Según mis fuentes, Jordy no está colaborando con la fiscalía para ser testigo. He dicho continuamente, desde el inicio de esta denuncia en el 2003, que Jordy ha estado defendiendo la inocencia de Michael ante cualquiera que dijera lo contrario. Creo, con todo mi corazón, que si fuerzan a Jordy a testificar, confesará lo que realmente pasó (o no pasó) en 1993. Si le fuerzan a testificar, posiblemente sea donde confiese.According to my sources, Jordy is not cooperating with the prosecution to be called as a witness. I've stated continually that since the beginning of the 2003 allegation, Jordy has been defending Michael's innocence to anyone that tries to say otherwise. I believe, with all my heart, that if they force Jordy to testify, he will confess what really happened (or didn't happen) in 1993. If they force him to take the stand, that may be where he will confess.
Fuente: MJJForum.