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Las ventas de Michael Jackson se disparan después del juicio

Michael Jackson Sales Continue To Thrill
by Paul Cashmere


Michael Jackson's back catalogue is continuing to sell consistently during his trial.
In the last 3 months, the Jackson catalogue has sold a further 195,597 units with 'Thriller' accounting 56,117 of those sales.

'Thriller' received it's last Platinum certification in 2000 when it achieved sales of 26 million in the USA.

The special edition version of the album released in 2001 has sold an additional 799,635 units. It still trails The Eagles 'Their Greatest Hits' which was certified 28 times platinum in 2002 for sales of more than 28 million units.

However, Jackson is outselling both Madonna and his sister Janet. The Madonna catalogue has turned over 88,057 units in the last three months. Michael's sister Janet Jackson has sold 48,655 units in the same period.

Madonna's biggest selling albums to date are 'Like A Virgin' and 'The Immaculate Collection'. Both have sold 10 million plus.

Janet's biggest albums are 'Rhythm Nation' and 'Janet'. Both have sold 6 million plus in the USA.

Fuente: www.undercover.com


MJ’s INNOCENCE Sparks Major Records Sales Increase

A sampling of the sales figures from Amazon.com:

VICTORY DAY - Monday, June 13, 2005

Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection
3. Up 6717% today ~ Amazon.com Sales Rank: 323 (was 22022)

Off the Wall [Bonus Tracks]
4. Up 6431% today ~ Amazon.com Sales Rank: 211 (was 13781)

Thriller [Bonus Tracks]
6. Up 3077% today ~ Amazon.com Sales Rank: 124 (was 3940)

Number Ones
7. Up 2149% today ~ Amazon.com Sales Rank: 117 (was 2632)

Fuente: www.mjjsource.com


Jackson album sales rise by 370%

15/06/2005 - 4:48:51 PM

Sales of Michael Jackson’s greatest hits album have shot up by 370% since the singer was acquitted of charges of child sex abuse, it was revealed today.

Sales of the Number Ones compilation, released in 2003, increased yesterday, the first full day following the trial verdict.

But the trebling of demand does not mean the King of Pop’s albums are flying off the shelves.

The huge percentage increase results from the fact that, before the verdict, sales were at a very low base.

HMV could not reveal how many albums were sold yesterday, but spokesman Gennaro Castaldo said: “Sales of his greatest hits album at HMV stores have increased by 370%.

“Michael Jackson sales start from a low base so any increases are bound to seem more spectacular than is the case in actual terms.

“There has been a bit of a pick-up but it’s too early to make any predictions about a surge in Michael Jackson sales.”

He added: “With the right album, perhaps in collaboration with America’s leading R’n’B artists and producers, Jackson can rebuild his credibility and become commercially successful once again.

“Like Madonna, Jackson needs to find a way of developing his musical style and to grow with his audience, so that he reconnects with the mainstream record-buying public.”

Fuente: TCM Irish Braking News http://breaking.tcm.ie/text/


Resumiendo... que las ventas de Michael Jackson despues del juicio se han disparado

Saludos!! :)
Última edición:
También dice ke el piko de ventas antes del veredikto estaba muy bajo por eso este precentaje de aumento es tan alto.

Por otro lado se komenta ke MJ necesita hacer un disko kon los mejores produktores,kompositores de r&b del momento para konektar kone l púbilko masivo y digo yo... ¿ké se kreen ke hizo kon Invincible al ke $ONY boikoteó?, de no ser por esto desde luego ke habría rekonektado entonces. De todas formas konfío en ke kon todo lo haga "una vez más" kon el próximo y esta vez nadie ni nada lo impida .:7:

no creo q mike deba pensar en llegarle a las masas yo creo que simplemente debe hacer un disco que le salga del corazón, lo otro viene por sí solo:cool: :cool: :cool:
Hace una semana mas o menos fuimos al corte ingles y me soprendio ver que la estanteria donde estan los discos de michael estava vacia casi.
Eso está bien... algo bueno debe haber en todo esto no?