Al parecer la introducción estará como prueba 30 minutos hasta que terminen algunos detalles que les falta, este es un mensaje que ha dejado MsTenda al respecto:
On Behalf of Ron Sweet and the entire team over at MJJSource, I have to say that this has been one helluva ride. For Michael to actually look at the site, give suggestions and be absolutely excited and hyped up about it was absolutely thrilling!
The MJJSource team put so much time and effort into this project and I would like to thank each and every one who made this happen. Thank you to Team MJ for trusting and believing in Ropa Promotions vision for this site! Thanks Ron for everything!!!
Guys, what you're about to witness is a labor of love for Michael. It was done from our hearts because we truly care for him... We're so very proud of this site guys! Michael will be very active with his site and will be using it as his platform on a weekly basis so stay tuned! Also, this site is ever evolving and will be updated constantly with new content DIRECTLY from Team MJ.
Once again, thanks Team MJ, Team MJJSource, Ropa Promotions, and everyone else that's involved with this site. More importantly, Thank you, Michael! Thank you for believing in us!