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lanzado nuevo cd-single

¡Ya está a la venta el cd-single de Cry!
Los tracks que contiene:
1. Cry
2. Shout
3. Streewalker
4. Cry (Short Film)

En El Corte Inglés: 1.100 ptas.
En MediaMarkt: 795 ptas.
¿Alguien por ahí que tenga la letra de Shout?
No la había escuchado hasta ahora y me ha sorprendido bastante. Es muy diferente a las del resto del cd Invincible.
Michael Jackson, Teddy Riley, Claude "Quo" Forbes, Samuel "Cyph" Hoskins, Carmem Lampson, R. Hamilton.
Producida por Michael Jackson & Teddy Riley.

Ignorance of people purchasing diamonds and necklaces,
And barely able to keep the payments up on their lessons,
And enrolled in a class and don’t know who the professor is,
How low people go for the dough and make a mess of things,
Kids are murdering other kids for the fun of it,
Instead of using their mind or their fist, they put a gun in it
Wanna be a part of a clique, don’t know who’s running it,
Tragedy on top of tragedy you know it’s killing me.
So many people in agony, this shouldn’t have to be,
Too busy focusing on ourselves and not His Majesty,
There has to be some type of change for this day and age,
We gotta rearrange and flip the page,
Living encaged like animals and cannibals,
Eating each other alive just to survive the nine to five,
Every single day is trouble while we struggle and strive
Peace of mind’s so hard to find.

I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout
What’s this madness all about
All this makes me wanna shout
You know it makes me wanna shout,
Throw my hands up and shout
What’s this madness all about
All this makes me wanna shout, c’mon now

Verse 2
Problems, complications and accusations
Dividing the nations and races of empty faces
A war is taking place.
No substitution for restitution, the only solution for peace
Is increasing the height of your spirituality.
Masses of minds are shrouded, clouded visions
Deceptions and indecision, no faith or religion, how we’re living.
The clock is ticking, the end is coming, there’ll be no warning,
But will we live to see the dawn.

How can we preach, when all we make this world to be
Is a living hell torturing our minds.
We all must unite, to turn darkness to light,
And the love in our hearts will shine.

Verse 3
We’re disconnected from love, we’re disrespecting each other
Whatever happened to protecting each other
Poisoned your body and your soul for a minute of pleasure,
But the damage that you’ve done is gonna last forever.
Babies being born in the world already drug addicted and afflicted,
Family values are contradicted.
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, the pressure is building and I’ve had enough.

Chorus out
Bobby!! Qué estás desconectaooooo!!!

El single de Cry lleva ya dos semanas en las tiendas!!

Bueno, ya que muchos os habréis asustado al leer "nuevo cd-single" os pongo una imagen del cd-single de Cry que ha salido en Francia (single, no maxi) portada de cartón y no viene Streetwalker.
Vale Xtarlight y Mpenziwe, que no lo sabía, ni lo había visto en las tiendas de música.
¿Y apareció en el foro? Pues no lo vi.
:meparto: tranqi... yo me tiré media hora delante del single en Madrid Rock sin verlo... con esa portadita... y con la confusión de Sony a la hora de decir la fecha de salida fue un poco caótico... ;)

Aqui os pongo el promo mexicano... cualquier promo es mas bonito que la portada original...
Ja, ja, a mí me pasó lo mismo. Estaba en la FNAC, tenía el single delante de mis narices pero NO LO VEIA!!

En fin. Desde luego, hay dos posibilidades: o Sony boicotea a Michael, o en Sony trabajan unos auténticos incompetentes. Me temo que se dan las dos posibilidades de forma simultánea. :D :D