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El New York Post dice tener 100 pistas contra MJ

November 25, 2003 -- Authorities probing Michael Jackson on child-molestation charges are investigating at least 100 other leads on The Gloved One - and the possibility of new victims, The Post has learned. The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department asked tipsters to call with information on other potential victims last Wednesday - and the phones have been ringing off the hook, a high-ranking official told The Post.


El articulo entero

November 25, 2003 -- Authorities probing Michael Jackson on child-molestation charges are investigating at least 100 other leads on The Gloved One - and the possibility of new victims, The Post has learned.
The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department asked tipsters to call with information on other potential victims last Wednesday - and the phones have been ringing off the hook, a high-ranking official told The Post.

"We are going through them to make sure they pass the smell test," said the official.

He said about 100 tips are being treated as serious - although the department has received thousands of calls.

The bizarre superstar was booked Thursday for allegedly committing "lewd or lascivious" acts with a child under 14, but will not be formally charged until the second week of December, the source said.

The delay is to give the District Attorney Thomas Sneddon's office a chance to finish a new Web site where it will post court papers to avoid a media stampede, the source said.

Meanwhile, the embattled star, who has remained in seclusion since being accused of molesting a 12-year-old cancer victim, has launched his own Web site, where he branded the charges "one great big lie."

"As you know, the charges recently directed at me are terribly serious," Jackson wrote in an undated letter on the no-frills Web site, which was set up yesterday for the singer to address his fans.

"They are, however, predicated on a big lie. This will be shown in court, and we will be able to put this horrible time behind us," Jackson said.

He has not been seen in public for five days since he surrendered to Santa Barbara cops.

In a bizarre development, his reps yesterday said that while flying on a private jet to surrender, the superstar and his lawyer, Mark Geragos, were secretly filmed.

Two video cameras were discovered in the jet's baggage compartments during a routine cleaning, Fox News reported.

The midair footage debunks claims Jackson was an emotional wreck on the flight, instead showing him at ease and even smiling at times.

XtraJet officials admitted to later approaching the media about possibly selling the tapes, the Los Angeles Times said.

Jackson was released on $3 million bail after being booked and went straight to a meeting with family members, where he finally broke down in tears.

That gathering, where Jacko, surrounded by relatives and friends, wept openly, took place in a high-rise condominium in Las Vegas, where his sister Latoya also lives, TV's "Celebrity Justice" reported.

There, Jackson began crying and said, "I can't believe this is happening to me."

Those in the distraught group, which included Latoya, brother Jermaine and father, Joe, attempted to lift Michael's spirits by saying things like, "You're the King of Pop, you will stay the King of Pop and justice will prevail," the show reported.

Jackson is believed to still be hiding out in Nevada near the Las Vegas studio where he had been shooting a video before his arrest.

His supporters outside his family include 17-year-old Ahmad Elatab, who has said he once shared a bed with the star and yesterday revealed one of the pop star's alleged quirky fetishes. Elatab said Jackson routinely dyes his son Prince's hair blond - so he looks like former child star Macaulay Culkin.

Superstar singer Cher also spoke out about the scandal, telling TV's "ET" that she thought the allegations were "really sad."

"I think that once and for all there should be this investigation and he should be able to clear himself or the alternative," she said.

Additional reporting

by Alisha Berger :toma:
y no son pistas, dice que han recibido miles de llamadas a su peticion de victimas y que de ellas estan siguiendo unas 100...
Son tonterias... ¿y toda esa gente proque no ha salido en estos 10 años? Es un tabloide que se hace eco de unas informaciones seguramente filtradas por el DA (que luego dira que de donde han sacado eso) para poner nerviosos a Jackson y a su defensa... como lo del avion y las cartas, vaya...
lo que mas me gusta de estas cosas es siempre la fuente "a high-ranking official told The Post" XD
Última edición:
Eso son pistas??? YO creia que en las pistas se hacian carreras...ya que el otro significado de pista no tiene nada que ver con lo que dice este articulo...

que de victimas hay ahora....que pena por ellas....:( ...porque son gentuza y escoria humana.

:mad: ;)
todos sabemos que el new york post es un periorico sensacionalista que se derica ha especular sin ningun tipo de pruevas convincentes asi que mother fuker new york post
ni me molestaré en terminar de leer esta mierda, no puedo esperar otra cosa de ese tabloide, así que no mereceni un segundo de mi atención
Ese tipo de gente puede tener miles de pistas pero las verdaderas saldrán a la luz y todo esto de que hacen especulaciones,tienen pruebas que nunca existen y los juicios predeterminados de muchos medios y de personas de que Michael es culpable me enferma :mad: