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Geraldine Hughes - The Conspiracy theories (V.O.)

Geraldine Hughes, author of Redemption: The Truth Behind the Michael Jackson allegation, is writing a new book titled "MichaelGate: The Conspiracy Theories." Redemption talked about how Michael Jackson was framed in 1993; Now, MichaelGate: The Conspiracy Theories, explains what the 2005 trial was all about, since it was obvious that it had nothing to do with Michael molesting anyone. MichaelGate will summarize the 1993 case, pick up with the second allegation, explore all the conspiracy theories and give a blow by blow description of the 2005 trial. It will answer obvious questions such as why the news media was so wrong in advertising Michael going to jail and just a few days later, he was acquitted on all counts.

Geraldine Hughes will show how MichaelGate is similar to Watergate and will address all the possible conspiracy theories that the public speculated was really at the heart of the 2005 case. Geraldine Hughes contends that 1993 was all about money. However, the 2005 case may have in fact been a conspiracy.

MichaelGate is scheduled for release in January 2006 under Hughes Publishing, formed by Geraldine Hughes to assist 1st time authors. Proceeds of the book sales will be donated to her ministry work with the children that live in Watts, CA.

Information on pre-orders will be given shortly. Once again, thank you all for your birthday cheers and your support for Redemption.


Me pregunto, ¿de nuevo boikotearán un libro de esta mujer? La noticia viene a decir que en enero se edita un nuevo libro de Geraldine Hughes y los beneficios se donarán a la caridad

Gracias a Margaret del MJNI por la noticia...
No, no se venderá en España. Y casi mejor.

El Redemption, con todo lo interesante que prometía ser, es insufrible. No lo pude terminar de leer. No podía estar peor redactado, ser más aburrido ni tener más referencias religiosas estúpidas que no vienen al cuento. Una pena.