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In the Multimedia Section, A person has wrote something about An american dream on emule, i really want it, so i downloaded in, then installed it. But I have no idea how to get the file.
3. get a link that says something along the lines of
eg. ed2k://|file|Predator.2.(1990).CD1-NiXX.[].avi|731745312|FDE228C05D408928C7DD43B25FCD0F9A|/
make sure it has the ed2k:// at the beginning, otherwise u cant download with emule.
4. when you are able to obtain the emule link of your choice, copy + paste it into your web browser address bar, and it should start the download automatically in emule.
emule also has a search feature if you cant find anything.
just a tip, but emule is really pretty slow.
there are other alternatives, such as torrents, which are generally much faster.
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