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Los Arvizo Temen Represalias De Los Fans

Wed 15 Jun 2005

Arvizos in hiding over fear of fans' reprisals


THE family who accused Michael Jackson is now living in fear of reprisals from the star's fans.

Gavin Arvizo, his parents and siblings were branded charlatans and liars by Jackson's defence team, who said they had tried to pull off "the biggest con of their careers".

Meanwhile, the British journalist Martin Bashir - the man whose documentary about the singer led to the trial - faces the possibility of a multi-million dollar lawsuit from the singer.

Aides of the singer began legal moves against Mr Bashir and Granada Television, which made the documentary, within days of its screening in 2003, claiming breach of confidence. They claimed Mr Bashir broke a promise to allow the star to vet the programme.

Jackson also said that Mr Bashir reneged on an agreement not to film his children without the masks they wear in public. A High Court action was due to start in late 2003, but was halted after the star was arrested.

If Jackson won a breach of confidence action, he could expect to win large damages.

Mr Bashir left ITV in July 2004 to work in the United States as a correspondent on ABC's 20/20 television news show, in a deal worth a reported £540,000. The programme's publicist, Lisa Apple, said: "He [Mr Bashir] may make a statement in the next few days, but at the moment he won't be saying anything."

The Arvizos are living in a secret location in southern California (¿A POR ELLOS ?:rolleyes: ). Their home has been fitted with a police panic button so that a team of officers can be on hand quickly in case of revenge attacks. Gavin, now 15, claimed he had been abused by Jackson after the singer first met him in 2000 when he had cancer.

He was invited to the Neverland ranch, with his brother Star and sister Davellin, along with his parents, Janet and David. Gavin said it was there that Jackson molested him on various occasions while sharing a bed with him. His family were called "trailer trash" and "con artists, actors and liars" by the defence, while being condemned by the jury in a post-verdict news conference.

Mrs Arvizo said in the trial she had seen Jackson licking her son's head, but it emerged that she was a known fraudster who had exploited her son's illness to attach herself to stars.

She claimed Jackson had threatened her, and added that she and her family were forced to praise the singer in Mr Bashir's TV documentary.

This article:


Michael Jackson:



Michael Jackson (official site)

Michael Jackson (press releases)
Última edición:
CBS Early Show showed a reporter going to the Arvizo's house and knocking on the door, janet answered, and then slammed the door quickly when she saw it was a reporter, she threatened to call the cops.

La CBS , Mostro esta mañana a un reportero yendo a la casa de los arvizo y llamando a la puerta :ayos: , janet respondio y cerro la puerta rapidamente cuando vio que era un reportero , ella amenazo con llamar a la poLIcia. :jajaja:
Última edición:
Yo tb temeria....
Preparaoooooooooooossssss (Scar, en el Rey Leon) jajajaja

Showbiz Reporter

STUNNED Gavin Arvizo and brother Star stared at a candy store’s TV set as they caught a news flash saying the Jackson jury has made up its mind.

The 15-year-old accuser was leaving after buying a nutty bar when he and his 14-year-old brother suddenly heard the report.

An onlooker said they stared at the TV for several minutes as the comprehension of what it all meant sunk in.

He said: “They were both transfixed by the news and looked very anxious. (PAYAS:clo:S )

“The two were seemingly unable to comprehend that the four month trial was coming to an end. It was obviously a big shock to both of them.”

Gavin and Star then jumped on their bikes and headed home just in time to hear the not guilty verdicts which condemned them as conniving liars.

Their family, which has spent the trial living on an army base in southern California, have now gone into hiding. They are also under police protection amid fears they may be attacked by vengeful fans.

Jurors in the trial slammed the family for lying and believed mum Janet Arvizo had coached her son to fib about incidents at Neverland. The defence branded the Arvizos “trailer trash”.

Thomas Mesereau, Jackson’s lead lawyer, said that if he were convicted the Arvizo family could file a civil suit against the singer and sue him for millions of dollars in damages.

He said they were trying to pull off “the biggest con of their careers”.

Instead, mum-of-three Janet 35, now faces court instead on benefit fraud charges.

During the case she admitted swindling more than £20,000 in payments.

Los Angeles prosecutors have been sent a file detailing the fraud by a private investigator working for the Jackson team.

Última edición:
coleguita dijo:
Ui ahora somos nosotros el diablo no so puta????!!!


:jajaja: :jajaja: me toooo!!!

Habría que bombardearle la casa con huevos y tomates y de paso unas cuantas piedras :dc:

Sneddon -> :cer: .... :clo:

Mamá Arvizo -> :ch: y :$

Gavin y hermanos -> :lie:

Jodeosss!! :f5:
Última edición:
kapital dijo:
En su casa la policía ha instalado un botón de pánico

Yo les hubiera instalado otro...
:rolleyes: que lo tenga, que lo tenga.... ella misma se ha buscado su ruina

X cierto, si Michael es NO CULPABLE a esta señora q tanto revuelo y gastos ha causado a la sociedad y a la justicia Americana no le cae ningun castigo? ni una multa???
Que se jodan. Ahora tenian que pasar por todo el dolor psiquico que a tenido que pasar Mike por su culpa, un buen escarmiento.
Me parece logico que esten asustados...despues de todo quien nada hace es quien nada teme y en este caso esta gente hizo muchisimo daño....lo minimo es que ahora sientan en carne propia lo que es la amenaza y el miedo :rolleyes:
Deberia castigarles la ley. Si no lo hace la ley, la ley será la ley de la calle.

Who´s Bad? Who´s BAd? your brother, your sister,your mother, and meeeeeeee shiiiiiuuuup!! :jajaja:
JA JA JA JA, ¿Por qué llora pobre Arvizo? Nadie te quiere :rolleyes: :baba: Jodanse malditos hijos de la gran puta. Janet, zorra de mierda, ahora que tus trapos sucios han salido a la luz tendrás que pasar más tiempo en juicios, por puta zarrapastrosa. :mareao:
Que se los follen. Ojalá algún fan les de un escarmiento ¡who´s weird now, who´s the freak now!!. Que les follen.