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Sabías que...? MJ y Cats Don't Dance

[brillo=yellow]|=| ( ) |_ /=\ :ayos:[/brillo][glow=1]>··················............................[/glow]¿Sabián que Michael Jackson estuvo involucrado en los inicios de la pre-producción de la película animada Cats Don't Dance?


Según Wikipedia:

"The film was launched in 1993 as a vehicle for Michael Jackson, who would produce, star, and be a consultant in the music and choreography. It would have been a hybrid live-action/CGI film"

Dicha información parece haberse originado de este artículo del 15 de junio de 1993 en el Reading Eagle (el mayor diario de Pennsylvania, USA):

Cuyo texto transcribo a continuación:

"Michael hard at work on 'Cants Don't Dance'

HOLLYWOOD - Michael Jackson hopes to be before - and behind - the cameras by early '94, with a feature film in wich he'd serve as both producer and star.

David Kirschner, who's partnered with Jackson in Lost Boys Productions, has just completed the script for the project that will be live action with computer-generated images. The pop icon, says Kirschner, will also be deeply involved "in everything from the music to the coreography."

Jackson has become "obsessed" with filmmaking," reports Kirschner. "He has a great story sense and visual eye and making movies is what he wants to concentrate on."

Kirschner's currently making the animated "Cats Don't Dance" feature for '96 release with Jackson, and says the singing star "is around all the time - he's here to go over the story-boards, the model designs, he come up with ideas for characters. His heart and soul is in the project."

That project will feature cartoon reproductions of stars of the '30s, occasionally mouthing a memorable line from one of their pictures that will be woven into the story.

Y, curiosamente, los problemas que tuvo esta película en su preproducción, incluida la salida de MJ del proyecto desencadenó por otro lado el nacimiento de Space Jam!! :eek: con un MJ distinto como ya sabemos....


Así lo relatan en sitios como éste:

"This film apparently went through pre-production hell. It started out in 1993 as a vehicle for Michael Jackson and the Looney Tunes. Jackson would appear in the film live, with the beloved Looney Tunes characters animated. When Jackson dropped out, Warner Bros. instead used the Looney Tunes gang, along with a live-action Michael Jordan, in the 1996 movie Space Jam. With new characters and a now fully-animated protagonist, Cats Don’t Dance was finally released in 1997 as the first and only production of Turner Feature Animation -- right before Ted Turner merged his media empire with Warner Brothers."

O éste:

"This was originally developed at Warner a modern-set live-action and animation hybrid starring Michael Jackson and the Looney Tunes, until they farmed the idea out to Turner and made their own “Iconic Michael J./Looney Tunes” movie"

He buscado y no consigo nada al respecto en el foro salvo un pequeño comentario de hace más de 10 años que al final parece se alejaba de la realidad, entiendo era un extracto de la revista Black & White de, supongo yo, mediados de los 90s:
-¿Es cierto que Michael aparecerá en una película llamada "Cats Don't Dance"?
Michael iba a prestar su voz para la película animada de 50 millones de dólares de David Kirschner, que hablaba de las estrellas del cine de la década de los 1930's. Este proyecto se iba a llevar a cabo entre 1990 y 1992, y no ha habido más información con respecto a esta película. (de Black & White)

La película finalmente terminó saliendo en 1997 y curiosamente contó con la partipación de Gene Kelly como coreógrafo, su último trabajo antes de su muerte en 1996 (la película fue dedicada a él). Espero les haya parecido interesante ;) Chau:bye:
[glow=1]>..................·····························[/glow][shadow=#009900000]y ¡¡¡ viva ||\/|| _|| !!![/shadow]
Última edición:
Mola un monton enterarse de estas cosas con el paso de los años! Gracias x la info!