Jacko Could Face Major Custody War
Michael Jackson has not made any provisions for his three children should he be carted off to jail.
Jackson, awaiting a jury verdict on 10 counts of child molestation and conspiracy, has not discussed the possibility he may be convicted with anyone. This news comes from several insider sources as well as from Rev. Jesse Jackson, who says he's spent many hours talking to Michael about his situation.
With no Plan B and only the idea that he will be acquitted, Jackson risks leaving his three children — Prince, Paris and Blanket — in the lurch, with no guardians.
Jackson's parents, Katherine and Joseph, are not possibilities to assume custody. Not only do they not live together, the couple is also too old to parent three small children. This was clearly demonstrated by Joseph on Tuesday, when he showed up at court looking disoriented and asked strangers, "Where is my son? I'm looking for my son."
According to insiders, Michael would not allow his parents to raise his children considering the abuse he allegedly suffered at his father's hands while his knowing mother turned the other cheek.
With Jackson's parents crossed off the list, that would leave two candidates. The first would be the Cascio family in New Jersey. Frank Cascio, aka Frank Tyson, is one of the un-indicted conspirators in the current Jackson case.
"[Michael] considers Frank's parents his family," a source of the New Jersey couple, who have five kids of their own, said.
The Cascios, I'm told, have not been asked by Jackson to take the kids, but would agree to if asked.
Only one problem: The Cascios' home is without a gate and unguarded. There would be security issues galore considering the paparazzi would be on the family's street within hours.
That leaves Debbie Rowe, mother of Prince and Paris. Since her parental rights were restored by family court recently, Rowe has been telling friends she wants the kids immediately if Michael goes to jail. Rowe is said to be open to taking Blanket as well, even though she is not his mother. Rowe, whose custody case is stuck in Los Angeles Superior Court at the moment, is hell bent on getting her kids back.
But why no back up plan for Jackson, if things go badly? As one insider explains it: "9-year-olds do not think like that. He only wants to hear good news."
"Michael really thinks that if he's convicted there will be riots in the streets. He thinks somehow the power of his fame will overturn any conviction," another source added.
One thing you can count on: Whatever decision Michael reaches if he goes to prison will most likely be vetoed by his family. The Jacksons are not about to let Michael's kids be farmed out to strangers. Not when there's money to be exploited from them in the near future.
PD: ahora pondré un resumen en español.
Michael Jackson has not made any provisions for his three children should he be carted off to jail.
Jackson, awaiting a jury verdict on 10 counts of child molestation and conspiracy, has not discussed the possibility he may be convicted with anyone. This news comes from several insider sources as well as from Rev. Jesse Jackson, who says he's spent many hours talking to Michael about his situation.
With no Plan B and only the idea that he will be acquitted, Jackson risks leaving his three children — Prince, Paris and Blanket — in the lurch, with no guardians.
Jackson's parents, Katherine and Joseph, are not possibilities to assume custody. Not only do they not live together, the couple is also too old to parent three small children. This was clearly demonstrated by Joseph on Tuesday, when he showed up at court looking disoriented and asked strangers, "Where is my son? I'm looking for my son."
According to insiders, Michael would not allow his parents to raise his children considering the abuse he allegedly suffered at his father's hands while his knowing mother turned the other cheek.
With Jackson's parents crossed off the list, that would leave two candidates. The first would be the Cascio family in New Jersey. Frank Cascio, aka Frank Tyson, is one of the un-indicted conspirators in the current Jackson case.
"[Michael] considers Frank's parents his family," a source of the New Jersey couple, who have five kids of their own, said.
The Cascios, I'm told, have not been asked by Jackson to take the kids, but would agree to if asked.
Only one problem: The Cascios' home is without a gate and unguarded. There would be security issues galore considering the paparazzi would be on the family's street within hours.
That leaves Debbie Rowe, mother of Prince and Paris. Since her parental rights were restored by family court recently, Rowe has been telling friends she wants the kids immediately if Michael goes to jail. Rowe is said to be open to taking Blanket as well, even though she is not his mother. Rowe, whose custody case is stuck in Los Angeles Superior Court at the moment, is hell bent on getting her kids back.
But why no back up plan for Jackson, if things go badly? As one insider explains it: "9-year-olds do not think like that. He only wants to hear good news."
"Michael really thinks that if he's convicted there will be riots in the streets. He thinks somehow the power of his fame will overturn any conviction," another source added.
One thing you can count on: Whatever decision Michael reaches if he goes to prison will most likely be vetoed by his family. The Jacksons are not about to let Michael's kids be farmed out to strangers. Not when there's money to be exploited from them in the near future.
PD: ahora pondré un resumen en español.