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La Vega, ciudad donde tuvo lugar la boda de Michael y Lisa

La Vega es una de las 31 provincias de la República Dominicana. Con una superficie de 2287 kilómetros cuadrados, se encuentra casi en el centro de la República Dominicana. Bajo el nombre de Concepción de La Vega, fue una de las cinco provincias originales creadas por la Constitución de San Cristóbal en 1844. Está dividida actualmente en cuatro municipios: La Vega, cabecera provincial, Constanza, Jarabacoa y Jima Abajo.
Pese a no estar bordeada de hermosas playas y suntuosos resorts, La Vega continúa siendo una de las ciudades con mayor atracción para el turismo interno de los dominicanos.
Algunos de sus encanctos turisticos son: Las ruinas coloniales de La Vega Vieja, El Santo Cerro (con el Santuario de la Patrona de la República Dominicana), La Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción, el Carnaval Vegano y Balnearios de Jarabacoa.
Dentro de su extensión territorial, de unos 2,287 kilómetros cuadrados, esta provincia esconde interesantes tesoros y relatos históricos. Uno de ellos y para nosotros el mas interesante tuvo lugar el 26 de mayo de 1994 dia en el que Michael Jackson con 35 años y Lisa Marie Presley con 26 años contrajeron matrimonio en esta bella ciudad.
Se casaron de manera civil ante el Licenciado Hugo Francisco Álvarez Pérez. La ceremonia se efectuó en presencia de los testigos Eve Darling y Thomas Keosch. Ambos llegaron en un avión de la discográfica Sony Music a "La Romana", zona residencial a 140 kilómetros de Santo Domingo y se hospedaron en una villa de Casa de Campo, lugar desde donde viajaron a La Vega.
Durante la ceremonia, Michael vestía camisa, pantalón y sombrero negro y una correa con tachuelas, mientras Lisa llevaba un vestido corto y ajustado de color marron/beige y un pequeño ramo de flores del mismo color.
La ceremonia estaba en un principio prevista para el 18 de mayo pero fue retrasada hasta el dia 26 por motivo de las elecciones generales que se llevaban acabo en la República Dominicana. Álvarez Pérez dijo que las leyes dominicanas no reconocen un matrimonio de este tipo, pero que aceptó celebrarlo discretamente en su domicilio. Un dato curioso es que MJ quería casarse en un avión sobrevolando el país, lo cual no procedía según las leyes de esta nación.
Cuando el juez dijo al novio que podía besar a la novia Michael se extrañó de la petición, entonces, Hugo Álvarez le explicó en inglés que en la Rep.Dominicana era una tradición que al finalizar la ceremonia los novios se besaran. Entonces fue cuando MJ beso a Lisa.
Álvarez comentó en su dia: “Me impresionó su pelo tan negro y brilloso. Ese día no llevaba el flequillo que usaba en la frente cuando cantaba. Jackson llegó con unos lentes oscuros y le pedí que se los quitara, a lo que inmediatamente accedió”.
Álvarez cobró por la boda 700 pesos, el costo en ese entonces, y recibió un regalo de dos mil dólares de parte de los abogados.
El momento de la boda

Lugar donde se gestionó el documento legal de matrimonio

Zona en la que se celebro el enlace

Acta Matrimonial

Juez Hugo Francisco Álvarez Pérez

Imagenes de la ciudad de La Vega

Articulo publicado por "The New York Times" el 2 de agosto de 1994
Elvis Presley's Daughter Confirms She Wed Michael Jackson
Published: Tuesday, August 2, 1994 at The New York Times
Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of the late Elvis Presley, released a statement yesterday saying that she and the singer Michael Jackson had married.
After announcing a union that might have been conceived in supermarket-tabloid heaven and proclaiming a need for privacy, the world's most famous newlyweds were holed up last night in a place not known for its isolation: Trump Tower.
At 5:40 P.M., a few hours after the statement was released in Los Angeles, the developer Donald J. Trump emerged from Trump Tower to the kind of reportorial throng normally reserved for the likes of, well, Michael Jackson or Donald Trump, and confirmed that, yes, the couple were ensconced on the top floor of the Fifth Avenue tower.
In her statement, Mrs. Presley-Jackson, as she said she wanted to be known, said that she and her new husband had secretly married outside the country because "we both wanted a private marriage ceremony without the distraction of a media circus." Their wishes for the honeymoon apparently are less constrained.
But in the rush hour hurly-burly of Fifth Avenue, it takes more than the marriage of the man sometimes called "the king of pop" and the daughter of the king of rock and roll to distract New Yorkers, even with Mr. Trump on the scene. True, there were about 400 people gathered outside Trump Tower at one point, hoping for a glimpse of the famous couple, but most were either reporters or foreign tourists.
A young woman passing by on in-line skates shrugged and said, "It's just one of those things you can run into when you're skating around New York."
Tourists, about half armed with cameras, busied themselves taking pictures of Mr. Trump, of the building that bears his name, of the crowd and of each other. Waiting, vainly as it turned out, for a glimpse of the newlyweds, some in the crowd speculated on how the couple might emerge. One wag suggested that a train of limousines would arrive, each flying, like a flag, the sort of sequined glove Mr. Jackson used to wear.
Geraldine Gillespie, 29, of Brooklyn, said, "I just want to see him," the pronoun requiring no explanation. "His marriage with Lisa Marie? I just think it's fine."
In her statement, issued in Los Angeles by MJJ Productions, Mr. Jackson's company, Mrs. Presley-Jackson said, "My marriage to Michael Jackson took place in a private ceremony outside the United States 11 weeks ago."
"My married name is Mrs. Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson," it continued. "I am very much in love with Michael. I dedicate my life to being his wife. I understand and support him. We both look forward to raising a family and living a happy, healthy life together."
The statement did not provide the location or details of the nuptials, though a judge in the Dominican Republic recently said he performed a 15-minute ceremony at his home in La Vega on May 26.
There was no immediate explanation for the discrepancy of the date provided by the judge for the wedding -- May 26, which was less than 10 weeks ago -- and Lisa Marie's statement saying the marriage took place 11 weeks ago.
There was no word today from Mr. Jackson personally, nor from Mrs. Presley-Jackson's estranged husband, Danny Keough, a bass player, who could not be reached for comment.
Mrs. Presley-Jackson, 26, and Mr. Keough separated a few months ago, after she began seeing Mr. Jackson, who is 35 and has never been married. She and Mr. Keough, who were married in 1988, have two children, Danielle, 5, and Benjamin, 1.
Entertainment industry publications and tabloid newspapers have been filled with speculation of a Jackson-Presley marriage for more than two months. Officials in the Dominican Republic said the pair spent time in the country in late May, and a Dominican newspaper, Listin Diario, subsequently published the judge's account and a picture of what it said was the marriage certificate.
Paul Bloch, the publicist for Lisa Marie's mother, Priscilla Presley, was quoted by The Associated Press today as saying the marriage had her blessing.
The announcement comes at a time when the police in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, where Mr. Jackson owns homes, are continuing to investigate allegations by a 13-year-old boy that the entertainer sexually molested him. Two grand juries are known to have heard evidence. Mr. Jackson has denied the accusations.
Last year, after the boy filed a civil lawsuit against him, Mr. Jackson reached an out-of-court settlement with the boy and his family for a sum variously estimated to be $5 million to more than $20 million.
Mr. Jackson's publicist, Lee Solters, said today that he could not answer any questions raised by Mrs. Presley-Jackson's statement. Previously, Mr. Solters strongly denied rumors of a Jackson-Presley marriage.

La Vega es una de las 31 provincias de la República Dominicana. Con una superficie de 2287 kilómetros cuadrados, se encuentra casi en el centro de la República Dominicana. Bajo el nombre de Concepción de La Vega, fue una de las cinco provincias originales creadas por la Constitución de San Cristóbal en 1844. Está dividida actualmente en cuatro municipios: La Vega, cabecera provincial, Constanza, Jarabacoa y Jima Abajo.
Pese a no estar bordeada de hermosas playas y suntuosos resorts, La Vega continúa siendo una de las ciudades con mayor atracción para el turismo interno de los dominicanos.
Algunos de sus encanctos turisticos son: Las ruinas coloniales de La Vega Vieja, El Santo Cerro (con el Santuario de la Patrona de la República Dominicana), La Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción, el Carnaval Vegano y Balnearios de Jarabacoa.
Dentro de su extensión territorial, de unos 2,287 kilómetros cuadrados, esta provincia esconde interesantes tesoros y relatos históricos. Uno de ellos y para nosotros el mas interesante tuvo lugar el 26 de mayo de 1994 dia en el que Michael Jackson con 35 años y Lisa Marie Presley con 26 años contrajeron matrimonio en esta bella ciudad.
Se casaron de manera civil ante el Licenciado Hugo Francisco Álvarez Pérez. La ceremonia se efectuó en presencia de los testigos Eve Darling y Thomas Keosch. Ambos llegaron en un avión de la discográfica Sony Music a "La Romana", zona residencial a 140 kilómetros de Santo Domingo y se hospedaron en una villa de Casa de Campo, lugar desde donde viajaron a La Vega.
Durante la ceremonia, Michael vestía camisa, pantalón y sombrero negro y una correa con tachuelas, mientras Lisa llevaba un vestido corto y ajustado de color marron/beige y un pequeño ramo de flores del mismo color.
La ceremonia estaba en un principio prevista para el 18 de mayo pero fue retrasada hasta el dia 26 por motivo de las elecciones generales que se llevaban acabo en la República Dominicana. Álvarez Pérez dijo que las leyes dominicanas no reconocen un matrimonio de este tipo, pero que aceptó celebrarlo discretamente en su domicilio. Un dato curioso es que MJ quería casarse en un avión sobrevolando el país, lo cual no procedía según las leyes de esta nación.
Cuando el juez dijo al novio que podía besar a la novia Michael se extrañó de la petición, entonces, Hugo Álvarez le explicó en inglés que en la Rep.Dominicana era una tradición que al finalizar la ceremonia los novios se besaran. Entonces fue cuando MJ beso a Lisa.
Álvarez comentó en su dia: “Me impresionó su pelo tan negro y brilloso. Ese día no llevaba el flequillo que usaba en la frente cuando cantaba. Jackson llegó con unos lentes oscuros y le pedí que se los quitara, a lo que inmediatamente accedió”.
Álvarez cobró por la boda 700 pesos, el costo en ese entonces, y recibió un regalo de dos mil dólares de parte de los abogados.
El momento de la boda

Lugar donde se gestionó el documento legal de matrimonio

Zona en la que se celebro el enlace

Acta Matrimonial

Juez Hugo Francisco Álvarez Pérez

Imagenes de la ciudad de La Vega

Articulo publicado por "The New York Times" el 2 de agosto de 1994
Elvis Presley's Daughter Confirms She Wed Michael Jackson
Published: Tuesday, August 2, 1994 at The New York Times
Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of the late Elvis Presley, released a statement yesterday saying that she and the singer Michael Jackson had married.
After announcing a union that might have been conceived in supermarket-tabloid heaven and proclaiming a need for privacy, the world's most famous newlyweds were holed up last night in a place not known for its isolation: Trump Tower.
At 5:40 P.M., a few hours after the statement was released in Los Angeles, the developer Donald J. Trump emerged from Trump Tower to the kind of reportorial throng normally reserved for the likes of, well, Michael Jackson or Donald Trump, and confirmed that, yes, the couple were ensconced on the top floor of the Fifth Avenue tower.
In her statement, Mrs. Presley-Jackson, as she said she wanted to be known, said that she and her new husband had secretly married outside the country because "we both wanted a private marriage ceremony without the distraction of a media circus." Their wishes for the honeymoon apparently are less constrained.
But in the rush hour hurly-burly of Fifth Avenue, it takes more than the marriage of the man sometimes called "the king of pop" and the daughter of the king of rock and roll to distract New Yorkers, even with Mr. Trump on the scene. True, there were about 400 people gathered outside Trump Tower at one point, hoping for a glimpse of the famous couple, but most were either reporters or foreign tourists.
A young woman passing by on in-line skates shrugged and said, "It's just one of those things you can run into when you're skating around New York."
Tourists, about half armed with cameras, busied themselves taking pictures of Mr. Trump, of the building that bears his name, of the crowd and of each other. Waiting, vainly as it turned out, for a glimpse of the newlyweds, some in the crowd speculated on how the couple might emerge. One wag suggested that a train of limousines would arrive, each flying, like a flag, the sort of sequined glove Mr. Jackson used to wear.
Geraldine Gillespie, 29, of Brooklyn, said, "I just want to see him," the pronoun requiring no explanation. "His marriage with Lisa Marie? I just think it's fine."
In her statement, issued in Los Angeles by MJJ Productions, Mr. Jackson's company, Mrs. Presley-Jackson said, "My marriage to Michael Jackson took place in a private ceremony outside the United States 11 weeks ago."
"My married name is Mrs. Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson," it continued. "I am very much in love with Michael. I dedicate my life to being his wife. I understand and support him. We both look forward to raising a family and living a happy, healthy life together."
The statement did not provide the location or details of the nuptials, though a judge in the Dominican Republic recently said he performed a 15-minute ceremony at his home in La Vega on May 26.
There was no immediate explanation for the discrepancy of the date provided by the judge for the wedding -- May 26, which was less than 10 weeks ago -- and Lisa Marie's statement saying the marriage took place 11 weeks ago.
There was no word today from Mr. Jackson personally, nor from Mrs. Presley-Jackson's estranged husband, Danny Keough, a bass player, who could not be reached for comment.
Mrs. Presley-Jackson, 26, and Mr. Keough separated a few months ago, after she began seeing Mr. Jackson, who is 35 and has never been married. She and Mr. Keough, who were married in 1988, have two children, Danielle, 5, and Benjamin, 1.
Entertainment industry publications and tabloid newspapers have been filled with speculation of a Jackson-Presley marriage for more than two months. Officials in the Dominican Republic said the pair spent time in the country in late May, and a Dominican newspaper, Listin Diario, subsequently published the judge's account and a picture of what it said was the marriage certificate.
Paul Bloch, the publicist for Lisa Marie's mother, Priscilla Presley, was quoted by The Associated Press today as saying the marriage had her blessing.
The announcement comes at a time when the police in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, where Mr. Jackson owns homes, are continuing to investigate allegations by a 13-year-old boy that the entertainer sexually molested him. Two grand juries are known to have heard evidence. Mr. Jackson has denied the accusations.
Last year, after the boy filed a civil lawsuit against him, Mr. Jackson reached an out-of-court settlement with the boy and his family for a sum variously estimated to be $5 million to more than $20 million.
Mr. Jackson's publicist, Lee Solters, said today that he could not answer any questions raised by Mrs. Presley-Jackson's statement. Previously, Mr. Solters strongly denied rumors of a Jackson-Presley marriage.
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