Michael Jackson :7: :7:
Need a Personalized Astrology Consultation? [size=-1]Michael Jackson was born 8/29/1958. His time of birth is unknown, so I'm using a time rectified by a very famous Astrologer, Lois Rodden, who passed away recently. She's responsible for much of the quality of Astrological data available today. I would still be wary using the time of birth--it's that difficult--except that Michael Jackson's Solar Arc Mars is exactly conjunct his Midheavan AND Pluto is conjuncting his Saturn. Both indicators of major disruption to his public image and career. Astrologer's consider Solar Arc to be the most accurate predictive system in Astrology--it surely fit. And the more I looked, the more convinced I was! Here's to you, Lois! We'll be looking at his Chart, assuming an 8:47 am birth in Gary, Indiana.
First off, why is the Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Midheavan so telling? Michael's Mars is seriously afflicted, without any helpful aspects, plus it squares a stellium of 5 planets in his 11/12th houses. Much of the conflict in his life, then, will be related to this difficult Mars. So this difficult Mars is conjunct the Midheavan by Solar Arc. The midheavan represents how we appear in the world. And Michael's image in the world right now is under serious affliction!
My next thought was to check the 5th house. As that's the house of love and sex. The ruler of the 5th house is Aquarius. Now Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, who in turn rules all that is different, unusual, unexpected and if afflicted, even bizarre behavior. Uranus is also conjunct Venus. Literally saying "unusual tastes in love". But this Uranus/Venus conjunction is also conjunct Mercury. Now Mercury represents children and youths in a chart. Now we can piece together the analysis "unusual love interests in youth/children". It surely fits. While Pluto and the Sun are in a wide conjunction with the other 3 planets, they must be considered as all conjunct. Pluto and the Sun sit in the 12th house. These are extremely difficult placements. This indicates Michael has BIG secrets--which in turn leads to a very private lifestyle. A 12th house Sun would give Michael "hidden agendas", as the Sun represents our goals in life, what we seek to achieve. He's seeking perfection as the Sun sits in Virgo. Now the Sun opposes his Moon--his feelings are sometimes at odds with this secret agenda. Pluto in the 12th is just unspeakable pain. And that Pluto rules his 2nd house of self-esteem? That indicates he's hugely, deeply insecure. That Pluto rules his 2nd house is indicative of great wealth (as is the 8th house Taurus ruler), but where Pluto rules, he wants to control. This indicates Michael uses his great wealth to control others. Probably on some very buried level, he's trying to compensate for low self-esteem by being very rich. Pluto conjunct the Sun is sometimes referred to as a "predator" aspect. It's a deep need to control others and have your way at any costs. In the 12th house, this is especially disturbing as Michael would do this secretly. It denotes a man who is secretly, quite ruthless. The Sun is the natural ruler of the 5th house (love and romance). This certainly fits a sexual predator.
So does this fit Pedophilia? Things are adding up. In Astrology, one looks for the "Rule of 3's". Before making a statement, you should see it 3 ways. So, let's see. 1) Mars squares the Mercury/Venus/Uranus representing an unusual even bizarre taste in sex. If the Uranus/Venus/Mercury conjunction weren't squared by the planet of libido,I might believe in his innocence--but squaring Mars? That's harder to stomach. 2) Sexual predation is indicated by the 12th house Pluto/Sun conjunction. 3) Michael appears to be incredibly insecure. This also fits a pedophile profile--they're usually insecure with adults and so turn to children. 4) Lastly, Michael has a midpoint indicating "exploitation of others". So we're over our required 3 indicators...
O.K. Let's talk more about that Mars, because it's that important in this man's chart. Why? It sits alone, in what we'd call a bucket pattern with Mars being the handle to the bucket. As with a bucket, pull on the handle and the entire chart can spill over. Mars sits in a very difficult house--the 8th. The classic interpretation of Mars in the 8th is "self-destructive" behavior. Why? The 8th house rules the subconscious, death, taxes. Mars is anger. So literally, subconscious anger-- hence self-destructive. This anger appears to be directed toward people he's in some legal partnership with (marriage, agents, etc). These are all squares--so to Michael, he would see it as all "them" dumping on him. Squares are tough energy because we tend NOT to see our part in things. Perhaps this is what friends have referred to as Michael being incapable of seeing who his true allies and enemies are. It could actually lead to paranoia.
Now. The bizarre appearance. That afflicted Mars (the Male principle) could mean he's very uncomfortable with his maleness. Mars sits in the 8th house, as mentioned, which also rules "race". He may be very angry at his Black heritage. Most telling of his "bizarre appearance" would be that his Chart Ruler, Venus, is conjunct Uranus in Leo. People with strong Uranus's are different and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Being strongly Uranian can bring society down upon you--as society isn't very comfortable with anyone different. But to that person, they not only see nothing wrong with it--they also revel in being different! Now Mars squares all those planets (Venus, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto and the Sun). But it's in the 8th house--so Michael's anger is subconscious. We all have subconscious things rattling around in our brains--and with Michael it's probably unacknowledged anger. An attitude that "everyone hurts me"--without being able to take responsibility for his part in things. Now all the houses that are ruled by those 5 planets would make him angry. For instance, the 11th house--he may be angry at his public image. At his body (Venus), at philosophies and religion, at his privacy being invaded (12th house), etc. From looking at this chart, Michael Jackson looks like an angry person.
Now the childhood we all hear about? In this Chart, all aspects are favorable to the father. Was Michael the favorite child of his father? Given special treatment? Saturn sits in the 3rd house in Sagitarrius. He would've seen his Dad as a fun, beneficent guy who really helped him achieve his fame (Saturn trines that stellium in the 11th). Saturn in the 3rd can mean that Michael feels like he's not very smart, but I don't think that's the case. Perhaps that's because his education was cut short by such early and overwhelming fame. But inside, I don't think he feels very bright. Now Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) rules his 4th house of early home. His home would've been strict. I think his Mom may have opposed his early push into fame as there's an opposition from the Sun (ruler of the 11th house of fame) to the Moon (Mom). But Mom was nice, as the Moon sits in Pisces in the 6th. Literally, Mom works to serve in a kind way.
So this childlike niavete we all hear about? Jupiter rules his 3rd house and sits in his 1st house, conjunct Neptune. Neptune/Jupiter conjunctions represent "idealism". In the 1st house of the "self", that would surely fit. It could also mean "big (Jupiter) deceptions (Neptune)." But I don't think so--neither Jupiter or Neptune is afflicted, so we must assume the positive energy of this aspect will manifest. Since Jupiter rules his 3rd house of thought, of siblings, of neighbors and co-workers--Michael really does "think" in a tremendously altruistic way to this group of people. The 3rd house also rules the young. He really does think of helping others. And it would make him very empathic and even intensely spiritual. Unfortunately, Neptune confuses and erodes anything it touches, so he may be confused about emotions (as Neptune rules the 6th where his Moon lies). From this chart, I would conclude that Michael has absolutely crippled self-esteem. I believe that things were said to a very young and sensitive young man on his rise to fame, early in life that caused this. Perhaps he overheard many unkind statements at a very young age--an age when our self-esteem and self-worth are developing. It appears he took these to heart. He is very niave and idealistic. Is he capable of deception? You bettcha! Pluto and the Sun in the 12th and that conjunction in the 1st between Jupiter and Neptune, but it would be well-intentioned! In his mind, IF he is molesting children, that in some way he's saving them by loving them. His 5th house certainly indicates someone with "unusual" sexual tastes. It denotes a man with a tremendous level of subconscious anger. Buried anger always pops out somehow. Best to deal with it head on by getting into counseling.
Need a Personalized Astrology Consultation? [size=-1]Michael Jackson was born 8/29/1958. His time of birth is unknown, so I'm using a time rectified by a very famous Astrologer, Lois Rodden, who passed away recently. She's responsible for much of the quality of Astrological data available today. I would still be wary using the time of birth--it's that difficult--except that Michael Jackson's Solar Arc Mars is exactly conjunct his Midheavan AND Pluto is conjuncting his Saturn. Both indicators of major disruption to his public image and career. Astrologer's consider Solar Arc to be the most accurate predictive system in Astrology--it surely fit. And the more I looked, the more convinced I was! Here's to you, Lois! We'll be looking at his Chart, assuming an 8:47 am birth in Gary, Indiana.
First off, why is the Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Midheavan so telling? Michael's Mars is seriously afflicted, without any helpful aspects, plus it squares a stellium of 5 planets in his 11/12th houses. Much of the conflict in his life, then, will be related to this difficult Mars. So this difficult Mars is conjunct the Midheavan by Solar Arc. The midheavan represents how we appear in the world. And Michael's image in the world right now is under serious affliction!
My next thought was to check the 5th house. As that's the house of love and sex. The ruler of the 5th house is Aquarius. Now Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, who in turn rules all that is different, unusual, unexpected and if afflicted, even bizarre behavior. Uranus is also conjunct Venus. Literally saying "unusual tastes in love". But this Uranus/Venus conjunction is also conjunct Mercury. Now Mercury represents children and youths in a chart. Now we can piece together the analysis "unusual love interests in youth/children". It surely fits. While Pluto and the Sun are in a wide conjunction with the other 3 planets, they must be considered as all conjunct. Pluto and the Sun sit in the 12th house. These are extremely difficult placements. This indicates Michael has BIG secrets--which in turn leads to a very private lifestyle. A 12th house Sun would give Michael "hidden agendas", as the Sun represents our goals in life, what we seek to achieve. He's seeking perfection as the Sun sits in Virgo. Now the Sun opposes his Moon--his feelings are sometimes at odds with this secret agenda. Pluto in the 12th is just unspeakable pain. And that Pluto rules his 2nd house of self-esteem? That indicates he's hugely, deeply insecure. That Pluto rules his 2nd house is indicative of great wealth (as is the 8th house Taurus ruler), but where Pluto rules, he wants to control. This indicates Michael uses his great wealth to control others. Probably on some very buried level, he's trying to compensate for low self-esteem by being very rich. Pluto conjunct the Sun is sometimes referred to as a "predator" aspect. It's a deep need to control others and have your way at any costs. In the 12th house, this is especially disturbing as Michael would do this secretly. It denotes a man who is secretly, quite ruthless. The Sun is the natural ruler of the 5th house (love and romance). This certainly fits a sexual predator.
So does this fit Pedophilia? Things are adding up. In Astrology, one looks for the "Rule of 3's". Before making a statement, you should see it 3 ways. So, let's see. 1) Mars squares the Mercury/Venus/Uranus representing an unusual even bizarre taste in sex. If the Uranus/Venus/Mercury conjunction weren't squared by the planet of libido,I might believe in his innocence--but squaring Mars? That's harder to stomach. 2) Sexual predation is indicated by the 12th house Pluto/Sun conjunction. 3) Michael appears to be incredibly insecure. This also fits a pedophile profile--they're usually insecure with adults and so turn to children. 4) Lastly, Michael has a midpoint indicating "exploitation of others". So we're over our required 3 indicators...
O.K. Let's talk more about that Mars, because it's that important in this man's chart. Why? It sits alone, in what we'd call a bucket pattern with Mars being the handle to the bucket. As with a bucket, pull on the handle and the entire chart can spill over. Mars sits in a very difficult house--the 8th. The classic interpretation of Mars in the 8th is "self-destructive" behavior. Why? The 8th house rules the subconscious, death, taxes. Mars is anger. So literally, subconscious anger-- hence self-destructive. This anger appears to be directed toward people he's in some legal partnership with (marriage, agents, etc). These are all squares--so to Michael, he would see it as all "them" dumping on him. Squares are tough energy because we tend NOT to see our part in things. Perhaps this is what friends have referred to as Michael being incapable of seeing who his true allies and enemies are. It could actually lead to paranoia.
Now. The bizarre appearance. That afflicted Mars (the Male principle) could mean he's very uncomfortable with his maleness. Mars sits in the 8th house, as mentioned, which also rules "race". He may be very angry at his Black heritage. Most telling of his "bizarre appearance" would be that his Chart Ruler, Venus, is conjunct Uranus in Leo. People with strong Uranus's are different and see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Being strongly Uranian can bring society down upon you--as society isn't very comfortable with anyone different. But to that person, they not only see nothing wrong with it--they also revel in being different! Now Mars squares all those planets (Venus, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto and the Sun). But it's in the 8th house--so Michael's anger is subconscious. We all have subconscious things rattling around in our brains--and with Michael it's probably unacknowledged anger. An attitude that "everyone hurts me"--without being able to take responsibility for his part in things. Now all the houses that are ruled by those 5 planets would make him angry. For instance, the 11th house--he may be angry at his public image. At his body (Venus), at philosophies and religion, at his privacy being invaded (12th house), etc. From looking at this chart, Michael Jackson looks like an angry person.
Now the childhood we all hear about? In this Chart, all aspects are favorable to the father. Was Michael the favorite child of his father? Given special treatment? Saturn sits in the 3rd house in Sagitarrius. He would've seen his Dad as a fun, beneficent guy who really helped him achieve his fame (Saturn trines that stellium in the 11th). Saturn in the 3rd can mean that Michael feels like he's not very smart, but I don't think that's the case. Perhaps that's because his education was cut short by such early and overwhelming fame. But inside, I don't think he feels very bright. Now Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) rules his 4th house of early home. His home would've been strict. I think his Mom may have opposed his early push into fame as there's an opposition from the Sun (ruler of the 11th house of fame) to the Moon (Mom). But Mom was nice, as the Moon sits in Pisces in the 6th. Literally, Mom works to serve in a kind way.
So this childlike niavete we all hear about? Jupiter rules his 3rd house and sits in his 1st house, conjunct Neptune. Neptune/Jupiter conjunctions represent "idealism". In the 1st house of the "self", that would surely fit. It could also mean "big (Jupiter) deceptions (Neptune)." But I don't think so--neither Jupiter or Neptune is afflicted, so we must assume the positive energy of this aspect will manifest. Since Jupiter rules his 3rd house of thought, of siblings, of neighbors and co-workers--Michael really does "think" in a tremendously altruistic way to this group of people. The 3rd house also rules the young. He really does think of helping others. And it would make him very empathic and even intensely spiritual. Unfortunately, Neptune confuses and erodes anything it touches, so he may be confused about emotions (as Neptune rules the 6th where his Moon lies). From this chart, I would conclude that Michael has absolutely crippled self-esteem. I believe that things were said to a very young and sensitive young man on his rise to fame, early in life that caused this. Perhaps he overheard many unkind statements at a very young age--an age when our self-esteem and self-worth are developing. It appears he took these to heart. He is very niave and idealistic. Is he capable of deception? You bettcha! Pluto and the Sun in the 12th and that conjunction in the 1st between Jupiter and Neptune, but it would be well-intentioned! In his mind, IF he is molesting children, that in some way he's saving them by loving them. His 5th house certainly indicates someone with "unusual" sexual tastes. It denotes a man with a tremendous level of subconscious anger. Buried anger always pops out somehow. Best to deal with it head on by getting into counseling.

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