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Michael Jackson - Knight of Malta?

Michael Jackson was a Knight of Malta, as clearly visible in the picture that he wore the crowned Maltese cross:

I have read for the first time about it here: IBSSA

Has found photos, where Michael with a cross, here:http://mjphotoscollectors.com/index....-organisation/
And video: YouTube - Michael Jackson In Japan 1998 Promo

And at this press conference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNgUW...eature=related

But a cross to Michael there did not hand over.

Tell me, please, when and where Michael has received this cross? Whether there are no photos or video from this ceremony?
Perhaps there is any information?


¿Se puede solamente en inglés? ¿O traducir en español es necesario?
Última edición:
MJ was an avid collector of this kind of badges. Sometimes he had problems with that.

I have a couple of links related to this problems (in spanish sorry)

About a Vienna condecoration -> elmundo.es - Desconcierto en Viena por una condecoracin de Michael Jackson

About a Serbia medal -> http://mjhideout.com/forum/noticias...protestan-contra-joya-de-michael-jackson.html

And the British... -> http://mjhideout.com/forum/noticias...ranos-britanicos-que-se-quejan-insignias.html

More about crests: In courtroom, Jackson rides fashion's crest - Los Angeles Times
¡Gracias! Esto es muy interesante, oía sobre esto. Pero esto ya la información concreta.
BUT see:
The International Bodyguard and Security Services Association (who are highly connected to the Knights of Malta) say that Michael Jackson was a Knight of Malta. - google

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