Tuesday, June 28, 2005
By Roger Friedman
Unsealed Jackson Docs Contradict Case
Tomorrow will not be a happy day in the Michael Jackson legal world.
That's because a judge in Los Angeles County Superior Court will likely unseal all the documents in the civil suit filed last February by Marc Schaffel against Jackson for breach of contract and non-repayment of money lent to the singer.
Schaffel says Jackson owes him more than $3 million.
The big problem for the former King of Pop in this case, I am told, is the detailed accounting Schaffel kept of money spent on the Arvizo family in Jackson's recent child molestation case.
The numbers that helped absolve Jackson of his conspiracy charge will cut against him in this case. Schaffel has lots and lots of specific records that show how Jackson moved money around.
Even more importantly: A cross-complaint filed by Jackson's attorney around April 25 of this year will show dozens of statements and claims that are conflicting and contradictory with other statements made in criminal court at the same time, sources tell me.
The civil case is handled by Brian Oxman, who was publicly fired from the criminal case by Jackson defense attorney Thomas Mesereau. This could add one more clue as to why Oxman got the boot.
A lot of evidence in the criminal case presented by the Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon's office was based on testimony given by Las Vegas attorney David Le Grand, who was one of the most boring witnesses to pass through the Santa Maria courthouse.
But Le Grand's testimony in the child molestation trial is said to have been thoroughly different from what was submitted by Oxman at the exact same time in the Schaffel case.
"There are many conflicting statements," a source said.
This includes statements concerning money Oxman and Jackson claim were made by Neverland Valley Entertainment — the company Jackson and Schaffel co-owned — and how much they were paid for videos broadcast on FOX.
Among the contradictions is Oxman's claim that Elizabeth Taylor was paid with $670,000 in jewels for signing a waiver to appear in the videos. In the criminal case, it was only claimed that the jewelry was worth $600,000.
There are also specific references to millions of "missing dollars" that kept coming up in the criminal case.
Ironically, the financial information offered in the criminal case turned out to be meaningless to the jury. But now that it's on record, it may prove to be helpful to Schaffel and hurtful to Jackson.
Mas o menos dice que se publicaran o mejor dicho ,se desclasificaran documentos del caso de Marc shaffel, esos documentos ,supuestamente contradicen ciertos aspectos del caso donde mj ha sido declarado inocente.
By Roger Friedman
Unsealed Jackson Docs Contradict Case
Tomorrow will not be a happy day in the Michael Jackson legal world.
That's because a judge in Los Angeles County Superior Court will likely unseal all the documents in the civil suit filed last February by Marc Schaffel against Jackson for breach of contract and non-repayment of money lent to the singer.
Schaffel says Jackson owes him more than $3 million.
The big problem for the former King of Pop in this case, I am told, is the detailed accounting Schaffel kept of money spent on the Arvizo family in Jackson's recent child molestation case.
The numbers that helped absolve Jackson of his conspiracy charge will cut against him in this case. Schaffel has lots and lots of specific records that show how Jackson moved money around.
Even more importantly: A cross-complaint filed by Jackson's attorney around April 25 of this year will show dozens of statements and claims that are conflicting and contradictory with other statements made in criminal court at the same time, sources tell me.
The civil case is handled by Brian Oxman, who was publicly fired from the criminal case by Jackson defense attorney Thomas Mesereau. This could add one more clue as to why Oxman got the boot.
A lot of evidence in the criminal case presented by the Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon's office was based on testimony given by Las Vegas attorney David Le Grand, who was one of the most boring witnesses to pass through the Santa Maria courthouse.
But Le Grand's testimony in the child molestation trial is said to have been thoroughly different from what was submitted by Oxman at the exact same time in the Schaffel case.
"There are many conflicting statements," a source said.
This includes statements concerning money Oxman and Jackson claim were made by Neverland Valley Entertainment — the company Jackson and Schaffel co-owned — and how much they were paid for videos broadcast on FOX.
Among the contradictions is Oxman's claim that Elizabeth Taylor was paid with $670,000 in jewels for signing a waiver to appear in the videos. In the criminal case, it was only claimed that the jewelry was worth $600,000.
There are also specific references to millions of "missing dollars" that kept coming up in the criminal case.
Ironically, the financial information offered in the criminal case turned out to be meaningless to the jury. But now that it's on record, it may prove to be helpful to Schaffel and hurtful to Jackson.
Mas o menos dice que se publicaran o mejor dicho ,se desclasificaran documentos del caso de Marc shaffel, esos documentos ,supuestamente contradicen ciertos aspectos del caso donde mj ha sido declarado inocente.
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