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Mark Geragos Advirtio Al Sheriff De No Mostrar Las Grabaciones De Michael (Inglés)

Mark Geragos Advirtio Al Sheriff De No Mostrar Las Grabaciones De Michael

January 1, 2004

Sheriff denies Jackson mistreated
Anderson calls for probe to prove star lied about injuries


Sheriff Jim Anderson refutes Michael Jackson's accusations during a press conference Wednesday. "He was in no way manhandled or abused."

Armed with video footage and audiotapes, Santa Barbara County Sheriff Jim Anderson strongly denied that his deputies injured Michael Jackson during the entertainer's arrest and called for an investigation by the state attorney general to prove it.

During a press conference Wednesday, the sheriff also said that if Mr. Jackson's accusations are deemed unfounded, he will request that charges be filed against him for making a false report of peace officer misconduct.

The sheriff showed a video of what appeared to be an uneventful arrest and then played an audiotape on which Mr. Jackson could be heard whistling and replying "wonderful" to detectives who asked if he was OK as they transported him to the Santa Barbara County Jail on Nov. 20.

Attorney General Bill Lockyer confirmed in a statement Wednesday afternoon that he had launched the investigation: "At the request of the Santa Barbara Sheriff, I have directed special agents from my Division of Law Enforcement with the assistance of senior attorneys from my Civil Rights Enforcement Section and Criminal Law Division to conduct an independent investigation into whether the rights of Michael Jackson were violated when he was booked and arrested earlier this month."

Mr. Lockyer indicated he could not predict when the investigation would be completed. "But we will work as quickly as possible to conduct a thorough and fair investigation and review all of the facts before reaching a conclusion. Once our investigation is completed, we will make our findings public and ensure that appropriate action is taken as necessary."

Sheriff Anderson's comments drew an immediate response from Mr. Jackson's attorney, Mark Geragos, who said in a News-Press interview that he warned the sheriff not to play the tapes because they were an invasion of his client's privacy and were part of an ongoing investigation.

"I specifically sent a letter to the sheriff this morning warning him of the consequences of showing those tapes," Mr. Geragos said. "It's not only illegal and in violation of several statutes, but it also doesn't answer the question of whether abuse occurred."

During an interview on "60 Minutes" that aired Sunday, Mr. Jackson accused the deputies of injuring him, claiming his shoulder was dislocated and arms bruised while he was being arrested and booked on suspicion of committing multiple counts of child molestation.

Michael Jackson displays his right arm in this undated photo released by the office of his attorney, Mark Geragos.

Sheriff Anderson said at the press conference that he considered Mr. Jackson's accusations on television "a formal citizen complaint," which would mean the entertainer could be charged with filing a false report if they aren't substantiated.

Mr. Geragos disagreed. He said charges cannot be pressed against his client for filing a false report when no formal written report has been filed.

"It's a joke," Mr. Geragos said. "In fact, it would be laughable if it wasn't so sad that Santa Barbara County's chief law enforcement officer is so lacking in his grasp of criminal law."

Mr. Geragos said he contacted the Attorney General's Office and requested "they widen their investigation into the case from its inception."

That would include why Santa Barbara County authorities charged Mr. Jackson with child molestation after Los Angeles authorities deemed last February that allegations against the singer were unfounded.

Mr. Lockyer could not be reached for comment on this issue.

A source close to the defense told the News-Press that Mr. Geragos is expected to file a motion soon asking the judge to remove both Sheriff Anderson and Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon from the case because he believes his client cannot receive fair treatment and that the criminal investigation was legally flawed.

During the press conference at Earl Warren Showgrounds, Sheriff Anderson denounced Mr. Jackson's accusations: "He was in no way manhandled or abused. His treatment by this department can only be described as professional. I am shocked and troubled by his allegations."

Mr. Jackson claimed in a CBS interview that he was injured when deputies handcuffed him. On Wednesday, Sheriff Jim Anderson, far left, holds a press conference to denounce the accusations of mistreatment.

He played the audiotape that was made as deputies drove Mr. Jackson to the jail. On it, the singer can be heard complaining that the handcuffs hurt.

"Scoot forward a little bit," a detective can be heard telling him. "There you go."

"Thank you," Mr. Jackson said. A couple of minutes passed and Mr. Jackson asked: "Can you put the air on please? Thank you."

"Is that OK for you, Mr. Jackson?" the driver asked.

"Wonderful. Thank you," he responded.

Sounds of the car traveling and Mr. Jackson whistling can then be heard.

"We're almost there," a detective said. "You OK, Mr. Jackson?"

"Yes, fine," he answered. Crowds can be heard cheering for Mr. Jackson as he steps out of the vehicle and is then escorted into the jail.

Sheriff Anderson said the handcuffs were removed from Mr. Jackson about 40 seconds after his arrival and that the total time from when he entered and exited the jail was 63 minutes.

"At no time during this process did Mr. Jackson complain of any injury incurred during the course of the arrest or mistreatment by the jail staff," the sheriff said.

He also discounted the singer's accusations that deputies locked him inside a room smeared with feces for 45 minutes when he asked to use a bathroom at the County Jail. The sheriff said Mr. Jackson was placed alone in a holding cell, which had just been cleaned, for about 15 minutes.

Mr. Geragos said his client stands by his accusations.

During the "60 Minutes" interview, the singer claimed: "They were supposed to go in, and just check fingerprints and do the whole thing that they do when they take somebody in. They manhandled me very roughly. My shoulder is dislocated, literally. It's hurting very badly. I'm in pain all the time.... It's very swollen.... It keeps me from sleeping at night."

Mr. Geragos said he didn't think his client needed to be handcuffed in the first place: "I have surrendered in excess of 1,000 people over my 20-year career to both the courts and police stations and I have never seen anyone placed in handcuffs for a perfunctory booking when bail is ready to be posted."


Authorities said they videotaped Mr. Jackson's arrest in the Santa Barbara Municipal Airport hangar because it was an unusual arrest of a high-profile suspect and they were uncertain whether it would proceed smoothly. They said they did not videotape the booking process inside the County Jail because it was proceeding in an uneventful fashion.

Sheriff's Department authorities say that arrests are typically only videotaped when they involve high-risk incidents, such as the capture of a murder suspect, or large crowds, such as protests. A videotaping system in the jail is activated only during bookings or other activities when problems arise, authorities said.

The videotape from inside the hangar shows sheriff's authorities meeting Mr. Jackson, accompanied by his attorney and security staff, as they exit the plane that brought the singer from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara. Everyone is shown shaking hands, and Mr. Jackson is then escorted by detectives to a waiting vehicle. He stands behind an open rear door, where detectives then handcuff him. Mr. Geragos walks up to Mr. Jackson and speaks with his client before the singer steps into the detectives' car.

Wednesday's press conference was the first time Sheriff Anderson has faced the media to address Mr. Jackson's allegations, which were first raised by Mr. Jackson's brother, Jermaine, in a television interview earlier this month. The sheriff responded with a brief written statement that Mr. Jackson had been "treated with courtesy and professionalism."

The day after the "60 Minutes" interview aired, the sheriff issued another press release stating the same thing.

Former Sheriff Jim Thomas speculated on why his successor decided to answer the accusations more specifically.

"I think their initial reaction was that we're just going to give our denial and this thing will pass," Mr. Thomas said. "But then they saw the dynamics of the worldwide media involving Mr. Jackson... I think as this thing kept going another day or so they figured, 'We need to do something on this.'"




Super-Geragos al ataquerrrrrlllll!!!!
"I specifically sent a letter to the sheriff this morning warning him of the consequences of showing those tapes," Mr. Geragos said. "It's not only illegal and in violation of several statutes, but it also doesn't answer the question of whether abuse occurred."

Mark Geragos: "Le mandé una carta al sheriff esta mañana específicamente para advertirle de las consecuencias de mostrar esas cintas. No solo es ilegal y es una violación de varios estatutos, sino que encima no responde a la cuestión de los abusos".
pues haber si se deja de hablar tanto y hace algo........ porque lleva amagando el golpe desde el principio. Aun asi, sigo confiando en él y creo que va a sacar a mj de todo esto, eso espero.
ya lo se Bizi, pero tú sabes muy bien lo tanto que sufrimos viendo en las noticias tanta desinformación, tanta mentira..... y jode, y me digo a mi mismo: venga Geragos hombre a por ellos, pero el sabra mejor que nadie como tiene que hacer su trabajo, asi que a esperar a que se decida hacer lo que tenga ke hacer. un saludo.
Que se joda el sheriff!!!:mad:

Geragos al ataquerrrrrrrr!!!!

A mi me da un soponcio el día 16!!! Necesito valerianas a mansalvas y ya!!!
Me dio mucha flojera acabar de leerlo pero bueno ya sabemos q esto no se va a quedar asi...;)
puff... esto es un no acabar, van saliendo cosas, total para que en el juicio salga Inocente? :D:p estoy impaciente y para colmo cada vez atrasan mas el juicio ¬_¬
No traduzco al pie de la letra xq no tengo tiempo y para colmo tp me gusta hecerlo. Pero visto q hoy en el foro no hay casi nada nuevo, pues…Ahí va…

Dice básicamente q el alguacil Jim Anderson niega que Jackson fuera maltratado.

“Armado de videos y cassettes, Jim Anderson negó rotundamente que sus hombres dañaran Michael Jackson durante el arresto y requiriere una investigación por el abogado estatal general para demostrarlo.”

Durante un miércoles de conferencia de prensa, el alguacil dijo también que si las imputaciones de Sr. Jackson se consideraran infundadas, él pedirá q se archiven contra él por hacer un informe falso.

El alguacil mostró un video de lo que parecía ser un arresto tranquilo y puso un cassette en que se podía oir a Jackson silbando y contestando "maravilloso" a los detectives que le preguntaron si él estaba bien cuando ellos lo transportaron a Santa Barbara a la cárcel el 20 de Nov.

Se va a abrir una investigación independiente en si para ver si se violaron los derechos de Michael Jackson cuando fue arrestado.

El Sr. Lockyer indicó que él no podría predecir cuando se completaría dicha investigación. " Nosotros trabajaremos en una investigación completa y justa y repasaremos todos los hechos antes de sacar una conclusión lo mas rápidamente posible. Una vez nuestra investigación se complete haremos los resultados públicos."

Los comentarios de Anderson tuvieron una contestación inmediata del abogado de Jackson, Mark Geragos, que advirtió al alguacil de no tocar las cintas porque ello era una invasión a la privacidad de su cliente y además se consideran parte de una investigación continuada.

"Yo envié una carta específicamente al alguacil esta mañana advirtiéndolo de las consecuencias de mostrar esas cintas", dijo Geragos. "No sólo es ilegal y es una violación de varios estatutos, sino q además tampoco contesta la pregunta de si el abuso ocurrió o no."

Durante una entrevista "60 Minutos" q se emitió el domingo, Jackson acusó a los polis de dañarlo, comentó q su hombro fue dislocado y sus brazos fueron bruscamente manipulados mientras era arrestando.””

Siguen con un royo patatero y acaba el párrafo diciendo lo siguiente:

Anderson comenta sobre el tratamiento hacia Jackson: " Su tratamiento por este departamento sólo puede describirse como profesional. "

Luego pasan a hablar de la conversación q MJ mantuvo en el coche cuando se dirigían a la cárcel.

Michael pide q pongan el aire acondicionado el chofer le pregunta: Así está bien y Michael responde –“maravilloso, gracias”-.

Bueno, lo dejo aquí por el momento…q ahora me piro a hacer deporte. Creo q ha traducido lo mas importante, aunq se han quedado en el tintero los últimos párrafos…


Última edición:
Re: Mark Geragos Advirtio Al Sheriff De No Mostrar Las Grabaciones De Michael

Escrito originalmente por tajera
A source close to the defense told the News-Press that Mr. Geragos is expected to file a motion soon asking the judge to remove both Sheriff Anderson and Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon from the case because he believes his client cannot receive fair treatment and that the criminal investigation was legally flawed.

Segun una 'fuente' cercana a la defensa se espera que Mark Geragos archive pronto una peticion para que Tom Sneddon y el sheriff Anderson sean apartados del caso, porque el cree que si no su cliente no puede obtener un tratamiento justo.

Ojala que asi sea... que sean apartados del caso, pero investigados.

:urule: J & G ;)

:soplete:Sneddon :soplete:Anderson​
alguein em dpeu deicr de algun elguar doen se pduan bajar esa grbacioens ques emsotarronen alc ofnerencia de rpensa,