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Hola es mi primer post en el foro!!

Hola!!! este es mi primer post, espero poder daros mi opinion en todo lo que se trate en este foro.

Muchiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimas gracias , por recibirme tan biennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Seguro que me vereis!!!! ;)

http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://www.petitiononline.coPresident Barack Obama
White house
Washington DC
His hands

Honorable President:

To begin, may God Bles you and continue giving you the necessary wisdom to efficiently direct the blissful duty of being President of such an important nation. And we thank you for the the time you shall dedicate in reading our letter of which I hope shall waken some interest in you .
Honorable President, through this means of communication we would like you to learn about our desire to contribute in healing the world. We are a group of people who have the vision of bringing on a positive change in the pattern of thinking of the new generations, a change in favor of the protection and care of our Planet Earth. For this, we would like to begin our cause establishing an anthem for the Planet, an anthem that can withdraw all barriers refering to race, genre, nationality,language and religion. That shall make us reflect about the care and way we treat what we have named our Universal Home. To support this idea, we have begun a petition with signatures that will show the teamwork and impact that this cause may serve as an influence on people, this petition shall not be just a simple listing of signatures, but will represent a pocentage of the quantity of persons that are willing to make the change that is so much needed on our Planet. We have the certainty that by establishing a National Anthem we will ensure that our message shall pass from Generation to Generation, creating a conscience in those that still are not aware of the situation. For this reason we are directing our efforts to you in order for your strong hand to help us make "Earthsong" sung and written by Michael Jackson to be the Anthem chosen to acomplish this cause. We have chosen "Earthsong" for it's positive content that the song in itself posesses. In it,the author invites everyone to create a conscience refering to the negative effects upon our Planet Earth. Also, it is well known, that Michael Jackson was an International Artist, that broke every existent barrier, the same that we shall mention at the beginning of this campaign. Michael Jackson was also an artist recognized by his great humanitarian labor and care of the Planet and Children of the world through the "Heal the World foundation", and is considered the artist that has collaborated the most in pro of altruist activities and shall continue being the artist that has created awareness through his music with songs as "We are the world", "Heal the World", "Man in the mirror" amongst many more that have characterized his work. There are 2 reasons that makes us certain that by choosing this song we shall obtain a higher impact. First: the song posesses the qualities that we need to cause a public
impact .And secondly, Michael Jackson was one of the most influential personalities in the World during 4 decades, not only at an artistic level but also as a true humanitarian. The sole idea of choosing a song by such a well respected and well known entertainer, imply that millions of followers shall be in favor of this cause, generating a massive movement and positive result at a short term of time. Actually, Michael Jackson produced the song with the only objective of causing a different look at what we are doing to Planet Earth. It is well known that "Earth song" has focused troublepoints throughout it`s journey through the world entertainment marketing strategies and that it is in fact, considered very special by millions of people throughout the world, but we consider that by making it the Nation Planet Anthem, a new rage would form, and a new light shall shine on the message it expresses within it´s lyrics .We truthfully hope that this means of communication shall be considered by you,

Sir, may the effort to "Heal the World"

be reciprocate, thank you, and we hope to

hear from you soon,
Amigos todos fans, esta en funcionamiento esta campaña"earth song" himno oficial del planeta,,, hemos escrito esta carta que ira directo al mail de obama , y una peticion online ,aqui les envio el link, donde hay que firmarla y compartirla, mecesitamos la ayuda de todos , y importante, un correo donde enviar esta carta ya que el oficial no alcanza acontener tantos caracteres,, cualquier informacion contactarme,, vividrouilly@hotmail.com gracias mil l.o.v.e.
Amigos, aun no puedo escribir un post, me pide llenar algunos cuadros con algo que no se lo que es,, debo decirlo, nadie me h apodido orientar gracias,,