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Mj Says Record Companies Are Bad

Esto es lo q me he encontrado en una pagina web d musica, habla d lo ya tan comentado d la madre q pario a sony:

Michael Jackson says record companies are bad
Michael Jackson has joined the ever-growing list of artists who have spoken out about the poor treatment they have received at the hands of record labels. Jackson recently enlisted Reverend Al Sharpton and former O.J. Simpson lawyer Johnnie Cochran in an effort to get the singer out of his long-term deal with Sony Music. In a written statement, Jackson argued, "Record companies have to start treating their artists with respect, honor, and financial justice."
Some speculation about the cause of Jackson's ire towards Sony rises from the disappointing sales of his recently released album, Invincible. The set took more than three years to complete at a reported price tag of $30 million, and has only sold a little more than 2 million copies in the U.S. Sony has said it will let Jackson pursue another deal with a different label, but that the singer still owes the organization production and publicity fees associated with Invincible.
Although Sharpton and Cochran were brought in to represent Jackson, the duo argues that the issue of artists rights goes beyond just the "King of Pop." During a press conference on the matter, Sharpton told reporters, "Economic servitude, no matter how comfortable the slave, is still slavery." Added Cochran, "This is a problem the record companies should be ashamed of. Artists have made billions for them."

Siento no poder traducirlo, no tengo tiempo. Tampoco sé si se ha puesto ya en el foro, pq se han puesto ya tantas cosas sobre lo mismo...:confused:
Hola Xisk@! Gracias por ponerlo. Sï, en realidad ya se ha machacado por todas partes esta semana pasada, hablando de que supuestamente MJ ha dicho bla bla bla sobre Sony, algo que hasta donde yo sé no es cierto. En todo caso los que han hablado son Sharpton y Cochran, pero muchos medios han pretendido que ha sido MJ quien ha arremetido en público contra Sony y no es verdad. No es por nada pero dada la trayectoria ética que lleva Sony últimamente no me extrañaría que ellos mismos hubieran echo llegar alguna "nota alternativa" a los medios para poner esas palabras en boca de MJ, no me extrañaría para nada...

EDIT IMPORTANTE: Lo he mirado para asegurarme y por lo visto ha sido la agencia Associated Press quien ha puesto esas palabras en boca de Michael. Efectivamente, no ha sido él sino Sharpton y Cochran en la conferencia de prensa. Me parece intolerable que ni siquiera las propias agencias de noticias sean de fiar...
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