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Michael irá de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

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Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17


Segun MsTenda del MJJ Forum ha dicho que es probable que Michael vuelva a estar presente

Espero que pongan a tembrar a la Arvizo

Esto no me lo pierdo

Gracias a Alita por el chivatazo
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

si? :eek: :eek: El 17 de septiembre! hay que me da que me daa que me daaaaa :llorando: Que bien a verle la cara a esa fetus pelandrusca :D

Así se hace :cool: Cuando es la hora ? :confused: Cae en viernes entonces podré verle :p

:jajaja: Betty.
Última edición:
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

Grandes Momentos en la HIStoria

17 de Septiembre, 2004 - A Janet Arvizo se le saltan los puntos de la cesárea.
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

janetjackson23 dijo:

Segun MsTenda del MJJ Forum ha dicho que es probable que Michael vuelva a estar presente

Espero que pongan a tembrar a la Arvizo

Esto no me lo pierdo
yo tampoco me lo perderè
-césaaaaaaaaar, ME LLEVA EL COÑO! ya estàn las palomitas :show:
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

bizilagun dijo:
Grandes Momentos en la HIStoria

17 de Septiembre, 2004 - A Janet Arvizo se le saltan los puntos de la cesárea.

:jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja: Eso quiero verlo en todos los diarios :lolazo:

A ver que pasa, suerte para Mike :D
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

bizilagun dijo:
Grandes Momentos en la HIStoria

17 de Septiembre, 2004 - A Janet Arvizo se le saltan los puntos de la cesárea.

:jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja:
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

bizilagun dijo:
Grandes Momentos en la HIStoria

17 de Septiembre, 2004 - A Janet Arvizo se le saltan los puntos de la cesárea.

:jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja:

Que asi sea ;)
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

bizilagun dijo:
Grandes Momentos en la HIStoria

17 de Septiembre, 2004 - A Janet Arvizo se le saltan los puntos de la cesárea.



Me gusta como Michael esta enfrentando a estas ratas, ya que desafian a Dios mintiendo... que Dios* este frente a ellos. :7:

Me parece excesivo que se le salten los puntos :vom: Me comformo con que, ahora que es una ''Jackson'', lo cante todo bien cantado... ( Osea, desafinando :cuñao )

* Pongo esto para quien se ofenda, o tenga dudas, dejar bien claro que Michael es Dios y punto. :p :rey:
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

Eso me alegra :D pero alguien me puede decir que esta previsto para tratarse el dia 17?...gracias
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

Edna dijo:
pero alguien me puede decir que esta previsto para tratarse el dia 17?...gracias
Edna.. va a testificar la mamá del niño que esta acusando a Michael ;) .

Salu2 :*)
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

Sera mejor que Mike vaa bien proegido, por que donde la loca esa le de uno de sus ataques, capaz y se le avienta encima :|
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17


Jackson family in court next week

They plan to watch accuser's mother take the stand




Michael Jackson and his family plan to be in a Santa Maria courtroom next week to watch his lawyers grill the woman who accuses their client of molesting her son, the News-Press learned Thursday.

The accuser's mother, who referred to Mr. Jackson as "the devil" during grand jury testimony in April, is expected to answer questions next Friday from lead defense lawyer Thomas Mesereau about key points in the criminal case against Mr. Jackson.

"Michael Jackson has a right to confront his accuser -- and in many ways she's much more the accuser in this than the child," said Laurie Levenson, a former federal prosecutor and professor at Loyola University School of Law.

Mr. Jackson is not required to attend the pretrial hearing. The defense tactic, however, does more than afford Mr. Jackson his legal rights -- it also illustrates the underlying psychological battle that marks this case. Last month in the same courtroom, Mr. Jackson watched defense lawyers question Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon, the man who is trying for a second time to put him behind bars.

"There is such a personal nature to these charges between the prosecutor and Jackson and between the accuser's family and Jackson," said Ms. Levenson, who has watched the case closely. "This could be a bit of a guilt trip or intimidation -- I'm not sure.

"But I think there is so much that has gone on between (the mother and Mr. Jackson) that it's almost impossible for any outsider to appreciate the dynamics. You have to think, when is the last time they looked at each other face to face and what happened during that event? Will seeing him make her more determined in the accusations, or will it cause her to back down? You have a psychological battle going on here."

The mother, identified by the court only as Jane Doe, is expected to be the last witness subpoenaed to testify in a hearing focused on a defense motion to keep evidence seized by authorities from being presented at trial. That includes the contents of computer hard drives and video- and audiotapes. The hearing was in its fifth day last month when it was delayed to accommodate Ms. Doe, who was recovering from a cesarean birth.

The hearing resumes Thursday with arguments about law enforcement searches, which the defense contends were illegal. Mr. Sneddon has maintained that authorities strictly followed the law.

Mr. Jackson pleaded not guilty to child molestation and conspiracy charges in April. His trial is scheduled to begin Jan. 31.

The anticipated fan support for Mr. Jackson outside the courthouse, Ms. Levenson said, may affect Ms. Doe one of two ways: "This will either steady her in the role as underdog or it may make her rethink the accusations."

During their arguments, defense lawyers have said authorities violated the law on Nov. 18, 2003, when they raided areas at Mr. Jackson's Santa Ynez estate not listed on a search warrant.

They also argue the same-day search of private investigator Bradley Miller's Beverly Hills office violated attorney-client privilege because Mr. Sneddon should have known that the investigator was working for Mr. Geragos, Mr. Jackson's former attorney.

It's expected that Mr. Mesereau will question Ms. Doe about the Miller-Geragos relationship and Mr. Sneddon's personal involvement in the investigation, which the defense contends crosses into prosecutorial misconduct.

Ms. Doe may also be questioned about a stay at Neverland Valley Ranch. The accuser's stepfather, identified as John Doe, testified last month that Ms. Doe called him from Neverland saying she was being held "under duress," but then she arrived home safely. Ms. Doe provided him with no details of the stay, he added, and returned to the ranch a week later.

There's a chance Mr. Jackson's appearance next week could backfire, Ms. Levenson said: "The prosecution would likely spin it that he's trying to intimidate her and that just proves the tactics he's used in the past. But you're going to have some very interesting moments in the courtroom. It certainly takes the case from the abstract level we've been dealing with down to its basics -- the mother going eyeball to eyeball with the person she is accusing of molesting her son. . . . There will be so much happening in that courtroom that it won't even depend on what the lawyers are asking or even the substance of what she is saying."

Whether or not Ms. Doe's testimony supports the defense motion is "almost irrelevant," Ms. Levenson said. "They'll be able to see how the prosecution's key witness does on the stand -- and that's invaluable."

Assistant Santa Barbara County Courts Administrator Darryl Parker learned Thursday morning that Mr. Jackson and his family plan to be there next week, triggering a plan to increase security.

"Dependent upon activity we see on fan-based Web sites, we can gauge how many people are expected to be there," Mr. Parker said.

"I think we've seen the worst of it," he said, referring to the estimated 2,500 people who showed up in January to catch a glimpse of the pop star for his first arraignment. Crowds have dwindled for Mr. Jackson's past two appearances, Mr. Parker said, with about 500 showing each time, a dramatic contrast with the handful who appear when the entertainer is not present.

"I don't think they can throw much at us we're not prepared for now. It's not a rock- and bottle-throwing crowd. They're a pretty tame group, actually."



No traduzco todo porque es muy largo y solo habla de a lo que va la madre del niño, el impacto que tiene el que MJ se presente, etc..., solo traduzco lo más importante:

Jackson family in court next week

They plan to watch accuser's mother take the stand




Michael Jackson and his family plan to be in a Santa Maria courtroom next week to watch his lawyers grill the woman who accuses their client of molesting her son, the News-Press learned Thursday.
Michael Jackson y su familia planean ir a Santa Maria la siguiente semana a ver como sus abogados interrogan a la mujer que acusa a cliente de haber molestado a su hijo.

Be prepared Arvizo! :rolleyes:
Última edición:
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

Confirmado ya ..!!

Michael al ataque

Una pregunta : MJJSource ya han confirmado esto ?

P.D. Algùn(a) moderador(a) pudiera editar el titulo del post poniendo que esta confirmado ya ,please

Thx Ale
and good trip para los que vayan a ir
Última edición:
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

Me gusta que vaya Michael, su presencia acojonará a la tonta de la madre del gilipollas ese. :D

Keep the Faith!
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

queisn se vna air a santa maria

siv a aluein de mxico avise y nso epemsode aucrod
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

Una pregunta : MJJSource ya han confirmado esto ?
Hasta el día de hoy no Annie y es una pena que su web oficial no confirme esto primero, lo mismo pasó para la audiencia del 16 de Agosto y si miras el website nunca pusieron confirmación sobre la asistencia de MJ y su familia...
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

Que se le saldrán lo puntos de la cesarea!,jajajjajaja:jajaja: que bueno!
Me apuesto que estarán dia y noche estudiando lo que se van a inventar sobre todo esto.
La H.P no dormirá ni nada pensando en la de pasta que se esta llevando y la que se llevaría si logran lo que buscan.
por favor si alguien sabe de brujeria que empieze a practicar ya:jajaja:
por cierto. la muá no se pierde ni una noticia de esto.
Claro que viendo en que world vivimos y lo que gusta la carroña, no saldrá nada de esto en los medios.:vom:
Si no, apostamos.
Re: Michael podria ir de nuevo junto a su familia el proximo 17

Me encanta cuando el SBA News Press usa la palabra "grill" = Freir a preguntas :p
Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.