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turn-on has a sexual meaning, and i think you are referred to that, right??
turn-on entonces es cuando te excitas...
"Michael is a turn-on" quiere decir q "Michael es excitante"...
¡Hola! Muchas gracias por la respuesta a mi pregunta!! We have the very same word in portuguese (haha), pero... sabes alguna 'SLANG'? Like, hmmm... :lengua: a word that usually wouldn't be in the diccionary cause it's mostly used on the streets? Oh, you must know what a slang is, shame on me:vergüenza haha
HEY! thank you all!! haha!! Ahh, fala um pouco de português? Muito bem!! But, as you must have noticed (that cartoon wasn't made by me) it was a long great laugh for me too, first time I read it!! haha
POLVAZO? Is that offensive to call Michael that? haha
TESÃO isn't SO bad in portuguese!! haha BESOS A TODOS
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