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Mj En Court TV de usa (nuevo programa)

Show: Hollywood At Large

Canak Court TV
Saturday - November 15, 2003
ime: 11:00 pm - 11:30 pm ET

Featured Artists
2Pac (Tupac Shakur), Kobe Bryant, Michael Jackson, Tupac Shakur
About: 11/13/2003

CELEBRITY PRIVATE EYE SCANDAL: Big shot entertainment lawyers used to hire private eye Anthony Pellicano to do what needs to be done -- without actually knowing the details of how he gets the job accomplished. Now Pellicano is the focus of a major FBI wiretapping investigation that may implicate such stars as Steven Seagal, Liz Taylor and Michael Jackson.

alguein sabe que tie3n que ver mj con el tal pelicanoi?
Aransay, hace poco ha salido algo relacionado en torno al Pelicano este, era algo q queria sacar un libro o algo asi... busca por el foro que seguro que encontraras algo de el Pelicano este