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Horarios de visita de MJ en Indiana

Get Ready For The King Of Pop's Arrival In Gary

As promised here is Michael's schedule, so bring your banners, make your voices heard and get ready for the King of Pop's arrival in Gary.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003:

10:45 am Greet fans at City Hall steps.
11:00 am Mayor King and other elected officials will meet Michael at City Hall for a presentation of the Key to the City. Michael will address the crowd and at this time there will be a press photo opportunity.
12:00 pm Michael returns to 2300 Jackson Street to visit the home he grew up in. Michael will then walk to Roosevelt High School.
2:00 - 3:30 pm Roosevelt High School Assembly. Michael will attend an assembly at his old alma mater, with a late lunch to follow the assembly.
6:30 pm Baseball Stadium, two blocks from City Hall. Michael will attend an event at the stadium with performances of his songs by local talent. This is not a paid event and fans are welcome to attend.
Source: MJFC
10:45AM MJ saluda a fans en las escaleras del Ayuntamiento

11:AM El alcalde le otorgará las llaves de la ciudad, así mismo habrá oportunidad de tomar fotos para la prensa

12:00PM Michael caminar por 2300 Jackson st, para visitar la casa donde vivió, despues se trasladará a la escuela donde solia estudiar

2:00 - 3:30PM Roosevelt High School Assembly. Michael atenderá una asamblea y posteriormente un almuerzo

6:30PM Baseball Stadium, a dos cuadras del ayuntamiento Michael asistirá a un evento de baseball, las entradas son gratis para todos
Última edición:
New Schedule For Gary

Michael's going back to Gary on June 11th

"As promised here is Michael's schedule, so bring your banners, make your voices heard and get ready for the King of Pop's arrival in Gary.
June 11, 2003
10:45AM Greet fans at City Hall steps
11:AM Mayor King and other elected officials will meet Michael at City Hall for a presentation of the Key to the City. Michael will address the crowd and at this time there will be a press photo opportunity.
12:00PM Michael returns to 2300 Jackson Street to visit the home he grew up in. Michael will then walk to Roosevelt High School.
2:00 - 3:30PM Roosevelt High School Assembly. Michael will attend an assembly at his old alma mater, with a late lunch to follow the assembly.
6:30PM Baseball Stadium, two blocks from City Hall. Michael will attend an event at the stadium with performances of his songs by local talent. This is not a paid event and fans are welcome to attend."
Source MJFC (www.mjfanclub.net)

See it's even better than it was supposed to be at the first time.
If you're going or if you live there, email me ;o)
Terrible... no podemos ir, habría que salir el martes como pronto y eso supondría pedir los días el mismo lúnes... :buaaah: :buaaah: :buaaah:
Xtar y Mpen, los entiendo taaan bien... yo también tendría que pedir días libres este lunes y de ninguna manera me los darían... :( :buaaah:
Si esta uno trabajando se tiene pelas pero no tiempo y si no se trabaja se tiene tiempo pero no pelas, MUY MAL. :buaaah:
Vaya dia¡ :D , una pregunta... nunca antes habia ido a Gary, despues de salir de alli :p o es que los alcades vienen con retardo en esa zona :ein:
En el año 89 o 90 visito Gary y el colegio donde estudio, fue una notiica con bastante repercusion.