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Music & Me, fiesta del MJNI - Londres

Music & Me, concierto

Music & Me Update
Friday, November 21, 2003
Fans requested to support the King of Pop

Dear Fans,

I am urging you to support MJNI's Music & Me concert in London on 14th December.

The Music & Me event will be in the centre of London and will be attended by the world's media. There is no better place to show the world much fans care, and believe in, Michael Jackson.

It is important to remain positive and determined and it would be a real shame if we were to cancel the event because fans are not supporting the show. This would be a disaster in terms of negative publicity from the press and could further damage Michael's reputation. Please also remember that this will be the biggest, most talked about and only major event before Michael's trial in January.

Michael's best defence against his critics has always been his extraordinary talent. As fans, we must support this event which is a tribute to the man and his music.

Please book your tickets now. At this time, tickets will NOT be available on from the box office at the event, so you MUST book in advance. Also, hotel bookings must be made as soon as possible as London is obviously very busy in December.

Michael Jackson is aware of and fully supporting our event. I hope that you will do the same.

More information can be found at http://www.mjni.com/party/ and tickets and hotel accommodation are available at http://londontheatredirect.com/mjni/.

Gloria Haydock


MJ News International
