Dane Acquitted in Goldfish Blender Case
COPENHAGEN, Denmark - A Danish art museum director was acquitted of animal cruelty charges Monday after a court ruled that a display featuring goldfish inside working blenders was not cruel.
The display at the Trapholt Art Museum in Kolding featured 10 blenders and invited visitors to blend the fish if they wanted to. Somebody did in early 2000 — and two goldfish were ground up.
Animals right activists complained that the exhibit was cruel. Museum director Peter Meyer was fined $315 by police, but he refused to pay and went on trial in Kolding, 125 miles west of the capital, Copenhagen.
Judge Preben Bagger ruled Monday that Meyer did not have to pay the fine because the fish were killed "instantly" and "humanely."
During the two-day trial, a zoologist and a representative of blender manufacturer Moulinex said the fish likely died within a second after the blender started.
It was not known who turned the blenders on.
The installation was the work of Chilean-born Danish artist Marco Evaristti.
The Trapholt Art Museum draws about 80,000 visitors annually.
Yahoo! News
Ese tipo esta loco, xq no representa su arte el mismo? q ponga su mano en la licuadora y q se la triture "instantanea" y "humanamente"
x si no llegan a entender el texto, en resumen se trata d un Museo de "arte" en Dinamarca q puso en exposicion 10 licuadoras con pececitos adentro, y los visitantes estaban "invitados" a presionar el boton y triturar a los peces.
El director del museo dijo q no es crueldad xq los peces mueren instantanea y humanamente...
K_rito Richards en 1 d tus posts hablaste d la crueldad hacia los animalitos y este es otro ejemplo d las barbaridades q los seres "superiores" hacen, en este caso con la excusa del arte (q arte!?).
Es muy triste.
COPENHAGEN, Denmark - A Danish art museum director was acquitted of animal cruelty charges Monday after a court ruled that a display featuring goldfish inside working blenders was not cruel.
The display at the Trapholt Art Museum in Kolding featured 10 blenders and invited visitors to blend the fish if they wanted to. Somebody did in early 2000 — and two goldfish were ground up.
Animals right activists complained that the exhibit was cruel. Museum director Peter Meyer was fined $315 by police, but he refused to pay and went on trial in Kolding, 125 miles west of the capital, Copenhagen.
Judge Preben Bagger ruled Monday that Meyer did not have to pay the fine because the fish were killed "instantly" and "humanely."
During the two-day trial, a zoologist and a representative of blender manufacturer Moulinex said the fish likely died within a second after the blender started.
It was not known who turned the blenders on.
The installation was the work of Chilean-born Danish artist Marco Evaristti.
The Trapholt Art Museum draws about 80,000 visitors annually.
Yahoo! News
Ese tipo esta loco, xq no representa su arte el mismo? q ponga su mano en la licuadora y q se la triture "instantanea" y "humanamente"
x si no llegan a entender el texto, en resumen se trata d un Museo de "arte" en Dinamarca q puso en exposicion 10 licuadoras con pececitos adentro, y los visitantes estaban "invitados" a presionar el boton y triturar a los peces.
El director del museo dijo q no es crueldad xq los peces mueren instantanea y humanamente...
K_rito Richards en 1 d tus posts hablaste d la crueldad hacia los animalitos y este es otro ejemplo d las barbaridades q los seres "superiores" hacen, en este caso con la excusa del arte (q arte!?).
Es muy triste.