The French Michael Jackson fans need your help !
Since last week, we have launched an operation trying to make the new single "You Rock My World " the first place of the Net surfers'hit organized by a French radio called RTL.
I think that you will understand that it is very important for us to see Michael Jackson first where we can help him. (I hope you do the same thing by your side )
Unfortunately, the fans of a French artist, called Florent Pagny, also vote on their side and do everything they can to make Michael Jackson loses ! (
I've even seen them saying "We will kill this mummy" about Michael on one of their forum !!!!
The war is very difficult... BUT MICHAEL MUST BE NUMBER ONE !!!!
How can you help us ?
Just go here :
Tick off the box close to "Michael Jackson - You Rock My World" and click "OK" !
You can vote a thousands of times !
But if you send only one vote, this would be great too !
NOTE : you can vote until Sunday 21st at 3:30 PM (hour of Madrid).
WARNING : There is a second little vote about Michael Jackson at the right side of the same page :
"Mickael Jackson est-il toujours le roi de la Pop ?" (that means "Is Michael Jackson still the King Of Pop ?")
Tick off the box close to "Oui" ("Yes") and click on "Votez" ("Vote"), please !!!
Thank you for having reading this message, and sorry for my English...
Remember : if Michael is victorious, we could be proud of us. That will prove the fraternity which have all the fans of Michael Jackson throughout the world.
Thank you very much.
(A very good Michael Jackson french website for people who are interested :
Since last week, we have launched an operation trying to make the new single "You Rock My World " the first place of the Net surfers'hit organized by a French radio called RTL.
I think that you will understand that it is very important for us to see Michael Jackson first where we can help him. (I hope you do the same thing by your side )
Unfortunately, the fans of a French artist, called Florent Pagny, also vote on their side and do everything they can to make Michael Jackson loses ! (
I've even seen them saying "We will kill this mummy" about Michael on one of their forum !!!!
The war is very difficult... BUT MICHAEL MUST BE NUMBER ONE !!!!
How can you help us ?
Just go here :
Tick off the box close to "Michael Jackson - You Rock My World" and click "OK" !
You can vote a thousands of times !
But if you send only one vote, this would be great too !
NOTE : you can vote until Sunday 21st at 3:30 PM (hour of Madrid).
WARNING : There is a second little vote about Michael Jackson at the right side of the same page :
"Mickael Jackson est-il toujours le roi de la Pop ?" (that means "Is Michael Jackson still the King Of Pop ?")
Tick off the box close to "Oui" ("Yes") and click on "Votez" ("Vote"), please !!!
Thank you for having reading this message, and sorry for my English...
Remember : if Michael is victorious, we could be proud of us. That will prove the fraternity which have all the fans of Michael Jackson throughout the world.
Thank you very much.
(A very good Michael Jackson french website for people who are interested :