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Frank Dileo defiende a Michael

Another new supporter of the King of Pop is Frank DiLeo, Michael's former manager. It was only last year when Frank condemned Michael for speaking against Sony and branding label boss Tommy Mottola a racist. But on Good Morning America, Frank told Diane Sawyer that Michael was innocent. He also told Diane that Michael's "secret room" at Neverland was built before he purchased the home and that he felt anger after watching the press conference given by the Santa Barbara district attorney announcing the search and arrest warrants. Furthermore, Frank reiterated that in the years of working for him, he never saw anything with regards to Michael's relationships with children that would give him pause.

He also said that he was fired because people at Sony felt he had too much influence over Michael.

Diane then asked Frank to tell her just one thing that would surprise everyone about Michael and his response? How charitable Michael is!

[ www.mjni.com ]

Otro nuevo apoyo para el rey del pop es Frank Dileo, q fue su manager. Hace tan solo un año Dileo criticaba a Michael por por hablar contra Sony y llamar a su dueño Tommy Mottola un racista. Pero en "Buenos Dias America" Frank dijo a Diane Sawyer qe Michael es inocente. Tambien le dijo a Diane que la "habitación secreta" de Neverland estaba construida antes de que Michael adquiriera la casa y se sintió cabreado al ver la rueda de prensa del fiscal del distrito de Sta Barbara (Sneddon) anunciando su busqueda y los cargos contra el. Incluso, Frank reiteró que en los años que Michael trabajo para el nunca vio nada extraño en la relacion de Michael con los niños que le hiciese pensar mal.

Tambien dijo que le despidieron de Sony por tener mucha influencia sobre Michael.

Diane le pregunto entonces a Frank que le dijese una cosa que sorprenderia a todos acerca de Michael y sus responsabilidades y Frank le respondió lo caritativo que es.
Mó_Ònw4lk3r muhcas gracias por la info y sobretodo por traducirlo

alquien me puede decir mas datos de este Frank Dileo??
En estos momentos es donde se ve quien aprecia de verdad a mj, es sorprendente ver como este tio que supuestamente acabo tan mal con michael le defiende y gente como quincy jones necesitan mas datos para poder hablar. Un diez para este señor
Orbitt dijo:
alquien me puede decir mas datos de este Frank Dileo??

Este tio fue manager de michael durante su epoca dorada; durante thriller y bad, oficialmente lo despidieron porque tomo la decision de vender la peli moonwalker directamente en video sin ponerla en los cines en usa, cosa que cabreo mucho a mj. Esta es la version oficial pero tambien se dice que manipulaba mucho a michael, lo cierto es que sabia llevar las cuestiones musicales de maravilla aunque tambien se le echa la culpa de destrozar la imagen publica de michael con historietas como la camara de oxigeno y demas tonterias que supuestamente se las invento para hacerle mas popular.
A mi me encantaba este hombre. Tenía aspecto de pertenecer a la mafia siciliana y con esos pedazos de puros que se fumaba....
Ainss Dileo. Por lo menos siempre lo tendremos apretádole la mano a Michael por el buen trabajo. Eso salía en la Leyenda Continua no? no me acuerdo muy bien .

Nota: volver a ver La leyenda Continua por xxxxxxxx vez más!!8Ð
Muchas gracias Mó_Ònw4lk3r por la informacion y traduccion.Por cierto que relacion tienen ahora Michael Jackson y Quincy Jones?.
Quincy Jones es un gran productor y discos como Thriller o Bad asi lo demuestran,pero ahora apoya a Michael ahora?.Seria bueno que trabajasen los dos juntos en un nuevo disco de Michael en el futuro.Un saludo.
Esta es la transcripción de la entrevista (inglés) Thx to Tina from KOP!!

Diane: From a man that has seen him and has seen him up close for many years. Frank Dileo managed the King Of Pop career at the height of his reign in fact Jackson called him my other half, my shield of armor.

But then one day, Jackson fired him without warning, not unprecedented in the music world I guess but this morning Frank Dileo joins us to speak the first time on television about Michael Jackson and the charges against him and it’s really good to have you with us.

Frank: Thank you very much.

Diane: Again to get a sense, you spent in the time you were with him 1984-1989 60 days apart from and that’s all?

Frank: Yeah, we might have spent only 60 days apart we only 4,5,6 streets from each other in Encino and uh, we worked together everyday, went on tour together and we were in constant contact everyday, every moment.

Diane: So, wasn’t the first time charges have been talked about, when you heard this latest round though, were you surprised?

Frank: Yeah, I was surprised, then after I saw the press conference with the DA and the Sheriff, I got very, angry because I think that they are looking to make a big deal out this because I don’t think he’s guilty.

Diane: You don’t think he’s guilty?

Frank: No, I don’t think he guilty. I think he’s guilty in the press and I think he’s eccentric at times but all very creative people are eccentric at times, there’s no two ways about that.

Diane: But at one point had said sometime ago in 2000, January 2000 you said and it’s quoted in the Daily News that his behavior with kids
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS JANUARY 10, 2000 “it’s was very strange behavior, and I turned a blind eye….Maybe that was wrong.”

Frank: Yeah, and what I meant by that was, that I turned a blind eye to the fact that I should have taken him and sat him down and said listen, this looks really improper to other people, I know that you are not doing anything, you know that you are not doing anything but there are other people that thinks this is not right and it looks bad and I might have prevented some of his problem if I were to have taken a harder hand at it.

Diane: But surly people around him had said that to him, surly people or do people not talk to him that way?

Frank: No, people don’t talk to him that way. I think I might have been the last person that was very blunt and honest with him about a lot of things.

Diane: Why don’t they, what is his hold on the people that are around him who, who are afraid of him. Afraid of

Frank: Well, Diane you are a celebrity and I am sure that there are a lot of people who don’t tell you exactly what they want to say. They get caught up in the fact that this person is a star and they are making millions of dollars off him.

Diane: Let me ask you some specifics because you saw Neverland and you saw the whole way he lives. The private bedroom, that we hear about where he can take children and in fact where apparently at one point or the other he did slept next to the bed or whatever. Where you in that private bedroom or did you ever see anything that raise any concern.

Frank: No, I never -- I’ve been into the bedroom, because he brought that right as he fired me. OK, so I was in there, but that private room was there when he brought it. It was more like a safe room. And I never saw anything that looked like it was trying to attract kids in there or anything, it’s just a little room.

Diane: And this whole idea that he built barriers so that nobody that worked with him could come in when he didn’t want you to come in that lots of occasions…

Frank: Never saw that, I never saw that. I can tell you that when he lived on Hayvenhurst, I had a key to his private room as I did on tour, all of his suites and I walked in and out as necessary.

Diane: On the 60 Minutes interview, when you heard him talk again about sleeping with children as being natural thing . You heard him continue to reassert that he is going to keep doing it and he doesn’t see anything wrong with it.

Frank: What I took from it was this: He didn’t say he slept in the bed under the covers, never has. He has said he has been in the room, slept maybe on the couch or the floor and has given his bed to other people – wait – but he also is saying to you not going to stop. I am not hiding anything, you know you are telling me not to do something and I am not doing it anyway.

Diane: Why did he fire you?

Frank: Why did he fire me? That’s a good question, but I think it was ah, ah, he fired me because it was politically asked of him. There was an outside record executive with a big time lawyer and one executive at Sony who would like to see Michael’s power cut in half. And by getting rid of me was half the power.

Diane: And if there is one thing that you can say about him that you think that we don’t know we’ve have never been around him in private moments what is the one thing that would surprise us the most about Michael Jackson you saw.

Frank: He’s a very, very charitable person that wouldn’t harm anybody and that’s what is unfair. The tabloid press and cable companies they have him convicted and on his way to prison and that shouldn’t be. That trial should be fought in court with lawyers not on TV. He’s given away more money then people can understand. And those people are the ones that are going to loose out on this. I’d say he gave with me, he has gave away about $12 Million dollars I saw him given away, and who knows what he has given away since.

Diane: Frank Dileo, again, great to meet you.

Frank: Nice meeting you.

Diane: And hope to see you again as this progresses.
betty muchas gracias por contestarme, este hombre habra pasado tanto tiempo con Mj que ha llegado a apreciarlo, y siente la necesidad de contar la verdad

Y no me ha gustado eso de que vendiera esas historias, muy mal
Es un gran gesto de este hombre-tras su despido-el rekonocer esas dos kosas:ke este no dependió tanto de Michael sino de otros alrededor suyo más interesados; si es así Mike debería tener más ojo y kuidado en kién pueda merecer más la pena en este mundillo del show-biz ke komo negocio no deja de tener sus "tiburones" y observar y saber diferenciar kuál es el más interesado.
En general siguo-kon todo-kreyendo ke Mike tiene buen olfato al menos para hacer buen negocio.

Por otro lado me parece muy korrekto el apoyo ke recibe de él kon respekto a lo de los abusos, pues efektivamente ha pasado mucho tiempo kon él y le konoce lo suficiente para saber ke no hay nada inapropiado en su kondukta kon los niños y protesta ante esa injusticia. El haber trabajado kon él y sobre todo haber tenido estrecha relación:amistad; le indigna.Otros deberían tomar nota, verdad Quincy?

Por cierto del otro gran kolaborador cerkano-ke kreo apoyo a Michael en las primeras akusaciones-el ingeniero de sonido Bruce Swedien, no se sabe nada de momento, verdad?
Escrito originalmente por coleguita
Tenía aspecto de pertenecer a la mafia siciliana y con esos pedazos de puros que se fumaba....

:meparto: si, es verdad...

Escrito originalmente por coleguita
Por lo menos siempre lo tendremos apretádole la mano a Michael por el buen trabajo. Eso salía en la Leyenda Continua no? no me acuerdo muy bien .

mmm..no me acuerdo si sale en la leyenda pero donde si sale es en el comienzo del video de APOM
Si esa entrevista se ha dado en un canal de TV yanki y a una buena hora de audiencia, sin duda alguna le ha venido muy bien a Michael Jackson, de lo cual me alegro mucho muchísimo. Ojalá todo salga bien, y salga TODA la verdad a la luz. Prensa sensacionalista BAZURAA!!! prensa objetiva, OLEEEE!!!
Aparte de en elkomienzo del video APOM, la foto dándose la mano -aparecen las siluetas-está en la funda del disko Bad:donde aparecen las letras de los temas.
Bueno, yo no creo que le deban de apoyar siempre o nunca.

A mi entender este hombre está diciendo lo que cree. En su momento no dijo cosas que favorecieran a MJ, pero respecto al tema de abusos de menores opina que es inocente.

Esto a mi entender resulta mas creible que la palabra de muchos que siempre lo defendemos, ya que así suena mas objetivo.