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Fans de Michael responden a la columnista Heidi Oringer de ABC ¡¡IMPERDIBLE!!

¡Hola de Michael Jackson's HideOut!

Somos del HEAL THE WORLD OFFICIAL FAN CLUB ARGENTINA y nos pareció muy importante dejar este mensaje.

No tenemos tiempo de realizar la traducción correspondiente en estos momentos, pero trataremos de hacerla durante el fin de semana o si alguien puede colaborar... ¡Sería Genial!, y agregarla a este Post.

No dejen de leerla... es MUY INTERESANTE.

Michael Jackson Fans Come to His Defense

Jacko Fans Retort
Barrage of Hate Mail Comes in Response to Jackson Column

By Heidi Oringer

Nov. 14 — We are living in an ever-changing world right now and I imagine it frightens people. One day, you are safe. One day, you are not. One day it's OK to fly. The next day, it's not. It seems fewer and fewer things stay the same.

'You Have No Right' The Wrath of Readers

Luckily, some do, though.
Your family is still your family. You still have to pay taxes and you can't spit into the wind. (You can, but it still produces the same dreadful result.) One of the other things that I thought hadn't changed were the constitutional rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Apparently, I was wrong. These rights were changed right under my very nose and no one bothered to tell me. I didn't even get an interoffice memo.

After my column on Michael Jackson, hundreds of people made it abundantly clear that I am just not allowed to write unfavorable items, whether they be truthful or not, about the "King of Pop."

'You Have No Right'

Over and over again, I was told "you have NO RIGHT to say those things." I am only allowed to extol his virtues. I am only permitted to talk about his talent and generosity. I can't talk about the way his skin looks or the way he behaves. I can't mention his album sales in the United States unless I acknowledge them worldwide. And don't bring up the nose.

It seems I can only write what people want to read. So, when it comes to Michael Jackson, I'm no longer entitled to an opinion.

What makes this declaration so lopsided is that it is only my rights to freedom of speech and press that are being taken away. You see, all of those who responded regarding the column were allowed to write whatever they wanted to about me.

I knew the column on Michael Jackson would cause a firestorm of responses. I expected it. What I didn't expect was to see people's judgment so clouded by their feelings for the man. Interestingly, these are the same people who accused me of allowing my feelings about Michael to cloud my judgment as a writer.

Threatening my life because I wrote negatively about a favorite singer? Really!

I was accused of being a racist. I was accused of having no objectivity. I was accused of being jealous and envious of Michael Jackson.

Pulling the race card is absurd. The column had nothing to do with race. I don't care what color Michael Jackson was when he started out. He is, however, not the same color he was when he was younger. Many of you say it is his skin disease. If that is what you believe, so be it. If your neighbor went from white to green, you'd notice. You'd say something — maybe not to her or him, but to other neighbors or your friends. It's human nature.

I read and continue to read every email that comes in. I have responded to several of you, mostly those who e-mailed me with some sort of rational argument.

It is also worth noting that many people agreed with me and actually wrote things about Mr. Jackson that were far more "cruel." Some things they said were funny and some were just plain ugly, uglier than the ingrown toenail. I would like to share those with you as well, but to get people more incensed seems pointless. I, alone, am willing to take the heat.

So, in the spirit of freedom of expression, I offer you an array of excerpts from the e-mail I received. You can agree. You can disagree. It's your right!


The Wrath of Readers

• You know, it would be nice to not try to humiliate and degrade someone for a talent you obviously do not have.

• Your opinion much like your face, SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


• So sorry that you are so sad and feeling just so very bad about your life that you find pleasure in such sophomoric rantings about jacko.

• As far as the plastic surgery goes, how do you know it doesn't have something to do with the skin disorder?

• Sad. Sad. Sad. I can't believe what I just read. Who died and left you queen? Where do you come off attacking Michael Jackson on his appearance??? Maybe you should step back and take a look at your own picture (one attached to the article). Love the fake hair color. Enough said.

• Not only is Michael Jackson the biggest human oddity to take in visually, but his life as a performer, which spans decades of entertainment history, is a phenomenon in itself. Worldwide the man is practically more popular than Jesus Christ himself.

• Perhaps I will start writing stories about over-the-hill journalists that are pretty good writers but have nothing better to do than criticize others.

• How can you criticize Michael Jackson's appearance when you are no Cindy Crawford yourself?

• I had to laugh reading your article on Michael Jackson — what is the excuse for your face? That pic of you posted I found to be quite scary — at least use PhotoShop to remove the dark black half-moons under your eyes … But — on a bright note — you would make a good Drag Queen — you have a good look for that at least. I shudder to think what u look like from the waist down — ugh.

• Now you want his nose to fall off? Really why don't you just ask him for a jar of his blood? By the way your nose isn't that great either and lets take that fake blond hair of yours (your dark roots are giving you away!) and really green Isn't your color either (your shirt gave you away) See it aint easy being green!

• I hope your not fat, or ugly, or have bad hair, or your uncoordinated, or your shy, or you have any faults, because if you do have these traits, you obviously cannot be talented. Of course, your article doesn't really help your cause. ( Sorry, that comment was a shot that has to be taken! )

• You are one hell of a bitch. I bet your family hates you and you have no friends. I bet you were an ugly kid who was teased and hated by the other classmates, from kindergarten to college. A look at your ugly mug suggests you might need some massive surgery yourself?I hope you rot in hell, bitch.

• Your story on Michael Jackson is ignorant and a deception! First of all it is not for you to say anything about MJ's skin colour especially when you (White woman) can't deal with White supremecy/Racism not only in the entertainment industry but for all people of colour around the world!


• And I look at your posted picture and feel exactly the way you do when you see Michael Jackson.

• The whole world knows Michael Jackson. He's been a successful pop celebrity for 30 years. Who the hell is Heidi what's her name? Well, anyway, sorry to disturb you. I'm certain you've quite a few more rear ends you'll need to kiss today.

• I was at the in-store and I loved seeing him. The man has a skin disease, which stripped him of his pigmentation. Also, he is not feeling well right now. He contracted a cold from his kids. Therefore, it was hard for him physically to be out and about. In addition, he is very shy and there were literally thousands of people coming at him. So, please excuse him if he did not smile for you. It's easy for small minded, insensitive jerks, such as you to bash him in articles.

• You are the ingrown toenail. Michael Jackson is a gentleman something you know nothing about.

• Well this is the end have a nice day and i hope you're happy with your article cause no one else is you're just a hater besides remember this he'll have more money than you'll ever have and sure enough more fans.

• Sure, he's gone overboard with the plastic surgeries, but judging from your picture, you can use it yourself! The truth of the matter is this: Michael Jackson's existence has influenced the world, and yours has done nothing, at best.

• He makes more than you … will be around longer than you … has a WAY larger fan base than you. … and here's the kicker … HE LOOKS BETTER THAN YOU!!!! Now, that's funny!

Heidi Oringer is director of entertainment programming at ABCNEWS Radio.


Dentro de unas horas se las pongo a la traduccion, ahora tengo que ir a firmar la regularidad de una materia en mi facultad...:D :D :D :D :D

Realmente causo mucha controversia el articulo...Y algunas de las respuestas de los fans me parecieron muy divertidas...Vale la pena leerlo asi que cuando tengan un tiempito haganlo!
:meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto:

Los fans de Michael Jackson salen a su defensa

Fans de Jacko Retortan
Cantidad de correo vino en respuesta a la columna de Jackson

de Heidi Oringer

Nov. 14 - En estamos viviendo en un mundo muy cambiante e imagino eso asusta a las personas. Un día, tu estas seguro, un día no lo estas. Un
día es seguro , al otro día no lo es. Parece que menos y menos cosas se quedan igual.

"No tienen derecho" La ira de los lectores

Por suerte, algunos si piensan

Tu familia es aun tu familia. Aún tienes que pagar impuestos y no puedes escupir en contra del viento(puedes, pero aun se produce el mismo horrible resultado) Una de las otras cosas que pense no habían cambiado era el derecho constitucional a la libertad de expresión y
libertad de prensa. Aparentemente estaba equivocada. Estos derechos han cambiado en mis narices y nadie se molesto en decírmelo. Ni siquiera recibí un memo interno. Después de mi columna acerca de Michael Jackson cientos de personas lo hicieron abundantemente claro que yo no tengo permitido escribir cosas desfavorables, aunque sean verdad o no acerca del Rey del Pop.

" No tienes Derecho"
Una y otra vez se me ha derecho que NO TENGO DERECHO de decir esas cosas " Solo tengo permitido destacar sus virtudes, Solo estoy permitida de
hablar de su talento y generosidad. No puedo hablar de cómo luce su piel o de la manera en que se comporta. No puedo mensionar las ventas
de su album en USA a menos que las mensione mundialmente. Y que no se me ocurra mensionar a su nariz "

Parece que solo puedo escribir acerca de lo que la gente quiere leer.
Así que cuando se trata de Michael Jackson, Ya no tengo derecho a una opinión.

Lo que hace a esta declaración tan descolocada es que no solo mis derechos a la libertad de expresión y prensa me son arrebatados.
Ustedes vean, todos esos que respondieron acerca de la columna tuvieron
el permiso de escribir lo que querían acerca de mi.

Sabía que la columna sobre Michael Jackson probocaría una tormenta de respuestas. Lo esperaba. Lo que no esperaba es ver el juicio de las personas tan nublado por sus sentimientos por el hombre.
Interesantemente, estas son las personas que me acusan de que mis sentimientos hacia Michael nublan mi juicio como escritora.

Amenazan mi vida porque escribo negativamente sobre su cantante favorito? Por favor!!

Fui acusada de ser racista, Se me acuso de no ser objetiva, Y se me acuso de estar celosa y envidiosa de Michael Jackson.

Sacar la carta del racismo es absurdo. La columna no tuvo nada que ver con la raza. No me importa de que color era Michael Jackson cuando
empezó. Sin embargo el no es del mismo color del que era cuando era joven. Muchos de ustedes dicen que se trata de una enfermedad. Si eso
es lo que creen, que asi sea. Si su vecino paso de ser blanco a verde ustedes lo notarian. Dirían algo-tal vez no a el o ella, pero si a los
otros vecinos. Es la naturaleza humana.

Continue leyendo cada mail que recibi. Les he respondido a muchos de ustedes, mayormente a a los que me escribieron un argumento mas o menos

También debo notar que mucha gente estuvo de acuerdo conmigo escribió cosas mas crueles sobre el señor Jackson . Algunas cosas que dijeron
eran graciosas y algunas simplemente orrendas, mas orrendas que una uña encarnada. Me gustaría compartir esas cosas con ustedes pero no vale la pena crear mas controversia.

Así que en el espíritu de la libertad de expresión, les ofrezco un
grupo de los mails recibidos. Pueden estar de acuerdo o no. Es su derecho!


La ira de los lectores.

o No es bueno tratar de humillar a alguien y degradarlo por el talento que tu obviamente no tienes.

o Tu opinión como tu cara APESTAN!!!!!!!!!!


o Siento que estés tan triste y te sientas tan mal con respecto a tu vida que encuentres placer un tales calificaciones acerca de jacko.

o Con lo que respecta a la cirugía, como sabes si no tuvo algo que ver con la enfermedad de la piel?

o triste, triste, triste. Lo puedo creer lo que leí . Quién murió y te hizo Reina_ Que derecho tienes de atacar la apariencia de Michael
Jackson??? Tal vez tendría que mirar bien a tu propia foto( la que esta junto al artículo). Me encantó el falso color de pelo. He Dicho..

o No solo es s Michael Jackson la mas grande odisea humana visualmente,
además su vida como artista, que cubre décadas de historia del entretenimiento, es también un fenómeno en si misma. Mundialmente el
hombre es prácticamente mas famoso que el mismo Jesucristo.

o Tal vez yo empiece a escribir historias acerca de periodistas que son buenos escritores y periodistas pero que no tienen nada mejor que
hacer que criticar a los demás.

o Como puedes criticar la apariencia de Michael Jackson cuando tu misma no eres Cindy Crawford ???

o Tenia que reir al leer tu artículo sobre Michael Jackson - cual es la escusa por tu cara? Esa foto tuya la encuentro bastante atemorizante
- al menos usa el PhotoShop para remover la negras y oscuras ojeras debajo de tus ojos ? Pero -en lo positivo - serías una buena Drag
Queen - al menos tienes un buen look para eso. Tiemblo en pensar en como luces de la cintura hacia abajo - ugh.

o Quieres que se le caiga la nariz?? Realmente, porque simplemente no le pides por una jarro de su sangre??. Por cierto, tu nariz, no es la
gran cosa tampoco al menos sácate ese falso color rubio ( las raíces negras te delatan) y también el verde no es tu color( tu camisa te
delata)J. Ves, no es fácil ser verde( aclaro por el que no sabe que este es un dicho famoso de la rana Renne , sigamos con la traducción?)

o Eres una terrible perra. Apuesto que t familia te odia y que no
tienes amigos. Apuesto a que eras una niña fea que era molestada por sus compañeros de clase desde el kinder hasta la universidad. Ver tu horrible cara sugiere qye necesitas masiva cirugía plástica. Espero que ardas en el infierno PERRA.

o Tu historia sobre Michael Jackson es ignorante y desepcionante! No eres tu la que debe decir algo acerca del color de pelo de MJ especialmente cuando tu(mujer balnca) no tienes que lidear con la supremacía racista blanca no solo en la industria del entretenimiento sino que también en todo el mundo.

RACISTA E IGNORANTE MENTE. Como te pudiste convertir en periodista?
Supongo que no se necesita mucho para ser uno HUH?? Porque tu eres una completa idiota!!!

o Miro a tu foro y siento lo mismo que sientes tu al mirar a Michael Jackson.

o El mundo entero conoce a Michael Jackson. El ha sido una celebridad exitosa por 30 años. Quien carajos es HEIDI?como es su nombre?? Bueno,
de tods modos, siento molestarte. Estoy seguro de que tienes alguno que otro trasero que besar hoy.

o Yo estaba en la tienda discos y me encantó verlo. EL hombre tiene una enfermedad de la piel que lo despoja de su pigmentación. También, el no
se siente muy bien ahora. Atrapo un resfriado de sus niños. Por lo tanto fue duro físicamente para el hecho de salir. Además, el es muy tímido y había literalmente miles de personas viniendo hacia él. Así que por favor escusalo si no sonrío para ti. Es fácil para alguien de mente cerrada e idiota insensible como tu de basurearlo en tus

o Tu eres la uña encarnada. Michael Jackson es un caballero algo de lo que tu no sabrias nada.

oBueno, este es el final, ten un buen día espero que estes feliz con tu artículo porque nadie mas lo esta. Eres simplemente una odiadora además
recuerda que el tienen mas dinero del que tu nunca tendrás y por supuesto muchos mas fans.

o Seguro, el se sobrepaso con las cirugías, pero jusgando por tu foto tu podrías usarlas!!!. La verdad es esta: la existencia de Michael
Jackson ha influenciado al mundo y la tuya no ha hecho nada.

oEl hace mas que tu ?estara por aquí mas tiempo que tu?tiene tiene muchos mas fans que tu? y aquí esta lo mejor?EL LUCE MEJOR QUE
TU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eso es gracioso!

Lo que si es seguro es que esta "periodista" logeo la atención que deseaba... :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma:
:jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol: :jejeje: :lol:

hacía SIGLOS que no me reía tanto!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CHicos del HEAL THE WORLD queria pedirles please si me pueden decir donde consigo la entrevista que ocasiono esta avalancha de mails a la periodista porque se los lei a mis amigos y nos partimos de la risa:meparto: :meparto: Asi que queremos conocer la nota que origino todo esto...A ver si era justificada la bronca de los fans:soplete: :soplete: :mad: :mad:

En primer lugar... ¡¡Gracias Kishaya!! por ayudar a realizar la traducción, se nos hizo imposible este fin de semana tenerla terminada.

Vamos a tratar de en un tiempito libre buscar el artículo, creemos que estás cosas son importantes para saber como reaccionan hoy los admiradores de Michael Jackson en Estados Unidos.

King of Pop? Hardly - La nota polémica...

Kishaya... aquí encontramos la nota polémica... ¡Disfrutala!. Perdón por no poder hacer la respectiva traducción.


King of Pop? Hardly
Is Michael Jackson Reduced to Making In-Store Appearances to Boost Sales?

By Heidi Oringer

Nov. 8 — Ever had an ingrown toenail? It is a tremendous source of pain because it hurts even when you look at it.

An Album That's Hardly Invincible Jacko's Long, Strange Trip

You know the nail must be removed or at least altered in some way because, although it has served you well in the past, it is not doing so in its current state. You try to ignore it hoping that it will go away, but it does not, instead reminding you of its existence with each step you take. It must be dealt with because, after all, it is part of you and in some form, has been with you your whole life.
You decide to approach it practically, but head on. You gently remove your sock and at first glance, you turn away. It is hideous. You slowly turn back and look again. A shiver courses through your body in anticipation of what will happen next. You get dizzy. You may even sweat. Then, very carefully, you begin. You start to get into it. You yank and twist and jerk. The pain is sometimes so unbearable you almost pass out, but you go on. Suddenly after you've been at it awhile, the hurt subsides and turns into an inexplicable pleasure.

Once it's all over, you feel relieved. But from then on, you never look at that toe quite the same because you know, even though it is a positive asset, it is capable of causing pain and invoking horror.

And so, we come to the subject of this column … Michael Jackson.

Please. Hold your fire! Hold your fire!

These thoughts occurred to me because the self-proclaimed King of Pop (he apparently foisted this moniker on the folks at MTV to use when referring to him) has been all over the place lately. He's become more of a presence now than he has in more than a decade. The reason for this resurgence is obvious. It's not that he had an epiphany and suddenly decided he wanted to be warm and fuzzy with the public.

An Album That's Hardly Invincible

Truth be told, Michael released a new album last week titled Invincible and is eager to prove he's still a viable musical force.

Here're the facts: although sales were strong in the first week (366,000 copies sold), they are fairly modest when compared with today's hit makers. N'Sync's No Strings Attached sold more than 2 million copies the first week. The follow-up, Celebrity, sold more than 1.9 million. Britney Spears and Eminem sold more than 1 million copies each of their albums in their first week of release. Dave Matthews sold a comfortable 750,000 copies of Every Day its first week out. Even DMX's new The Great Depression sold upwards of 439,000 copies in its first week.

So, what does this prove, you ask?

I'm wondering how Michael can still be deemed the King of Pop in this environment, when his album sales keep him more in the range of Jester, or even King's loyal lackey.

To clarify, I do not dispute Michael Jackson's incredible talent. He is a great songwriter, singer, moonwalker, and a visionary in the realm of music video. He has had an illustrious career and has been a tremendous influence on some of this decade's most successful artists. He is, however, not what he once was.

Let's be honest, folks. The guy has gotten progressively stranger over the years and is now about as odd-looking a creature as I've seen living on this planet. You can be a musical genius, but it doesn't mean you have to be a self-imposed freak of nature.

Jacko's Long, Strange Trip

Did you know that during his recent concert appearances at New York's Madison Square Garden, there was a rumor going around that his nose had fallen off?! This is something that would not draw much attention or surprise if we were talking about Mr. Potato Head, but we are talking about a real human being here.

Look at him, if you can.

He used to be dark-skinned and he is now blue-gray (he says it's a skin condition). He used to have a nose that spanned his face. Now it looks like the nose toddlers draw on a face with a crayon because they have no depth perception. He has strange fingers without nails and wears Band-Aids on them as an accessory. His cheekbones jut out like handlebars on a bicycle and he has a cleft in his chin that looks like someone used a bottle opener on it.

And this, my friends, was done by choice.

The craziest thing is that all these years, he's managed to shroud himself in secrecy, and instead of being considered eccentric and crazy like Howard Hughes, there's been a mystique and a magic that has surrounded him and made people hunger for more. (Of course, there were some no-so-magic moments of publicity when he was accused of molesting a boy, but he settled a civil suit brought by the family and no charges were filed. And then there were his short-lived marriages to Lisa Marie Presley and Debbie Rowe, who managed to produce two children, but let's not go there.)

Remarkably, his invisibility throughout the years helped fuel his success.

Not any more.

For the first time in his solo career, Michael Jackson made an in-store appearance at a record store in New York City. This is a chore normally reserved for new artists who are just getting started. It's also for those artists who have had lagging record sales and are seeking a way to move copies. Bottom line: It's a PR move and it is most often out of necessity, not choice.

Like it or not, Michael Jackson, once an untouchable icon, has descended the ladder.

Many feel questions about his behavior have taken its toll on his career. Others think he's just too damn creepy to look at.

Either way, no matter how you feel about it, he's still here … much like that toe with the ingrown nail. Only you can decide if you want to dance or put a sock on it, so you don't have to keep looking.

Heidi Oringer is director of entertainment programming at ABCNEWS Radio.

GRacias, chicos, yo no soy de leer este tipo de notas , es decir,apenas veo que se trata de algo asi dejo de leer, pero definitivamente queria sacrme la duda de porque los fans reaccionaron asi y ahora veo que fue con toda la razon del mundo...
Esta mina se merece solo una cosa:toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma:
:toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma:
:toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma:
:toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma: :toma:
:meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: :meparto: estos americanos.... :meparto: :meparto:
Total Coincidencia...

:lengua: :lengua: :lengua: :lengua: :lengua: :lengua: :lengua:

La verdad, a esta "Señora" le pagan para escribir eso...
