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Everything Wrong with This Site's Users (not Admins)

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The amount of people ridiculously going to some random guy's download links, saying, "OH MA GAWD! You have Oslo 1992? Well screw you, I have Oviedo 1992!" Well, I'm going to ask you all a question.


WHO CARES?! WHO. THE FUCK. CARES? Nobody gives a single shit of what you have! What's more important is that you share it with us, and get it the fuck over with.


The amount of retards SO butthurt they literally say, "Admins, could you ban this bitch?" WH-WHAT? And the most retarded part about this is the fact that the retards who LITERALLY go ask the admins to go ban a bitch, are asking for the admins to go ban a bitch who LITERALLY DID NOTHING WRONG! And when someone DOES something wrong, does something ask for the admins to go ban THAT bitch? Answer: NO! So you guys rather ban a bitch who didn't do something wrong, than ban a bitch who did?


The MPs on this site is too much. Literally to much. Users like joanajackson, are taking the MP level too fucking high. I know it's due to copyright, but who fucking cares? I shared the BNN version of Bucharest 1992. And that shit is copyrighted. And did the link get removed? NO! You dumbasses are being to overprotective on your links to much.


VOB files! The shittiest file type of all, VOB files! Seriously, guys, do the VOB file sh
While this is OPINION AND DEBATE, not LEAVE YOUR SUGGESTIONS sections, I would go point by point anyway:

1- If you don't care, there may be others that do. However, the main focus of the forum is and always will be MJ, not the uploader, or the source.

2-Public requests of bans have no effect whatsoever. There is a clear tool to report a post, that helps the banning process be as accurate as possible. Banning prevents stupidity overflow. If you see something worth to be reported, feel free to use it.

3-Sharing links via mp is a decision made by the owner of the post, is not a written policy of the forum as far as I'm aware. There have been several request to change this, however, it's still the post owner's decision to use that method or not as if it's your choice to request and wait for the link, or use other methods to obtain that specific material.

4.Your choice to download them.
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