the boy frequently and they became firm friends. But while waiting to hear if he will be called to give evidence, the duke claimed he had been threatened and had his tyres slashed.
On Monday, Rodney Melville, the trial judge, will rule whether the prosecution can submit evidence about prior allegations of molestation made against Jackson. This could include testimony from Jordan Chandler, who received a multi-million pound settlement from the entertainer in 1994 following accusations of abuse.
If the judge does permit such testimony, the duke could help bolster the prosecution case by corroborating details such as Jackson's friendships with young boys and his use of the term "Jesus juice" for wine.
In an interview with NBC News, the duke said: "[My son] was sworn to secrecy to Michael. I don't really to any total degree know what happened. I asked my son, he wouldn't tell me."
The duke said he knew of nothing improper happening between Jackson and his son, but because of the gagging order covering everyone connected to the trial refused to comment further.
But he said that in telephone death threats the caller told him "to leave the country and don't come back until after the hearing," NBC reported.
"I've had the front of my house vandalised. I've had my car tyres slashed."
NBC said the duke spoke out amid fears for his family. "If I have to testify, [I ask] that it be done as soon as possible, because I just want to get this over and done with and get on with my life. . . If Mr Jackson's guilty of something he should be prosecuted. If he's not guilty of something then he should be let go with an apology."
The duke inherited his title in August 2002 following the death of his father.
He spent most of his childhood in Australia - his mother was Australian - where he was later convicted of fraud and assault. He was also involved in another scandal in which he tried to sell his title.
He now lives in California with his American wife and their two children.

Jackson witness says he’s been threatened
By Mike Taibbi
NBC News
Updated: 12:02 p.m. ET March 25, 2005
Montagu claims caller has told him to stay away from trial
LOS ANGELES - A member of the British aristocracy who has been subpoenaed to testify for the prosecution in the Michael Jackson child molestation case told NBC News' Mike Taibbi that he has received threats telling him to stay away from the trial.
Lord Alex Montagu, who is listed in Burkes Peerage as Viscount Mandeville Baron Montagu Alexander Charles David Drogo Montagu and as the Duke of Manchester on his passport, spoke exclusively with NBC News, in violation of Judge Rodney Melville's gag order, because he says he has received telephone threats.
According to Montagu, the caller told him “to leave the country and don't come back until after the hearing.
“I've had the front of my house vandalized, I've had my car tires slashed,” Montagu said. He doesn't know who's responsible for the threats and vandalism.
Montagu has been subpoenaed to testify because of his and his son Alexander's experiences with Michael Jackson at the singer's Neverland Ranch in the late ’90s.
Melville is expected to rule on Monday whether testimony about prior accusations of molestation against the singer can be used in evidence in this trial. If Melville does allow such testimony, Montagu could be a very important witness for District Attorney Thomas Sneddon. According to NBC News, his testimony would complement other available stories about Jackson referring to wine as “Jesus juice” and about the singer and his friendships with young boys.
Montagu says Jackson met his son at a memorial service for Princess Diana, and then started calling the boy, frequently. He said the singer and his son became fast friends.
“[My son] was sworn to secrecy to Michael,” Montagu said. “I don't really to any total degree know what happened. I asked my son, he didn't tell me. And my son's very fond of Michael but he's got his secrets.”
Montagu knows of nothing improper that Jackson did with his son during two visits to Neverland, but because of the gag order he wouldn't give details about those visits.
Montagu said he decided to speak with NBC News because of his family's fear, and the ordeal of just waiting.
“If I have to testify, [I ask] that it be done as soon as possible, because I just want to get this over and done with and get on with my life,” Montagu said.
And what does the Duke of Manchester think now of the King of Pop?
“If Mr. Jackson's guilty of something he should be prosecuted,” Montagu said. “If he's not guilty of something then he should be let go with an apology.”