Bueno, pues esta tarde me aburría mucho mucho, y se me ha ocurrido dedicar a Michael un par de párrafos que incluyeran los títulos de las canciones de INVINCIBLE, y que además todo tuviera sentido al leerlo. ¿no entendéis de qué estoy hablando? pues leed, leed :
Michael, WHATEVER HAPPENS you´ll always be INVINCIBLE, even though your PRIVACY may sometimes be THREATENED by those who want to see you fall, you prove them you´re UNBREAKABLE and I´m sure if they discharged 2000 WATTS on your body, you´d only feel BUTTERFLIES inside.
Every BREAK OF DAWN I wake up with you in mind, because YOU ARE MY LIFE, actually YOU ROCK A LOT OF WORLDS: girls consider you a HEARTBREAKER, and THE LOST CHILDREN feel you´re their only hope in this world. Oh, Michael, I´m absolutely SPEECHLESS and can´t even try to describe what you represent to millions of souls. Please, DON´T WALK AWAY, the world needs your presence and I´m sure HEAVEN CAN WAIT for you... the day you´re gone, the human race will CRY as never before, everyone will realize then who Michael Jackson really was, and what his purpose here on earth was. But meanwhile there´s indeed a lot to come, and I hope to be still here to enjoy all the things you still have to show.
Love, Sergio Legaz.
:borrachín :lengua: :mueveojos :lengua: :mueveojos :borrachín
¿Algun@ se anima a escribir algo parecido? (con las canciones de INVINCIBLE o con las de otro disco)
Michael, WHATEVER HAPPENS you´ll always be INVINCIBLE, even though your PRIVACY may sometimes be THREATENED by those who want to see you fall, you prove them you´re UNBREAKABLE and I´m sure if they discharged 2000 WATTS on your body, you´d only feel BUTTERFLIES inside.
Every BREAK OF DAWN I wake up with you in mind, because YOU ARE MY LIFE, actually YOU ROCK A LOT OF WORLDS: girls consider you a HEARTBREAKER, and THE LOST CHILDREN feel you´re their only hope in this world. Oh, Michael, I´m absolutely SPEECHLESS and can´t even try to describe what you represent to millions of souls. Please, DON´T WALK AWAY, the world needs your presence and I´m sure HEAVEN CAN WAIT for you... the day you´re gone, the human race will CRY as never before, everyone will realize then who Michael Jackson really was, and what his purpose here on earth was. But meanwhile there´s indeed a lot to come, and I hope to be still here to enjoy all the things you still have to show.
Love, Sergio Legaz.
:borrachín :lengua: :mueveojos :lengua: :mueveojos :borrachín
¿Algun@ se anima a escribir algo parecido? (con las canciones de INVINCIBLE o con las de otro disco)