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Michael ya está en Washington y visita el Capitolio [30 de marzo] *Fotos*

Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy



Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

Diossssssssssssss..... :llorando: :llorando: :llorando:

:tofeliz: :matao: :tofeliz:

Ha llegado :cool:

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Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy



y que siempre me tiene que dar el mismo vuelco al corazon, eh???

:mareao: :mareao: :mareao: :baba: :cool:
Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

:baba: :baba: :baba:

Q alegria verlo!! :uee:

Ains.... Toy to feliz!! :tofeliz: XD
Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

:baila: :baila: :baila: :juerga: :uee: :ily:

Me va a dar algo!! :babilla: :amores:

Michael guapo!! :enamorado :jar:

Es el mejor :D

Gracias por las fotos :)

Besiños :muac: :muac:

Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

Por dios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ke venga alguien, y me ayude a fregar el suelo, ke sino con tanta baba me caigo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :baba: :baba: :baba:
Esta para comerselo!!!!Si es ke cada dia, esta mas guapisimo!:cool:
Muchisimas gracias por esas peazo de fotos!!!
1000 asias!!!!!!

Kisses y abrazos para todos! :*)
Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy


Entertainer Michael Jackson (news) arrives at the Rayburn building on Capitol Hill in Washington March 30, 2004. Jackson was in Washington Tuesday to meet with Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA). REUTERS/Molly Riley


Entertainer Michael Jackson (news) is flanked by body guards upon his arrival at the Rayburn building on Capitol Hill in Washington March 30, 2004. Jackson was on Capitol Hill Tuesday to meet with Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA). REUTERS/Molly Riley


Michael Jackson (news) is surrounded by his bodyguards as they leave the Rayburn House building following a brief private meeting with several African-American members of Congress in the office of Rep. Chaka Fattah, D-Pa., on Capitol Hill to talk about his work fighting AIDS (news - web sites) in Africa, Tuesday March 30, 2004 in Washington. Jackson is planning a trip to Africa later this year, a congressional aide said. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)


Entertainer Michael Jackson (news) is flanked by body guards upon his departure from the office of Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA) in the Rayburn building on Capitol Hill in Washington March 30, 2004. Jackson was on Capitol Hill Tuesday to meet with Fattah. REUTERS/Molly Riley
Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

Si, esta guapo como siempre últimamente pero tiene una imagen fresca que sorprende, cualquiera diría que esta pasando por todo el "affaire"...
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Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

Definitivamente me da algo....:mareao:
Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

Qué alegría verle, jolín!! Gracias Daniela, como veo que no estás adjuntando, voy yo detrás para que no perdamos ninguna ;)

Michaeeeeeeeeel! :tofeliz::tofeliz:tofeliz:

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Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

Sabeis q me va a dar algo?? :jejeje:

:mpc: NO PUEDO CON TANTO. :mpc:​

Toy histerica. :banda:
Última edición:
Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

Suscribo lo que ha dicho Marcos :baba: :baba: :tofeliz: :tofeliz:

:baila: :baila:

(smiley de MiRiaM_-_ desmayada XDDD)

Besiños :muac: :muac:

Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

Última edición por un moderador:
Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

como adjunto varias fotos a la vez?? :confused:
Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

En el mismo gestor de los archivos adjuntos, subes uno detrás de otro hasta 5 :D
Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

¿Y lo de que "planea un viaje a final de año a África"? Que fuerte. Es como si lo dieran todo por superado ya... Raro, raro, raro...
Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

lol ok alarga el mensaj es un< olffgbn

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Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy

Michael Jackson Visits Congress

By JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Upbeat despite being snubbed by the Congressional Black Caucus, Michael Jackson , took a break from his legal troubles in California to confer with several leading black lawmakers Tuesday about his upcoming mission to help fight AIDS in Africa.

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Flashing a victory sign, the conservatively dressed Jackson didn't answer questions from reporters after meeting with several members of Congress, but released a statement directed at the black lawmakers.

"What I want you to know is that whatever I can do to assist you in your fight I will do," Jackson's statement said.

Jackson, in town to accept an award for his work helping fight AIDS overseas, met privately with several black members of Congress in the office of Rep. Chaka Fattah, D-Pa., to talk about his AIDS work. He is planning a trip to Africa later this year, said Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga.

Fattah called him "one of the leading celebrities in the world who has actually used his celebrity status to help people."

Jackson wanted to meet with the full 38-member Congressional Black Caucus at its Wednesday meeting, but leaders turned him down, saying they were too busy dealing with legislative issues affecting black Americans.

But several caucus members, speaking on conditions of anonymity, said there was no upside politically for them to link their name to Jackson by holding a high-profile meeting with him. They also noted that Jackson has never donated any money to their causes and has never asked to speak to them before now.

Jackson was charged last year with seven counts of committing lewd or lascivious acts upon a child under age 14 and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent to the child. Jackson has pleaded innocent. A pretrial hearing is scheduled for Friday.
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Re: Breaking news: Michael ya está en Washington, visita el Capitolio hoy


:eek: :tofeliz: :uee: ..... :qmd:MAAAADRE MIAAA!:qmd: