Aqui os dejo la transcripción de la entrevista que Thomas Mesereau ha dado en el programa "First On Today". Gracias JingeJ por la transcripción.
FOT = First on today
TM = Tom Mesereau
FOT: Tom Mesereau was Michael Jackson lead defence attorney, this is his very first interview since the verdict. Tom Mesereau good morning to you.
TM: Morning Katie
FOT: Before I get your react to the verdict, let me ask you about Michael Jackson, so according to people who watched him as the verdicts were read he seemed to, uhm… not to have an react and then he wipe a tear from his eye beneath his glasses. You got a chance to talk with him. What was his reaction?
TM: Well He’s very relieved but he’s also very exhausted. He feels wonderful about his family to not have to undergo more of this uhm, but it’s going to be a period of recovery for him because physically he deteriorated, he wasn’t sleeping, he wasn’t eating well and it was a terrible ordeal for him.
FOT: Emotionally, what is his current state?
TM: Uh, I would say that he’s going to take one day at the time, he’s going to get some sleep, he’s going to be around his family and just start building for the future, but it has been a terrible, terrible process for him.
FOT: I know you went to the Neverland Ranch last night, can you describe what the atmosphere was like, who was there, what was going on?
TM: His family were there, uh they were all praying, to god, thanking god for all his help that he had giving them throughout this trial, they were all very grateful, it was not a …. Uh…. A super jubilee type of thing, it was a very serious salon, expression of gratitude.
FOT: Meanwhile this is a huge legal accomplishment for you and puts you in a whole new category of trial attorney in this country. What, how did you feel emotionally when this verdict was read?
TM: Well I always thought we win this case, I never thought the prosecution had a case at all, uhm… they tried to make a lot out of nothing, it didn’t succeed, we had a jury with fair-minded, in depended honourable precautious people, and I always thought we win this case.
FOT: What tried to make a lot out of nothing, what do you mean by that?
TM: They put on witnesses who were lacking credibility, they did everything they could, to try to hold them up in ways that just didn’t make any sense, a lot of their theorities and arguments made no sense, and they didn’t have a case, and Michael Jackson is innocent.
FOT: Was there a keen moment in your view Mr Mesereau that really resulted in this none guilty verdict?
TM: No I think we collaborated throughout the trial, I think we cross-examined their witnesses very effectively I think we destroyed a lot of the theorities that was put for them which was ridiculous, I think our witnesses blow them out even more and I am not surprised about the verdict, I am very grateful to the jury, I’m grateful to Judge Melville for running a very orally and professional courtroom but I am not surprised that we won, because we should have won.
FOT: What was the most ridiculous theory in your view?
TM: A lot of what they said was ridiculous, I don’t know where to begin, that this idea that this woman in the family escaped from Neverland three times and came back, the idea that Michael Jackson would run a conspiracy to abduct kids distort in kidnap the thing to that sort, the theory he somehow would start molesting children at particular day made no sense, there were so many ridiculous aspects to this trial that had to be exposed propriety, and I think we did a good job at that.
FOT: But your faith never weight over, you never thought at one point, gee we may be in trouble here at least on one or two of the counts?
TM: Well you always wondering because you don’t know the jurors personally, you don’t know what their backgrounds are, you don’t know what makes them ticks, so you’re always worried but so far the prosecutions case is concerned, and I always thought it was ridiculous, I always thought it was absurd, I thought the way they conducted were mean-spirited and I think they got what they asked for.
FOT: It seems that many of the jurors at least listening to them following the trial have serious, serious issues with the mother of the accuser that they find she wasn’t credible and apparently she was just down-white annoying, how much do you think this hurt the disagreeable demeanour, matter in the course of this trial, was that the absolute key in your view?
TM: It was very important but it was not a key in my opinion, and I think she was not the only witness that lack credibility, I think her children, you know testified and what contradicted repeatedly, I think other witnesses, that the prosecution called bolstered really fell apart completely, and it wasn’t just her at all, I think their case had too many problem with it because, it wasn’t true.
FOT: One juror was quoting in saying, quote: “what mother…” in fact we just heard. “what mother in the right mind would allow that to happen to just freely voluntarily tried to sleep with someone” and another said “as a mother the value have taught them and they have learned, it’s hard to comprehend”. I mean how’ remain is that to the case, it almost seemed as if this mother was on trial.
TM: Well she certainly was cross-examined for days by me, and I did go after her credibility, in both this particular case and in other cases, so she didn’t help them at all, but she was not the whole problem with their case, they had multiple problems, the accusers had problem with their testimonies, they had problems with the things they had done in their past, I think we did a very good job in investigating their background of this family, and we doing what we had to do.
FOT: Some jurors is saying, “It’s not not, this is rather a none guilty verdict, not a innocent verdict.” One juror said he believed Michael Jackson molested other children, just not this one, so is this really the vindication that Michael Jackson supporter believe it is?
TM: Yes it is, Macaulay Culkin came and testified he was never touched, Mr Robson testified that he was never touched, Mr Barnes testified he was never touched, I mean they tried promote theories of Mr. Jackson’s behaviour that just fell apart because they weren’t true.
FOT: But do you find it troubling though Mr. Mesereau that a juror is saying “I believe Michael Jackson molested children”? or molested children before.
TM: No! I don’t find it troubling, because we won the case and we should have won the case, he’s innocent!
FOT: Let me ask you about, this, would you believe that this would lead to a change in Michael Jackson’s behaviour, have you advanced him Mr. Mesereau to stop sleeping with young boys, which he have said quote: “It’s the most loving thing you can do”?
TM: Well he didn’t say sleeping with boys was the most loving thing to do.
(interrupts Tom by raising her voice)
FOT: Sharing the bed,, sharing a bed, sharing a bed!
TM: Letting people into his room is what he is talking about, and he’s not going to do that anymore because of the false charges that were brought here, Michael is a very kind, hearted child-like person, he has been too nice too many people, he has allowed people to come into his life, run freely through his home and that’s going to change, he is not going to make himself vulnerable to this anymore.
FOT: And finally what does Michael Jackson do know in your view?
TM: He’s going to live a wonderful life, because he is a wonderful person with a wonderful family, he’s got an unlimited future and he will do very well.
FOT: Well Tom Mesereau, we so appreciate your time this.
No puedo traducirlo porque me voy ya a la cama
FOT = First on today
TM = Tom Mesereau
FOT: Tom Mesereau was Michael Jackson lead defence attorney, this is his very first interview since the verdict. Tom Mesereau good morning to you.
TM: Morning Katie
FOT: Before I get your react to the verdict, let me ask you about Michael Jackson, so according to people who watched him as the verdicts were read he seemed to, uhm… not to have an react and then he wipe a tear from his eye beneath his glasses. You got a chance to talk with him. What was his reaction?
TM: Well He’s very relieved but he’s also very exhausted. He feels wonderful about his family to not have to undergo more of this uhm, but it’s going to be a period of recovery for him because physically he deteriorated, he wasn’t sleeping, he wasn’t eating well and it was a terrible ordeal for him.
FOT: Emotionally, what is his current state?
TM: Uh, I would say that he’s going to take one day at the time, he’s going to get some sleep, he’s going to be around his family and just start building for the future, but it has been a terrible, terrible process for him.
FOT: I know you went to the Neverland Ranch last night, can you describe what the atmosphere was like, who was there, what was going on?
TM: His family were there, uh they were all praying, to god, thanking god for all his help that he had giving them throughout this trial, they were all very grateful, it was not a …. Uh…. A super jubilee type of thing, it was a very serious salon, expression of gratitude.
FOT: Meanwhile this is a huge legal accomplishment for you and puts you in a whole new category of trial attorney in this country. What, how did you feel emotionally when this verdict was read?
TM: Well I always thought we win this case, I never thought the prosecution had a case at all, uhm… they tried to make a lot out of nothing, it didn’t succeed, we had a jury with fair-minded, in depended honourable precautious people, and I always thought we win this case.
FOT: What tried to make a lot out of nothing, what do you mean by that?
TM: They put on witnesses who were lacking credibility, they did everything they could, to try to hold them up in ways that just didn’t make any sense, a lot of their theorities and arguments made no sense, and they didn’t have a case, and Michael Jackson is innocent.
FOT: Was there a keen moment in your view Mr Mesereau that really resulted in this none guilty verdict?
TM: No I think we collaborated throughout the trial, I think we cross-examined their witnesses very effectively I think we destroyed a lot of the theorities that was put for them which was ridiculous, I think our witnesses blow them out even more and I am not surprised about the verdict, I am very grateful to the jury, I’m grateful to Judge Melville for running a very orally and professional courtroom but I am not surprised that we won, because we should have won.
FOT: What was the most ridiculous theory in your view?
TM: A lot of what they said was ridiculous, I don’t know where to begin, that this idea that this woman in the family escaped from Neverland three times and came back, the idea that Michael Jackson would run a conspiracy to abduct kids distort in kidnap the thing to that sort, the theory he somehow would start molesting children at particular day made no sense, there were so many ridiculous aspects to this trial that had to be exposed propriety, and I think we did a good job at that.
FOT: But your faith never weight over, you never thought at one point, gee we may be in trouble here at least on one or two of the counts?
TM: Well you always wondering because you don’t know the jurors personally, you don’t know what their backgrounds are, you don’t know what makes them ticks, so you’re always worried but so far the prosecutions case is concerned, and I always thought it was ridiculous, I always thought it was absurd, I thought the way they conducted were mean-spirited and I think they got what they asked for.
FOT: It seems that many of the jurors at least listening to them following the trial have serious, serious issues with the mother of the accuser that they find she wasn’t credible and apparently she was just down-white annoying, how much do you think this hurt the disagreeable demeanour, matter in the course of this trial, was that the absolute key in your view?
TM: It was very important but it was not a key in my opinion, and I think she was not the only witness that lack credibility, I think her children, you know testified and what contradicted repeatedly, I think other witnesses, that the prosecution called bolstered really fell apart completely, and it wasn’t just her at all, I think their case had too many problem with it because, it wasn’t true.
FOT: One juror was quoting in saying, quote: “what mother…” in fact we just heard. “what mother in the right mind would allow that to happen to just freely voluntarily tried to sleep with someone” and another said “as a mother the value have taught them and they have learned, it’s hard to comprehend”. I mean how’ remain is that to the case, it almost seemed as if this mother was on trial.
TM: Well she certainly was cross-examined for days by me, and I did go after her credibility, in both this particular case and in other cases, so she didn’t help them at all, but she was not the whole problem with their case, they had multiple problems, the accusers had problem with their testimonies, they had problems with the things they had done in their past, I think we did a very good job in investigating their background of this family, and we doing what we had to do.
FOT: Some jurors is saying, “It’s not not, this is rather a none guilty verdict, not a innocent verdict.” One juror said he believed Michael Jackson molested other children, just not this one, so is this really the vindication that Michael Jackson supporter believe it is?
TM: Yes it is, Macaulay Culkin came and testified he was never touched, Mr Robson testified that he was never touched, Mr Barnes testified he was never touched, I mean they tried promote theories of Mr. Jackson’s behaviour that just fell apart because they weren’t true.
FOT: But do you find it troubling though Mr. Mesereau that a juror is saying “I believe Michael Jackson molested children”? or molested children before.
TM: No! I don’t find it troubling, because we won the case and we should have won the case, he’s innocent!
FOT: Let me ask you about, this, would you believe that this would lead to a change in Michael Jackson’s behaviour, have you advanced him Mr. Mesereau to stop sleeping with young boys, which he have said quote: “It’s the most loving thing you can do”?
TM: Well he didn’t say sleeping with boys was the most loving thing to do.
(interrupts Tom by raising her voice)
FOT: Sharing the bed,, sharing a bed, sharing a bed!
TM: Letting people into his room is what he is talking about, and he’s not going to do that anymore because of the false charges that were brought here, Michael is a very kind, hearted child-like person, he has been too nice too many people, he has allowed people to come into his life, run freely through his home and that’s going to change, he is not going to make himself vulnerable to this anymore.
FOT: And finally what does Michael Jackson do know in your view?
TM: He’s going to live a wonderful life, because he is a wonderful person with a wonderful family, he’s got an unlimited future and he will do very well.
FOT: Well Tom Mesereau, we so appreciate your time this.
No puedo traducirlo porque me voy ya a la cama